
386 lines
7.9 KiB

# (c) 2022 Exaloop Inc. All rights reserved.
from internal.gc import alloc_atomic, free
class object:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<object>"
def id(x) -> int:
if isinstance(x, ByRef):
return int(x.__raw__())
return 0
_stdout = _C.seq_stdout()
def print(*args, sep: str = " ", end: str = "\n", file=_stdout, flush: bool = False) -> void:
Print args to the text stream file.
fp = cobj()
if isinstance(file, Ptr[byte]):
fp = file
fp = file.fp
i = 0
for a in args:
if i and sep:
_C.seq_print_full(sep, fp)
_C.seq_print_full(str(a), fp)
i += 1
_C.seq_print_full(end, fp)
if flush:
def min(*args):
if staticlen(args) == 0:
raise ValueError("empty sequence")
elif staticlen(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], "__iter__"):
x = args[0].__iter__()
if not x.done():
s =
while not x.done():
i =
if i < s:
s = i
return s
raise ValueError("empty sequence")
elif staticlen(args) == 2:
a, b = args
return a if a <= b else b
m = args[0]
for i in args:
if i < m:
m = i
return m
def max(*args):
if staticlen(args) == 0:
raise ValueError("empty sequence")
elif staticlen(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], "__iter__"):
x = args[0].__iter__()
if not x.done():
s =
while not x.done():
i =
if i > s:
s = i
return s
raise ValueError("empty sequence")
elif staticlen(args) == 2:
a, b = args
return a if a >= b else b
m = args[0]
for i in args:
if i > m:
m = i
return m
def len(x) -> int:
Return the length of x
return x.__len__()
def iter(x):
Return an iterator for the given object
return x.__iter__()
def copy(x):
Return a copy of x
return x.__copy__()
def abs(x):
Return the absolute value of x
return x.__abs__()
def hash(x) -> int:
Returns hashed value only for immutable objects
return x.__hash__()
def ord(s: str) -> int:
Return an integer representing the Unicode code point of s
if len(s) != 1:
raise TypeError(
"ord() expected a character, but string of length " + str(len(s)) + " found"
return int(s.ptr[0])
def divmod(a, b):
if hasattr(a, "__divmod__"):
return a.__divmod__(b)
return (a // b, a % b)
def chr(i: int) -> str:
Return a string representing a character whose Unicode
code point is an integer
p = cobj(1)
p[0] = byte(i)
return str(p, 1)
def next(g: Generator[T], default: Optional[T] = None, T: type) -> T:
Return the next item from g
if g.done():
if default:
return ~default
raise StopIteration()
def any(x: Generator[T], T: type) -> bool:
Returns True if any item in x is true,
False otherwise
for a in x:
if a:
return True
return False
def all(x: Generator[T], T: type) -> bool:
Returns True when all elements in x are true,
False otherwise
for a in x:
if not a:
return False
return True
def zip(*args):
Returns a zip object, which is an iterator of tuples
that aggregates elements based on the iterables passed
if staticlen(args) == 0:
yield from List[int]()
iters = tuple(iter(i) for i in args)
done = False
while not done:
for i in iters:
if i.done():
done = True
if not done:
yield tuple( for i in iters)
for i in iters:
def filter(f: Callable[[T], bool], x: Generator[T], T: type) -> Generator[T]:
Returns all a from the iterable x that are filtered by f
for a in x:
if f(a):
yield a
def map(f, *args):
Applies a function on all a in x and returns map object
if staticlen(args) == 0:
compile_error("map() expects at least one iterator")
elif staticlen(args) == 1:
for a in args[0]:
yield f(a)
for a in zip(*args):
yield f(*a)
def enumerate(x, start: int = 0):
Creates a tuple containing a count (from start which defaults
to 0) and the values obtained from iterating over x
i = start
for a in x:
yield (i, a)
i += 1
def echo(x):
Print and return argument
print x
return x
def reversed(x):
Return an iterator that accesses x in the reverse order
if hasattr(x, "__reversed__"):
return x.__reversed__()
i = x.__len__() - 1
while i >= 0:
yield x[i]
i -= 1
def round(x, n=0):
Return the x rounded off to the given
n digits after the decimal point.
nx = float.__pow__(10.0, n)
return float.__round__(x * nx) / nx
def sum(xi):
Return the sum of the items added together from xi
x = iter(xi)
if not x.done():
s =
while not x.done():
s +=
return s
def repr(x):
"""Return the string representation of x"""
return x.__repr__()
def _int_format(a: int, base: int, prefix: str = ""):
assert base == 2 or base == 8 or base == 10 or base == 16
chars = "0123456789abcdef-"
b = a
digits = 0
while b != 0:
digits += 1
b //= base
sz = digits + (1 if a <= 0 else 0) + len(prefix)
p = Ptr[byte](sz)
q = p
if a < 0:
q[0] = chars[-1].ptr[0]
q += 1
if prefix:
str.memcpy(q, prefix.ptr, len(prefix))
q += len(prefix)
if digits != 0:
b = a
q += digits - 1
i = 1
while b != 0:
i += 1
q[0] = chars.ptr[abs(b % base)]
q += -1
b //= base
q[0] = chars.ptr[0]
return str(p, sz)
def bin(n):
return _int_format(n.__index__(), 2, "0b")
def oct(n):
return _int_format(n.__index__(), 8, "0o")
def hex(n):
return _int_format(n.__index__(), 16, "0x")
class int:
def _from_str(s: str, base: int):
from C import strtoll(cobj, Ptr[cobj], i32) -> int
if base < 0 or base > 36 or base == 1:
raise ValueError("int() base must be >= 2 and <= 36, or 0")
buf = __array__[byte](32)
n = len(s)
need_dyn_alloc = n >= len(buf)
p = alloc_atomic(n + 1) if need_dyn_alloc else buf.ptr
str.memcpy(p, s.ptr, n)
p[n] = byte(0)
end = cobj()
result = strtoll(p, __ptr__(end), i32(base))
if need_dyn_alloc:
if end != p + n:
raise ValueError(
"invalid literal for int() with base " + str(base) + ": " + s
return result
def _jit_display(x, s: Static[str], bundle: Set[str] = Set[str]()):
if hasattr(x, "_repr_mimebundle_") and s == "jupyter":
d = x._repr_mimebundle_(bundle)
# TODO: pick appropriate mime
mime = next(d.keys()) # just pick first
print(f"\x00\x00__codon/mime__\x00{mime}\x00{d[mime]}", end='')
elif hasattr(x, "__repr__"):
print(x.__repr__(), end='')
elif hasattr(x, "__str__"):
print(x.__str__(), end='')