
345 lines
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v0.16 (#335) * Add Python extension lowering pass * Add DocstringAttribute * Add extension module codegen * Handle different argument counts efficiently * Add warnings to extension lowering * Fix module name * Fix extension codegen * Fix argument check * Auto-convert Codon exceptions to Python exceptions * Fix #183 * Fix #162; Fix #135 * Fix #155 * Fix CPython interface in codegen * Fix #191 * Fix #187 * Fix #189 * Generate object file in pyext mode * Convert Codon exceptions to Python exceptions * Fix vtable init; Fix failing tests on Linux * Fix #190 * Fix #156 * Fix union routing * Remove need for import python * Automatic @export and wrapping for toplevel functions * Reorganize API * Add Python extension IR structs * Add special calls for no-suspend yield-expr * Add special calls for no-suspend yield-expr * pyextension.h support [wip] * pyextension.h support [wip] * pyextension.h support * pyextension.h support for toplevel functions * clang-format * Add PyFunction::nargs field * Update pyextension codegen (WIP) * SUpport nargs * Add support for @pycapture * PyType codegen (WIP) * Py method codegen (WIP) * Add type ptr hook * Add getset codegen * Add type alloc function * Add type pointer hook codegen * Re-organize codegen * Add member codegen * Update module init codegen * Update module init codegen * Add support for typePtrHook and new to/from_py hooks * Fix extension codegen * Fix init codegen * Fix init codegen; add "tp_new" slot * Fix type hook * Add extra flags * Specialized wrappers (PyType specs) * Add static Python link option * Fix C imports * Add guards * Remove unused field * Python mode only when pyExt set * Update python module * Fix assert * Update codegen/passes * Fix tuple parsing in index expression * Fix empty tuple unification * Do not Cythonize underscore fns * clang-format * Fix switch * Add Py support for cmp/setitem * Add Py support for cmp/setitem * Add type is support * GetSet support * clang-format * GetSet support (fixes) * Avoid useless vtable alloc * Add iter support * Fix size_t capture bug * clang-format * Fix POD type unification with tuples * Add __try_from_py__ API * Fix annotation * Add static reflection methods (setattr; internal.static.*); refactor PyExt to python.codon; handle errors and kwargs in PyExt * Python compat fixes * Update Python object conversions * Fix PyErrors * clang-format; add copyright * Add PyFunction::keywords field * Fix JIT MRO handling; Refactor out Jupyter support * Refactor out Jupyter support * Add support for custom linking args (link=[]) to TOML plugins * Fix tests * Use g++ instead of gcc * Fix Jupyter CMAKE * Fix Jupyter CMAKE * Add _PyArg_Parser definition * Add complex64 type * Add extra complex64 tests * Fix Python calls; add staticenumerate * Fix call * Fix calls * Update pyext wrappers * Fix staticenumerate; Support static calls in tuple() * Fix pyext routing * Add add/mul for tuples * clang-format * Fix pyext codegen * Fix wrap_multiple * Add seq_alloc_atomic_uncollectable * Fix default generics issue * Add binary/ternary ops * Fix missing generic issue * Fix number slots * Update pow * Remove unnecessary pyobj * Fix allocation * Refactor errors * Add test extension * Fix formatting * clang-format * Fix getitem/setitem/delitem in pyext * Fix pyext iterators * Add builtin pow() (fix #294) * Fix #244 * Fix #231 * Fix #229 * Fix #205 * Update docs * Fix error message * Add pyext tests * Add pyext support for @property * Add pyext support for toplevel fns and @tuple classes * More pyext tests * More pyext tests * Fix file error checking * More pyext tests * Update pyext tests * Update docs * Add pyext test to CI * Add pyext support for @tuple.__new__ * Add pyext support for @tuple.__new__ * Fix hetero-tuple issue with fn_overloads * More pyext tests * Bump versions * Fix del magic in pyext * Fix init magic for tuples in pyext * Have test-pypi only run on develop branch * Make exception type indices unnamed-addr * Fix #316; Fix #317 (slash issue) * Use uncollectible-alloc for vtable * Fix #249 * Add pyext docs * Fix #249; Fix clashing vtables; Fix super() and class_copy * Add content-atomic type property instruction * __contents_atomic__ support * Update internal functions * Use PIC when generating Python extension * Cleanup * Add Dockerfile & fix -fPIC * Cleanup * Fix * Fix pyext fn iteration * Fix CI * clang-format * Update long conversions in Py bridge * Support wide-int to str conversions * Fix test * Add pow for arbitrary-width ints * Fix Linux backtraces * Cleanup * Add more tests * Fix docs; Remove tuple.__add__ for scalars * Update docs --------- Co-authored-by: Ibrahim Numanagić <>
2023-04-12 22:13:54 +00:00
print('Hello from Codon')
def f1(a: float = 1.11, b: float = 2.22):
return (a, b)
def f2():
return ({1: 'one'}, {2}, [3])
def f3(x):
return x * 2
def f4(x):
return x
def f4(a: float = 1.11, b: float = 2.22):
return f1(a=a, b=b)
def f4():
return ['f4()']
def f4(x: str):
return x, x
def f5():
class Vec:
a: float
b: float
tag: str
n: ClassVar[int] = 0
d: ClassVar[int] = 0
def __init__(self, a: float, b: float, tag: str):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.tag = tag
def __init__(self, a: float = 0.0, b: float = 0.0):
self.__init__(a, b, 'v' + str(Vec.n))
Vec.n += 1
def foo(self, a: float = 1.11, b: float = 2.22):
return (self.a, a, b)
def bar(self):
return self
def baz(a: float = 1.11, b: float = 2.22):
return (a, b)
def nop():
return 'nop'
def c(self):
return self.a + self.b
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.tag}: <{self.a}, {self.b}>'
def __repr__(self):
return f'Vec({self.a}, {self.b}, {repr(self.tag)})'
def __add__(self, other: Vec):
return Vec(self.a + other.a, self.b + other.b, f'({self.tag}+{other.tag})')
def __iadd__(self, other: Vec):
self.a += other.a
self.b += other.b
self.tag = f'({self.tag}+={other.tag})'
return self
def __add__(self, x: float):
return Vec(self.a + x, self.b + x, f'({self.tag}+{x})')
def __iadd__(self, x: float):
self.a += x
self.b += x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}+={x})'
return self
def __add__(self, x: int):
return Vec(self.a + x, self.b + x, f'({self.tag}++{x})')
def __sub__(self, other: Vec):
return Vec(self.a - other.a, self.b - other.b, f'({self.tag}-{other.tag})')
def __isub__(self, other: Vec):
self.a -= other.a
self.b -= other.b
self.tag = f'({self.tag}-={other.tag})'
return self
def __mul__(self, x: float):
return Vec(self.a * x, self.b * x, f'({self.tag}*{x})')
def __imul__(self, x: float):
self.a *= x
self.b *= x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}*={x})'
return self
def __mod__(self, x: float):
return Vec(self.a % x, self.b % x, f'({self.tag}%{x})')
def __imod__(self, x: float):
self.a %= x
self.b %= x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}%={x})'
return self
def __divmod__(self, x: float):
raise ArithmeticError('no divmod')
# return self.a / x, self.a % x
def __pow__(self, x: float):
return Vec(self.a ** x, self.b ** x, f'({self.tag}**{x})')
def __ipow__(self, x: float):
self.a **= x
self.b **= x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}**={x})'
return self
def __neg__(self):
return Vec(-self.a, -self.b, f'(-{self.tag})')
def __pos__(self):
return Vec(self.a, self.b, f'(+{self.tag})')
def __abs__(self):
import math
return math.hypot(self.a, self.b)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.a) and bool(self.b)
def __invert__(self):
return Vec(-self.a - 1, -self.b - 1, f'(~{self.tag})')
def __lshift__(self, x: int):
y = 1 << x
return Vec(self.a * y, self.b * y, f'({self.tag}<<{x})')
def __ilshift__(self, x: int):
y = 1 << x
self.a *= y
self.b *= y
self.tag = f'({self.tag}<<={x})'
return self
def __rshift__(self, x: int):
y = 1 << x
return Vec(self.a / y, self.b / y, f'({self.tag}>>{x})')
def __irshift__(self, x: int):
y = 1 << x
self.a /= y
self.b /= y
self.tag = f'({self.tag}>>={x})'
return self
def __and__(self, x: int):
return Vec(int(self.a) & x, int(self.b) & x, f'({self.tag}&{x})')
def __iand__(self, x: int):
self.a = int(self.a) & x
self.b = int(self.b) & x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}&={x})'
return self
def __or__(self, x: int):
return Vec(int(self.a) | x, int(self.b) | x, f'({self.tag}|{x})')
def __ior__(self, x: int):
self.a = int(self.a) | x
self.b = int(self.b) | x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}|={x})'
return self
def __xor__(self, x: int):
return Vec(int(self.a) ^ x, int(self.b) ^ x, f'({self.tag}^{x})')
def __ixor__(self, x: int):
self.a = int(self.a) ^ x
self.b = int(self.b) ^ x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}^={x})'
return self
#def __int__(self):
# return int(self.b)
#def __float__(self):
# return self.b
#def __index__(self):
# return int(self.a)
def __floordiv__(self, x: float):
return Vec(self.a // x, self.b // x, f'({self.tag}//{x})')
def __ifloordiv__(self, x: float):
self.a //= x
self.b //= x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}//={x})'
return self
def __truediv__(self, x: float):
return Vec(self.a / x, self.b / x, f'({self.tag}/{x})')
def __itruediv__(self, x: float):
self.a /= x
self.b /= x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}/={x})'
return self
def __matmul__(self, other: Vec):
return (self.a * other.a) + (self.b * other.b)
def __imatmul__(self, x: float):
self.a *= x
self.b *= x
self.tag = f'({self.tag}@={x})'
return self
def __len__(self):
return len(self.tag)
def __getitem__(self, idx: int):
if idx == 0:
return self.a
elif idx == 1:
return self.b
elif idx == 11:
return self.a + self.b
raise KeyError('bad vec key ' + str(idx))
def __setitem__(self, idx: int, val: float):
if idx == 0:
self.a = val
elif idx == 1:
self.b = val
elif idx == 11:
self.a = val
self.b = val
raise KeyError('bad vec key ' + str(idx) + ' with val ' + str(val))
def __delitem__(self, idx: int):
self[idx] = 0.0
def __contains__(self, val: float):
return self.a == val or self.b == val
def __contains__(self, val: str):
return self.tag == val
def __hash__(self):
return int(self.a + self.b)
def __call__(self, a: float = 1.11, b: float = 2.22):
return, b=b)
def __call__(self, x: str):
return (self.a, self.b, x)
def __call__(self):
return Vec(self.a, self.b, f'({self.tag}())')
def __iter__(self):
for c in self.tag:
yield c
def __eq__(self, other: Vec):
return self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b
def __eq__(self, x: float):
return self.a == x and self.b == x
def __ne__(self, other: Vec):
return self.a != other.a or self.b != other.b
def __lt__(self, other: Vec):
return abs(self) < abs(other)
def __le__(self, other: Vec):
return abs(self) <= abs(other)
def __gt__(self, other: Vec):
return abs(self) > abs(other)
def __ge__(self, other: Vec):
return abs(self) >= abs(other)
def __del__(self):
Vec.d += 1
def nd():
return Vec.d
def f6(x: float, t: str):
return Vec(x, x, t)
def reset():
Vec.n = 0
def par_sum(n: int):
m = 0
for i in range(n):
m += 3*i + 7
return m
class Foo:
a: List[str]
x: Dict[str, int]
def __new__(a: List[str]) -> Foo:
return (a, {s: i for i, s in enumerate(a)})
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.a)
def __repr__(self):
return f'Foo({self.a}, {self.x})'
def hello(self):
return 'x'
def __int__(self):
return 42
def __float__(self):
return 3.14
def __index__(self):
return 99