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Parallelism and Multithreading
Seq supports parallelism and multithreading via OpenMP out of the box. Here's an example:
.. code-block:: seq
for i in range(10):
import threading as thr
print('hello from thread', thr.get_ident())
By default, parallel loops will use all available threads, or use the number of threads
specified by the ``OMP_NUM_THREADS`` environment variable. A specific thread number can
be given directly on the ``@par`` line as well:
.. code-block:: seq
for i in range(10):
import threading as thr
print('hello from thread', thr.get_ident())
``@par`` supports several OpenMP parameters, including:
- ``num_threads`` (int): the number of threads to use when running the loop
- ``schedule`` (str): either *static*, *dynamic*, *guided*, *auto* or *runtime*
- ``chunk_size`` (int): chunk size when partitioning loop iterations
- ``ordered`` (bool): whether the loop iterations should be executed in the same order
Other OpenMP parameters like ``private``, ``shared`` or ``reduction``, are inferred
automatically by the compiler. For example, the following loop
.. code-block:: seq
total = 0
for i in range(N):
a += foo(i)
will automatically generate a reduction for variable ``a``.
Here is an example that finds the sum of prime numbers up to a user-defined limit, using
a parallel loop on 16 threads with a dynamic schedule and chunk size of 100:
.. code-block:: seq
from sys import argv
def is_prime(n):
factors = 0
for i in range(2, n):
if n % i == 0:
factors += 1
return factors == 0
limit = int(argv[1])
total = 0
@par(schedule='dynamic', chunk_size=100, num_threads=16)
for i in range(2, limit):
if is_prime(i):
total += 1
Static schedules work best when each loop iteration takes roughly the same amount of time,
whereas dynamic schedules are superior when each iteration varies in duration. Since counting
the factors of an integer takes more time for larger integers, we use a dynamic schedule here.
``@par`` also supports C/C++ OpenMP pragma strings. For example, the ``@par`` line in the
above example can also be written as:
.. code-block:: seq
# same as: @par(schedule='dynamic', chunk_size=100, num_threads=16)
@par('schedule(dynamic, 100) num_threads(16)')
Different kinds of loops
``for``-loops can iterate over arbitrary generators, but OpenMP's parallel loop construct only
applies to *imperative* for-loops of the form ``for i in range(a, b, c)`` (where ``c`` is constant).
For general parallel for-loops of the form ``for i in some_generator()``, a task-based approach is
used instead, where each loop iteration is executed as an independent task.
The Seq compiler also converts iterations over lists (``for a in some_list``) to imperative
for-loops, meaning these loops can be executed using OpenMP's loop parallelism.
Custom reductions
Seq can automatically generate efficient reductions for ``int`` and ``float`` values. For other
data types, user-defined reductions can be specified. A class that supports reductions must
- A default constructor that represents the *zero value*
- An ``__add__`` method (assuming ``+`` is used as the reduction operator)
Here is an example for reducing a new ``Vector`` type:
.. code-block:: seq
class Vector:
x: int
y: int
def __new__():
return Vector(0, 0)
def __add__(self, other: Vector):
return Vector(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
v = Vector()
for i in range(100):
v += Vector(i,i)
print(v) # (x: 4950, y: 4950)
OpenMP constructs
All of OpenMP's API functions are accessible directly in Seq. For example:
.. code-block:: seq
import openmp as omp
OpenMP's *critical*, *master*, *single* and *ordered* constructs can be applied via the
corresponding decorators:
.. code-block:: seq
import openmp as omp
def only_run_by_one_thread_at_a_time():
print('critical!', omp.get_thread_num())
def only_run_by_master_thread():
print('master!', omp.get_thread_num())
def only_run_by_single_thread():
print('single!', omp.get_thread_num())
def run_ordered_by_iteration(i):
print('ordered!', i)
for i in range(100):
For finer-grained locking, consider using the locks from the ``threading`` module:
.. code-block:: seq
from threading import Lock
lock = Lock() # or RLock for re-entrant lock
for i in range(100):
with lock:
print('only one thread at a time allowed here')