
1329 lines
27 KiB

#%% pass,barebones
#%% continue_error,barebones
continue #! 'continue' outside loop
#%% break_error,barebones
break #! 'break' outside loop
#%% assign,barebones
a = 1
print a #: 1
a = 2
print a #: 2
x, y = 1, 2
print x, y #: 1 2
(x, y) = (3, 4)
print x, y #: 3 4
x, y = (1, 2)
print x, y #: 1 2
(x, y) = 3, 4
print x, y #: 3 4
(x, y) = [3, 4]
print x, y #: 3 4
[x, y] = [1, 2]
print x, y #: 1 2
[x, y] = (4, 3)
print x, y #: 4 3
l = list(iter(range(10)))
[a, b, *lx, c, d] = l
print a, b, lx, c, d #: 0 1 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] 8 9
a, b, *lx = l
print a, b, lx #: 0 1 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
*lx, a, b = l
print lx, a, b #: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] 8 9
*xz, a, b = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
print xz, a, b #: (1, 2, 3) 4 5
(*ex,) = [1, 2, 3]
print ex #: [1, 2, 3]
#%% assign_str,barebones
sa, sb = 'XY'
print sa, sb #: X Y
(sa, sb), sc = 'XY', 'Z'
print sa, sb, sc #: X Y Z
sa, *la = 'X'
print sa, la, 1 #: X 1
sa, *la = 'XYZ'
print sa, la #: X YZ
(xa,xb), *xc, xd = [1,2],'this'
print xa, xb, xc, xd #: 1 2 () this
(a, b), (sc, *sl) = [1,2], 'this'
print a, b, sc, sl #: 1 2 t his
#%% assign_index_dot,barebones
class Foo:
a: int
def __setitem__(self, i: int, t: int):
self.a += i * t
f = Foo()
f.a = 5
print f.a #: 5
f[3] = 5
print f.a #: 20
f[1] = -8
print f.a #: 12
def foo():
return 0
v = [0]
v[foo()] += 1
#: foo
#: [1]
#%% assign_err_1,barebones
a, *b, c, *d = 1,2,3,4,5 #! multiple starred expressions in assignment
#%% assign_err_2,barebones
a = [1, 2, 3]
a[1]: int = 3 #! syntax error, unexpected ':'
#%% assign_err_3,barebones
a = 5
a.x: int = 3 #! syntax error, unexpected ':'
#%% assign_err_4,barebones
*x = range(5) #! cannot assign to given expression
#%% assign_err_5,barebones
(sa, sb), sc = 'XYZ'
except IndexError:
print "assign failed" #: assign failed
#%% assign_comprehension,barebones
g = ((b, a, c) for a, *b, c in ['ABC','DEEEEF','FHGIJ'])
x, *q, y = list(g) # TODO: auto-unroll as in Python
print x, y, q #: ('B', 'A', 'C') ('HGI', 'F', 'J') [('EEEE', 'D', 'F')]
#%% assign_shadow,barebones
a = 5
print a #: 5
a : str = 's'
print a #: s
#%% assign_err_must_exist,barebones
a = 1
def foo():
a += 2 #! local variable 'a' referenced before assignment
#%% assign_rename,barebones
y = int
z = y(5)
print z #: 5
def foo(x): return x + 1
x = foo
print x(1) #: 2
#%% assign_err_6,barebones
x = bar #! name 'bar' is not defined
#%% assign_err_7,barebones
foo() += bar #! cannot assign to given expression
#%% assign_update_eq,barebones
a = 5
a += 3
print a #: 8
a -= 1
print a #: 7
class Foo:
a: int
def __add__(self, i: int):
print 'add!'
return Foo(self.a + i)
def __iadd__(self, i: int):
print 'iadd!'
self.a += i
return self
def __str__(self):
return str(self.a)
f = Foo(3)
print f + 2 #: add!
#: 5
f += 6 #: iadd!
print f #: 9
#%% del,barebones
a = 5
del a
print a #! name 'a' is not defined
#%% del_index,barebones
y = [1, 2]
del y[0]
print y #: [2]
#%% del_error,barebones
a = [1]
del a.ptr #! cannot delete given expression
#%% assert,barebones
assert True
assert True, "blah"
assert False
except AssertionError as e:
print e.message[:15], e.message[-24:] #: Assert failed ( simplify_stmt.codon:174)
assert False, f"hehe {1}"
except AssertionError as e:
print e.message[:23], e.message[-24:] #: Assert failed: hehe 1 ( simplify_stmt.codon:179)
#%% print,barebones
print 1,
print 1, 2 #: 1 1 2
print 1, 2 #: 1 2
print(3, "4", sep="-", end=" !\n") #: 3-4 !
print(1, 2) #: 1 2
print (1, 2) #: (1, 2)
def foo(i, j):
return i + j
print 3 |> foo(1) #: 4
#%% return_fail,barebones
return #! 'return' outside function
#%% yield_fail,barebones
yield 5 #! 'yield' outside function
#%% yield_fail_2,barebones
(yield) #! 'yield' outside function
#%% while_else,barebones
a = 1
while a:
print a #: 1
a -= 1
print 'else' #: else
a = 1
while a:
print a #: 1
a -= 1
else not break:
print 'else' #: else
while True:
print 'infinite' #: infinite
print 'nope'
#%% for_assignment,barebones
l = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11]]
for a, *m, b in l:
print a + b, len(m)
#: 5 2
#: 14 3
#: 21 0
#%% for_else,barebones
for i in [1]:
print i #: 1
print 'else' #: else
for i in [1]:
print i #: 1
else not break:
print 'else' #: else
for i in [1]:
print i #: 1
print 'nope'
best = 4
for s in [3, 4, 5]:
for i in [s]:
if s >= best:
print('b:', best)
print('s:', s)
best = s
#: s: 3
#: b: 3
#: b: 3
#%% match
def foo(x):
match x:
case 1:
print 'int'
case 2 ... 10:
print 'range'
case 'ACGT':
print 'string'
case (a, 1):
print 'tuple_wild', a
case []:
print 'list'
case [[]]:
print 'list list'
case [1, 2]:
print 'list 2'
case [1, z, ...] if z < 5:
print 'list 3', z
case [1, _, ..., zz] | (1, zz):
print 'list 4', zz
case (1 ... 10, s := ('ACGT', 1 ... 4)):
print 'complex', s
case _:
print 'else'
foo(1) #: int
foo(5) #: range
foo('ACGT') #: string
foo((9, 1)) #: tuple_wild 9
foo(List[int]()) #: list
foo([List[int]()]) #: list list
foo([1, 2]) #: list 2
foo([1, 3]) #: list 3 3
foo([1, 5]) #: else
foo([1, 5, 10]) #: list 4 10
foo((1, 33)) #: list 4 33
foo((9, ('ACGT', 3))) #: complex ('ACGT', 3)
foo(range(10)) #: else
for op in 'MI=DXSN':
match op:
case 'M' | '=' | 'X':
print('case 1')
case 'I' or 'S':
print('case 2')
case _:
print('case 3')
#: case 1
#: case 2
#: case 1
#: case 3
#: case 1
#: case 2
#: case 3
#%% match_err_1,barebones
match [1, 2]:
case [1, ..., 2, ..., 3]: pass
#! multiple ellipses in a pattern
#%% global,barebones
a = 1
def foo():
global a
a += 1
print a,
print a #: 1 2
#%% global_err,barebones
a = 1
global a #! 'global' outside function
#%% global_err_2,barebones
def foo():
global b #! name 'b' is not defined
#%% global_err_3,barebones
def foo():
b = 1
def bar():
global b #! no binding for global 'b' found
#%% global_err_4,barebones
a = 1
def foo():
a += 1
foo() #! local variable 'a' referenced before assignment
#%% global_ref,barebones
a = [1]
def foo():
print a #: [1, 2]
#%% yield_from,barebones
def foo():
yield from range(3)
yield from range(10, 13)
yield -1
print list(foo()) #: [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, -1]
#%% with,barebones
class Foo:
i: int
def __enter__(self: Foo):
print '> foo! ' + str(self.i)
def __exit__(self: Foo):
print '< foo! ' + str(self.i)
def foo(self: Foo):
print 'woof'
class Bar:
s: str
def __enter__(self: Bar):
print '> bar! ' + self.s
def __exit__(self: Bar):
print '< bar! ' + self.s
def bar(self: Bar):
print 'meow'
with Foo(0) as f:
#: > foo! 0 #: woof
#: < foo! 0
with Foo(1) as f, Bar('s') as b:
#: > foo! 1
#: > bar! s #: woof #: meow
#: < bar! s
#: < foo! 1
with Foo(2), Bar('t') as q:
#: > foo! 2
#: > bar! t
print 'eeh' #: eeh #: meow
#: < bar! t
#: < foo! 2
#%% import_c,barebones
from C import sqrt(float) -> float
print sqrt(4.0) #: 2
from C import puts(cobj)
puts("hello".ptr) #: hello
from C import atoi(cobj) -> int as s2i
print s2i("11".ptr) #: 11
def log(x: float) -> float:
print log(5.5) #: 1.70475
from C import seq_flags: Int[32] as e
# debug | standalone == 5
print e #: 5
#%% import_c_shadow_error,barebones
# Issue #45
from C import sqrt(float) -> float as foo
sqrt(100.0) #! name 'sqrt' is not defined
#%% import_c_dylib,barebones
from internal.dlopen import dlext
RT = "./libcodonrt." + dlext()
if RT[-3:] == ".so":
RT = "build/" + RT[2:]
from C import RT.seq_str_int(int, str, Ptr[bool]) -> str as sp
p = False
print sp(65, "", __ptr__(p)) #: 65
#%% import_c_dylib_error,barebones
from C import "".seq_print(str) as sp
sp("hi!") #! syntax error, unexpected '"'
#%% import,barebones
zoo, _zoo = 1, 1
print zoo, _zoo, __name__ #: 1 1 __main__
import a #: a #:
from a import foo, bar as b
foo() #:
b() #:
print str(a)[:9], str(a)[-18:] #: <module ' a/__init__.codon'>
import a.b
print a.b.c #: a.b.c
a.b.har() #: a.b.har a.b.__init__ a.b.c
print a.b.A.B.b_foo().__add__(1) #: a.b.A.B.b_foo()
#: 2
print str(a.b)[:9], str(a.b)[-20:] #: <module ' a/b/__init__.codon'>
print Int[a.b.stt].__class__.__name__ #: Int[5]
from a.b import *
har() #: a.b.har a.b.__init__ a.b.c
a.b.har() #: a.b.har a.b.__init__ a.b.c
fx() #:
print(stt, Int[stt].__class__.__name__) #: 5 Int[5]
from a import *
print zoo, _zoo, __name__ #: 5 1 __main__
f = Foo(Ptr[B]())
print f.__class__.__name__, f.t.__class__.__name__ #: Foo Ptr[B]
a.ha() #: B
print par #: x
#%% import_subimport,barebones
import a as xa #: a #:
#: a.sub #:
#%% import_order,barebones
def foo():
import a
def bar():
import a
bar() #: a
foo() #:
#%% import_class
import sys
print str(sys)[:20] #: <module 'sys' from '
print sys.maxsize #: 9223372036854775807
#%% import_rec,barebones
from a.b.rec1 import bar
#: import rec1
#: import rec2
#: done rec2
#: rec2.x
#: done rec1
#%% import_rec_err,barebones
from a.b.rec1_err import bar
#! cannot import name 'bar' from 'a.b.rec1_err'
#! name 'bar' is not defined
# TODO: get rid of this!
#! no module named 'rec2_err'
#%% import_err_1,barebones
class Foo:
import bar #! unexpected expression in class definition
#%% import_err_2,barebones
import "".a.b.c #! syntax error, unexpected '"'
#%% import_err_3,barebones
from a.b import foo() #! function signatures only allowed when importing C or Python functions
#%% import_err_4,barebones
from a.b.c import hai.hey #! expected identifier
#%% import_err_4_x,barebones
import whatever #! no module named 'whatever'
#%% import_err_5,barebones
import a.b
print a.b.x #! cannot import name 'x' from 'a.b.__init__'
#%% import_err_6,barebones
from a.b import whatever #! cannot import name 'whatever' from 'a.b.__init__'
#%% function_err_0,barebones
def foo(a, b, a):
pass #! duplicate argument 'a' in function definition
#%% function_err_0b,barebones
def foo(a, b=1, c):
pass #! non-default argument 'c' follows default argument
#%% function_err_0b_ok,barebones
def foo(a, b=1, *c):
#%% function_err_0c,barebones
def foo(a, b=1, *c, *d):
pass #! multiple star arguments provided
#%% function_err_0e,barebones
def foo(a, b=1, *c = 1):
pass #! star arguments cannot have default values
#%% function_err_0f,barebones
def foo(a, b=1, **c, **kwargs):
pass #! kwargs must be the last argument
#%% function_err_0h,barebones
def foo(a, b=1, **c = 1):
pass #! star arguments cannot have default values
#%% function_err_0i,barebones
def foo(a, **c, d):
pass #! kwargs must be the last argument
#%% function_err_1,barebones
def foo():
def bar(): pass #! builtin function must be a top-level statement
#%% function_err_2,barebones
def f[T: Static[float]]():
#! expected 'int' or 'str' (only integers and strings can be static)
#%% function_err_3,barebones
def f(a, b=a):
#! name 'a' is not defined
#%% function_llvm_err_1,barebones
def foo():
#! return types required for LLVM and C functions
#%% function_llvm_err_2,barebones
def foo() -> int:
#! invalid LLVM code
#%% function_llvm_err_4,barebones
a = 5
def foo() -> int:
#! invalid LLVM code
#%% function_self,barebones
class Foo:
def foo(self):
return 'F'
f = Foo()
print #: F
#%% function_self_err,barebones
class Foo:
def foo(self):
return 'F' #! 'Foo' object has no method 'foo' with arguments (int)
#%% function_nested,barebones
def foo(v):
value = v
def bar():
return value
return bar
baz = foo(2)
print baz() #: 2
def f(x):
def g(y):
return a+y
return g(x)
print f(5) #: 6
#%% nested_generic_static,barebones
def foo():
N: Static[int] = 5
Z: Static[int] = 15
T = Int[Z]
def bar():
x = __array__[T](N)
return bar
foo()() #: Array[Int[15]]
def f[T]():
def g():
return T()
return g()
print f(int) #: 0
#%% class_err_1,barebones
class Foo:
#! cannot combine '@extend' with other attributes or decorators
#%% class_err_1b,barebones
size_t = i32
class size_t:
#! class name 'size_t' is not defined
#%% class_err_2,barebones
def foo():
class Foo:
#! class extension must be a top-level statement
#%% class_nested,barebones
class Foo:
foo: int
class Bar:
bar: int
b: Optional[Foo.Bar]
c: Optional[int]
class Moo:
# TODO: allow nested class reference to the upclass
# x: Foo.Bar
x: int
y = Foo(1)
z = Foo.Bar(2, None, 4)
m = Foo.Bar.Moo(5)
print #: 1
print, z.b.__bool__(), z.c, m.x #: 2 False 4 5
#%% class_nested_2,barebones
class Foo:
class Bar:
x: int
x: int
b: Bar
c: Foo.Bar
f = Foo(5, Foo.Bar(6), Foo.Bar(7))
print(f) #: (x: 5, b: (x: 6), c: (x: 7))
#%% class_nested_err,barebones
class Foo:
class Bar:
b: Ptr[Bar]
#! name 'Bar' is not defined
#%% class_err_4,barebones
class Foo:
#! class name 'Foo' is not defined
#%% class_err_5,barebones
class Foo[T, U]:
class Foo[T]:
#! class extensions cannot define data attributes and generics or inherit other classes
#%% class_err_7,barebones
class Foo:
a: int
a: int
#! duplicate data attribute 'a' in class definition
#%% class_err_tuple_no_recursive,barebones
class Foo:
a: Foo
#! name 'Foo' is not defined
#%% class_err_8,barebones
class Foo:
while True: pass
#! unexpected expression in class definition
#%% class_err_9,barebones
class F[T: Static[float]]:
#! expected 'int' or 'str' (only integers and strings can be static)
#%% class_err_10,barebones
def foo[T]():
class A:
x: T
#! name 'T' cannot be captured
#%% class_err_11,barebones
def foo(x):
class A:
def bar():
print x
#! name 'x' cannot be captured
#%% class_err_12,barebones
def foo(x):
T = type(x)
class A:
def bar():
print T()
#! name 'T' cannot be captured
#%% recursive_class,barebones
class Node[T]:
data: T
children: List[Node[T]]
def __init__(self, data: T): = data
self.children = []
print Node(2).data #: 2
class Node2:
data: int
children: List[Node2]
def __init__(self, data: int): = data
self.children = []
print Node2(3).data #: 3
#%% class_auto_init,barebones
class X[T]:
a: int = 4
b: int
c: T
d: str = 'oops'
def __str__(self):
return f'X({self.a},{self.b},{self.c},{self.d})'
x = X[float]()
print x #: X(4,0,0,oops)
y = X(c='darius',a=5)
print y #: X(5,0,darius,oops)
#%% magic,barebones
class Foo:
x: int
y: int
a, b = Foo(1, 2), Foo(1, 3)
print a, b #: (x: 1, y: 2) (x: 1, y: 3)
print a.__len__() #: 2
print a.__hash__(), b.__hash__() #: 175247769363 175247769360
print a == a, a == b #: True False
print a != a, a != b #: False True
print a < a, a < b, b < a #: False True False
print a <= a, a <= b, b <= a #: True True False
print a > a, a > b, b > a #: False False True
print a >= a, a >= b, b >= a #: True False True
print a.__getitem__(1) #: 2
print list(a.__iter__()) #: [1, 2]
#%% magic_class,barebones
@dataclass(eq=True, order=True)
class Foo:
x: int
y: int
def __str__(self): return f'{self.x}_{self.y}'
a, b = Foo(1, 2), Foo(1, 3)
print a, b #: 1_2 1_3
print a == a, a == b #: True False
print a != a, a != b #: False True
print a < a, a < b, b < a #: False True False
print a <= a, a <= b, b <= a #: True True False
print a > a, a > b, b > a #: False False True
print a >= a, a >= b, b >= a #: True False True
# Right magic test
class X:
x: int
class Y:
y: int
def __eq__(self, o: X): return self.y == o.x
def __ne__(self, o: X): return self.y != o.x
def __le__(self, o: X): return self.y <= o.x
def __lt__(self, o: X): return self.y < o.x
def __ge__(self, o: X): return self.y >= o.x
def __gt__(self, o: X): return self.y > o.x
def __add__(self, o: X): return self.y + o.x + 1
def __radd__(self, o: X): return self.y + o.x + 2
print Y(1) == X(1), Y(1) != X(1) #: True False
print X(1) == Y(1), X(1) != Y(1) #: True False
print Y(1) <= X(2), Y(1) < X(2) #: True True
print X(1) <= Y(2), X(1) < Y(2) #: True True
print Y(1) >= X(2), Y(1) > X(2) #: False False
print X(1) >= Y(2), X(1) > Y(2) #: False False
print X(1) + Y(2) #: 5
print Y(1) + X(2) #: 4
class A:
def __radd__(self, n: int):
return 0
def f():
return 1
def g():
return A()
f() + g()
#: f
#: g
#%% magic_2,barebones
class Foo:
a, b = Foo(), Foo()
print a, b #: () ()
print a.__len__() #: 0
print a.__hash__(), b.__hash__() #: 0 0
print a == a, a == b #: True True
print a != a, a != b #: False False
print a < a, a < b, b < a #: False False False
print a <= a, a <= b, b <= a #: True True True
print a > a, a > b, b > a #: False False False
print a >= a, a >= b, b >= a #: True True True
# TODO: pickle / to_py / from_py
#%% magic_contains,barebones
sponge = (1, 'z', 1.55, 'q', 48556)
print 1.1 in sponge #: False
print 'q' in sponge #: True
print True in sponge #: False
bob = (1, 2, 3)
print 1.1 in sponge #: False
print 1 in sponge #: True
print 0 in sponge #: False
#%% magic_err_2,barebones
class Foo:
print Foo().__getitem__(1)
except IndexError:
print 'error' #: error
#%% magic_empty_tuple,barebones
class Foo:
print list(Foo().__iter__()) #: []
#%% magic_err_4,barebones
class Foo:
x: int
Foo(1).__eq__(Foo(1)) #! 'Foo' object has no attribute '__eq__'
#%% magic_err_5,barebones
class Foo:
x: int
p = Ptr[byte]()
Foo(1).__pickle__(p) #! 'Foo' object has no attribute '__pickle__'
#%% magic_err_6,barebones
class Foo:
x: int
Foo(1).__getitem__(0) #! 'Foo' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
#%% magic_err_7,barebones
class Foo:
x: int
p = Ptr[byte]()
Foo(1).__to_py__(p) #! 'Foo' object has no attribute '__to_py__'
#%% python
from python import os
print #: posix
from python import datetime
z = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
print z #: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
#%% python_numpy
from python import numpy as np
a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
print a
#: [[0 1 2]
#: [3 4 5]
#: [6 7 8]]
print #: int64
print np.transpose(a)
#: [[0 3 6]
#: [1 4 7]
#: [2 5 8]]
n = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print n[0], n[0][0] + 1 #: [1 2] 2
a = np.array([1,2,3])
print(a + 1) #: [2 3 4]
print(a - 1) #: [0 1 2]
print(1 - a) #: [ 0 -1 -2]
#%% python_import_fn
from python import re.split(str, str) -> List[str] as rs
print rs(r'\W+', 'Words, words, words.') #: ['Words', 'words', 'words', '']
#%% python_import_fn_2
from python import os.system(str) -> int
system("echo 'hello!'") #: hello!
#%% python_pydef
def test_pydef(n) -> str:
return ''.join(map(str,range(n)))
print test_pydef(5) #: 01234
#%% python_pydef_nested
def foo():
def pyfoo():
return 1
print pyfoo() #: 1
if True:
def pyfoo2():
return 2
print pyfoo2() #: 2
def pyfoo3():
if 1:
return 3
return str(pyfoo3())
print foo() #: 3
#%% python_pyobj
def foofn() -> Dict[pyobj, pyobj]:
return {"str": "hai", "int": 1}
foo = foofn()
print(sorted(foo.items(), key=lambda x: str(x)), foo.__class__.__name__)
#: [('int', 1), ('str', 'hai')] Dict[pyobj,pyobj]
foo["codon"] = 5.15
print(sorted(foo.items(), key=lambda x: str(x)), foo["codon"].__class__.__name__, foo.__class__.__name__)
#: [('codon', 5.15), ('int', 1), ('str', 'hai')] pyobj Dict[pyobj,pyobj]
a = {1: "s", 2: "t"}
a[3] = foo["str"]
print(sorted(a.items())) #: [(1, 's'), (2, 't'), (3, 'hai')]
#%% python_isinstance
import python
def foo():
return 1
z = foo()
print(z.__class__.__name__) #: pyobj
print isinstance(z, pyobj) #: True
print isinstance(z, int) #: False
print isinstance(z, #: True
print isinstance(z, python.ValueError) #: False
print isinstance(z, (int, str, #: True
print isinstance(z, (int, str, python.AttributeError)) #: False
except python.ValueError:
except python.AttributeError as e:
print('caught', e, e.__class__.__name__) #: caught 'int' object has no attribute 'x' pyobj
#%% python_exceptions
import python
def foo():
return 1
except python.AttributeError as f:
print 'py.Att', f #: py.Att 'int' object has no attribute 'x'
except ValueError:
print 'Val'
except PyError as e:
print 'PyError', e
except python.ValueError as f:
print 'py.Att', f
except ValueError:
print 'Val'
except PyError as e:
print 'PyError', e #: PyError 'int' object has no attribute 'x'
raise ValueError("ho")
except python.ValueError as f:
print 'py.Att', f
except ValueError:
print 'Val' #: Val
except PyError as e:
print 'PyError', e
#%% typeof_definition_error,barebones
a = 1
class X:
b: type(a) #! cannot use type() in type signatures
#%% typeof_definition_error_2,barebones
def foo(a)->type(a): pass #! cannot use type() in type signatures
#%% typeof_definition_error_3,barebones
b: type(a) = 1 #! cannot use type() in type signatures
#%% assign_underscore,barebones
_ = 5
_ = 's'
#%% inherit_class_4,barebones
class defdict[K,V](Static[Dict[K,V]]):
fx: Function[[],V]
def __init__(self, d: Dict[K,V], fx: Function[[], V]):
for k,v in d.items(): self[k] = v
self.fx = fx
def __getitem__(self, key: K) -> V:
if key in self:
return self.values[self.keys.index(key)]
self[key] = self.fx()
return self[key]
z = defdict({'ha':1}, lambda: -1)
print z
print z['he']
print z
#: {'ha': 1}
#: -1
#: {'ha': 1, 'he': -1}
class Foo:
x: int
def foo(self):
return f'foo {self.x}'
class Bar[T]:
y: T
def bar(self):
return f'bar {self.y}/{self.y.__class__.__name__}'
class FooBarBaz[T](Static[Foo], Static[Bar[T]]):
def baz(self):
return f'baz! {} {}'
print FooBarBaz[str]().foo() #: foo 0
print FooBarBaz[float]().bar() #: bar 0/float
print FooBarBaz[str]().baz() #: baz! foo 0 bar /str
#%% inherit_class_err_5,barebones
class defdict(Static[Dict[str,float]]):
def __init__(self, d: Dict[str, float]):
z = defdict()
z[1.1] #! 'defdict' object has no method '__getitem__' with arguments (defdict, float)
#%% inherit_tuple,barebones
class Foo:
a: int
b: str
def __init__(self, a: int):
self.a, self.b = a, 'yoo'
class FooTup(Static[Foo]): pass
f = Foo(5)
print f.a, f.b #: 5 yoo
fp = FooTup(6, 's')
print fp #: (a: 6, b: 's')
#%% inherit_class_err_1,barebones
class defdict(Static[Array[int]]):
pass #! reference classes cannot inherit tuple classes
#%% inherit_class_err_2,barebones
class defdict(Static[int]):
pass #! internal classes cannot inherit other classes
#%% inherit_class_err_3,barebones
class defdict(Static[Dict[int, float, float]]):
pass #! Dict takes 2 generics (3 given)
#%% inherit_class_err_4,barebones
class Foo:
x: int
class Bar:
x: float
class FooBar(Static[Foo], Static[Bar]):
# right now works as we rename other fields
#%% keyword_prefix,barebones
def foo(return_, pass_, yield_, break_, continue_, print_, assert_):
return return_, pass_, yield_, break_, continue_, print_, assert_
print foo([1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1])
#: ([1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [1, 6], [1, 7])
#%% class_deduce,barebones
class Foo:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = [x]
self.y = 1, x
f = Foo(1)
print(f.x, f.y, f.__class__.__name__) #: [1] (1, 1) Foo[List[int],Tuple[int,int]]
f: Foo = Foo('s')
print(f.x, f.y, f.__class__.__name__) #: ['s'] (1, 's') Foo[List[str],Tuple[int,str]]
class Bar:
def __init__(self, y):
self.y = Foo(y)
b = Bar(3.1)
print(b.y.x, b.__class__.__name__) #: [3.1] Bar[Foo[List[float],Tuple[int,float]]]
#%% multi_error,barebones
a = 55
print z #! name 'z' is not defined
print(a, q, w) #! name 'q' is not defined
print quit #! name 'quit' is not defined
#%% class_var,barebones
class Foo:
cx = 15
x: int = 10
cy: ClassVar[str] = "ho"
class Bar:
bx = 1.1
print( #: 15
f = Foo()
print(, #: ho ho
print(Foo.Bar.bx) #: 1.1 = 10
print( #: 10
def x():
class Foo:
i = 0
f = Foo()
def __init__(self):
Foo.i += 1
def __repr__(self):
return 'heh-cls'
Foo(), Foo(), Foo()
print Foo.f, Foo.i #: heh-cls 4
return Foo()
f = x()
print f.f, f.i #: heh-cls 5
class Fot:
f = Fot()
def __repr__(self):
return 'heh-tup'
print Fot.f #: heh-tup
#%% dot_access_error,barebones
class Foo:
x: int = 1
Foo.x #! 'Foo' object has no attribute 'x'
#%% scoping_same_name,barebones
def match(pattern: str, string: str, flags: int = 0):
def match(match):
if True:
match = 0
#%% loop_domination,barebones
for i in range(2):
try: dat = 1
except: pass
#: 1
#: 1
def comprehension_test(x):
for n in range(3):
print('>', n)
l = ['1', '2', str(x)]
x = [n for n in l]
print(x, n)
#: > 0
#: > 1
#: > 2
#: ['1', '2', '5'] 2
#%% block_unroll,barebones
# Ensure that block unrolling is done in RAII manner on error
def foo():
while True:
def magic(a: x):
print b
#! name 'x' is not defined
#! name 'b' is not defined
#%% capture_recursive,barebones
def f(x: int) -> int:
z = 2 * x
def g(y: int) -> int:
if y == 0:
return 1
return g(y - 1) * z
return g(4)
print(f(3)) #: 1296
#%% class_setter,barebones
class Foo:
_x: int
def x(self):
return self._x
def x(self, v):
self._x = v
f = Foo(1)
#: getter
#: 1
f.x = 99
#: setter
#: getter
#: 99
#: 99