
143 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Exaloop Inc. <>
# Parts of this file:
# License:
# Copyright (c) 2021 Orson Peters <>
# This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the
# authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
# applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
# 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the
# original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
# documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
# 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as
# being the original software.
# 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
def _med3(
a: int, b: int, c: int, d: Array[T], k: Callable[[T], S], T: type, S: type
) -> int:
if k(d[a]) < k(d[b]):
return b if (k(d[b]) < k(d[c])) else (c if k(d[a]) < k(d[c]) else a)
return (
if not (k(d[b]) < k(d[c]) or k(d[b]) == k(d[c]))
else (c if not (k(d[a]) < k(d[c]) or k(d[a]) == k(d[c])) else a)
def _swap(i: int, j: int, a: Array[T], T: type):
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
def _vecswap(i: int, j: int, n: int, a: Array[T], T: type):
while n > 0:
_swap(i, j, a)
i += 1
j += 1
n -= 1
def _qsort(
arr: Array[T], frm: int, cnt: int, key: Callable[[T], S], T: type, S: type
if cnt <= 7:
i = frm + 1
while i < frm + cnt:
j = i
while j > frm and not (
key(arr[j - 1]) < key(arr[j]) or key(arr[j - 1]) == key(arr[j])
_swap(j, j - 1, arr)
j -= 1
i += 1
mid = cnt // 2
lo = frm
hi = frm + cnt - 1
if cnt > 40:
s = cnt // 8
lo = _med3(lo, lo + s, lo + 2 * s, arr, key)
mid = _med3(mid - s, mid, mid + s, arr, key)
hi = _med3(hi - 2 * s, hi - s, hi, arr, key)
mid = _med3(lo, mid, hi, arr, key)
_swap(frm, mid, arr)
a = frm
b = a
c = frm + cnt - 1
d = c
while True:
while b <= c and (
key(arr[b]) < key(arr[frm]) or key(arr[b]) == key(arr[frm])
if key(arr[b]) == key(arr[frm]):
_swap(a, b, arr)
a += 1
b += 1
while c >= b and not key(arr[c]) < key(arr[frm]):
if key(arr[c]) == key(arr[frm]):
_swap(c, d, arr)
d -= 1
c -= 1
if b > c:
_swap(b, c, arr)
b += 1
c -= 1
hi = frm + cnt
span = min(a - frm, b - a)
_vecswap(frm, b - span, span, arr)
span = min(d - c, hi - d - 1)
_vecswap(b, hi - span, span, arr)
span = b - a
if span > 1:
_qsort(arr, frm, span, key)
span = d - c
if span > 1:
_qsort(arr, hi - span, span, key)
def qsort_array(
collection: Array[T], size: int, key: Callable[[T], S], T: type, S: type
Pattern-defeating Quicksort
By Orson Peters, published at
Sorts the array inplace.
_qsort(collection, 0, size, key)
def qsort_inplace(
collection: List[T], key: Callable[[T], S], T: type, S: type
Pattern-defeating Quicksort
By Orson Peters, published at
Sorts the list inplace.
qsort_array(collection.arr, collection.len, key)
def qsort(collection: List[T], key: Callable[[T], S], T: type, S: type) -> List[T]:
Pattern-defeating Quicksort
By Orson Peters, published at
Returns a sorted list.
collection = collection[:]
qsort_inplace(collection, key)
return collection