
691 lines
28 KiB

def test_isdigit():
assert '0'.isdigit() == True
assert ''.isdigit() == False
assert 'a'.isdigit() == False
assert '2829357'.isdigit() == True
assert 'kshfkjhe'.isdigit() == False
assert '9735g385497'.isdigit() == False
def test_islower():
assert ''.islower() == False
assert 'a'.islower() == True
assert 'A'.islower() == False
assert '5'.islower() == False
assert 'ahuiuej'.islower() == True
assert 'AhUiUeJ'.islower() == False
assert '9735g385497'.islower() == True
assert '9735G385497'.islower() == False
def test_isupper():
assert ''.isupper() == False
assert 'a'.isupper() == False
assert 'A'.isupper() == True
assert '5'.isupper() == False
assert '.J, U-I'.isupper() == True
assert 'AHUIUEJ'.isupper() == True
assert 'AhUiUeJ'.isupper() == False
assert '9735g385497'.isupper() == False
assert '9735G385497'.isupper() == True
def test_isalnum():
assert ''.isalnum() == False
assert 'a'.isalnum() == True
assert '5'.isalnum() == True
assert ','.isalnum() == False
assert 'H6'.isalnum() == True
assert '.J, U-I'.isalnum() == False
assert 'A4kki83UE'.isalnum() == True
assert 'AhUiUeJ'.isalnum() == True
assert '973 g38597'.isalnum() == False
assert '9735G3-5497'.isalnum() == False
def test_isalpha():
assert ''.isalpha() == False
assert 'a'.isalpha() == True
assert '5'.isalpha() == False
assert ','.isalpha() == False
assert 'Hh'.isalpha() == True
assert '.J, U-I'.isalpha() == False
assert 'A4kki83UE'.isalpha() == False
assert 'AhUiUeJ'.isalpha() == True
assert '973 g38597'.isalpha() == False
assert '9735G3-5497'.isalpha() == False
def test_isspace():
assert ''.isspace() == False
assert ' '.isspace() == True
assert '5 '.isspace() == False
assert '\t\n\r '.isspace() == True
assert '\t '.isspace() == True
assert '\t\ngh\r '.isspace() == False
assert 'A4kki 3UE'.isspace() == False
def test_istitle():
assert ''.istitle() == False
assert ' '.istitle() == False
assert 'I '.istitle() == True
assert 'IH'.istitle() == False
assert 'Ih'.istitle() == True
assert 'Hter Hewri'.istitle() == True
assert 'Kweiur oiejf'.istitle() == False
def test_capitalize():
assert ' hello '.capitalize() == ' hello '
assert 'Hello '.capitalize() == 'Hello '
assert 'hello '.capitalize() == 'Hello '
assert 'aaaa'.capitalize() == 'Aaaa'
assert 'AaAa'.capitalize() == 'Aaaa'
def test_isdecimal():
assert ''.isdecimal() == False
assert 'a'.isdecimal() == False
assert '0'.isdecimal() == True
assert '\xbc'.isdecimal() == False
assert '0123456789'.isdecimal() == True
assert '0123456789a'.isdecimal() == False
def test_lower():
assert 'HeLLo'.lower() == 'hello'
assert 'hello'.lower() == 'hello'
assert 'HELLO'.lower() == 'hello'
assert 'HEL _ LO'.lower() == 'hel _ lo'
def test_upper():
assert 'HeLLo'.upper() == 'HELLO'
assert 'hello'.upper() == 'HELLO'
assert 'HELLO'.upper() == 'HELLO'
assert 'HEL _ LO'.upper() == 'HEL _ LO'
def test_isascii():
assert ''.isascii() == True
assert '\x00'.isascii() == True
assert '\x7f'.isascii() == True
assert '\x00\x7f'.isascii() == True
assert '\x80'.isascii() == False
assert 'строка'.isascii() == False
assert '\xe9'.isascii() == False
def test_casefold():
assert ''.casefold() == ''
assert 'HeLLo'.casefold() == 'hello'
assert 'hello'.casefold() == 'hello'
assert 'HELLO'.casefold() == 'hello'
assert 'HEL _ LO'.casefold() == 'hel _ lo'
def test_swapcase():
assert ''.swapcase() == ''
assert 'HeLLo cOmpUteRs'.swapcase() == 'hEllO CoMPuTErS'
assert 'H.e_L,L-o cOmpUteRs'.swapcase() == 'h.E_l,l-O CoMPuTErS'
def test_title():
assert ''.title() == ''
assert ' hello '.title() == ' Hello '
assert 'hello '.title() == 'Hello '
assert 'Hello '.title() == 'Hello '
assert 'fOrMaT thIs aS titLe String'.title() == 'Format This As Title String'
assert 'fOrMaT,thIs-aS*titLe;String'.title() == 'Format,This-As*Title;String'
assert 'getInt'.title() == 'Getint'
def test_isnumeric():
assert ''.isdecimal() == False
assert 'a'.isdecimal() == False
assert '0'.isdecimal() == True
assert '\xbc'.isdecimal() == False
assert '0123456789'.isdecimal() == True
assert '0123456789a'.isdecimal() == False
def test_ljust():
assert 'abc'.ljust(10, ' ') == 'abc '
assert 'abc'.ljust(6, ' ') == 'abc '
assert 'abc'.ljust(3, ' ') == 'abc'
assert 'abc'.ljust(2, ' ') == 'abc'
assert 'abc'.ljust(10, '*') == 'abc*******'
def test_rjust():
assert 'abc'.rjust(10, ' ') == ' abc'
assert 'abc'.rjust(6, ' ') == ' abc'
assert 'abc'.rjust(3, ' ') == 'abc'
assert 'abc'.rjust(2, ' ') == 'abc'
assert 'abc'.rjust(10, '*') == '*******abc'
def test_center():
assert 'abc'.center(10, ' ') == ' abc '
assert 'abc'.center(6, ' ') == ' abc '
assert 'abc'.center(3, ' ') == 'abc'
assert 'abc'.center(2, ' ') == 'abc'
assert 'abc'.center(10, '*') == '***abc****'
def test_zfill():
assert '123'.zfill(2) == '123'
assert '123'.zfill(3) == '123'
assert '123'.zfill(4) == '0123'
assert '+123'.zfill(3) == '+123'
assert '+123'.zfill(4) == '+123'
assert '+123'.zfill(5) == '+0123'
assert '-123'.zfill(3) == '-123'
assert '-123'.zfill(4) == '-123'
assert '-123'.zfill(5) == '-0123'
assert ''.zfill(3) == '000'
assert '34'.zfill(1) == '34'
assert '34'.zfill(4) == '0034'
def test_count():
assert 'aaa'.count('a', 0, len('aaa')) == 3
assert 'aaa'.count('b', 0, len('aaa')) == 0
assert 'aaa'.count('a', 1, len('aaa')) == 2
assert 'aaa'.count('a', 10, len('aaa')) == 0
assert 'aaa'.count('a', -1, len('aaa')) == 1
assert 'aaa'.count('a', 0, 1) == 1
assert 'aaa'.count('a', 0, 10) == 3
assert 'aaa'.count('a', 0, -1) == 2
assert 'aaa'.count('aa') == 1
assert 'ababa'.count('aba') == 1
assert 'abababa'.count('aba') == 2
assert 'abababa'.count('abab') == 1
def test_find():
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('abc', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('abc') == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('abc', 1, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 9
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('def', 4, len('abcdefghiabc')) == -1
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('abcdef', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('abcdef') == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('hiabc', 1, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 7
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.find('defgh', 4, len('abcdefghiabc')) == -1
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.find('a', 0, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 2
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.find('a', 4, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 12
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.find('a', 4, 6) == -1
assert 'abc'.find('', 0, len('abc')) == 0
assert 'abc'.find('', 3, len('abc')) == 3
assert 'abc'.find('', 4, len('abc')) == -1
def test_rfind():
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('abc', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 9
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 12
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('abcd', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('abcz', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == -1
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('abc') == 9
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('') == 12
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('abcd') == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rfind('abcz') == -1
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.rfind('a', 0, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 12
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.rfind('a', 4, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 12
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.rfind('a', 4, 6) == -1
assert 'abc'.rfind('', 0, len('abc')) == 3
assert 'abc'.rfind('', 3, len('abc')) == 3
assert 'abc'.rfind('', 4, len('abc')) == -1
def test_isidentifier():
assert 'a'.isidentifier() == True
assert 'Z'.isidentifier() == True
assert '_'.isidentifier() == True
assert 'b0'.isidentifier() == True
assert 'bc'.isidentifier() == True
assert 'b_'.isidentifier() == True
assert ' '.isidentifier() == False
assert '3t'.isidentifier() == False
assert '_gth_45'.isidentifier() == True
def test_isprintable():
assert ''.isprintable() == True
assert '\"'.isprintable() == True
assert "\'".isprintable() == True
assert ' '.isprintable() == True
assert 'abcdef'.isprintable() == True
assert '0123456789'.isprintable() == True
assert 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.isprintable() == True
assert 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.isprintable() == True
assert '!#$%&()*+,-./:;?@[\\]^_`{|}~'.isprintable() == True
assert 'abcdef\n'.isprintable() == False
def test_lstrip():
assert ''.lstrip() == ''
assert ' '.lstrip() == ''
assert ' hello '.lstrip('') == 'hello '
assert ' \t\n\rabc \t\n\r'.lstrip('') == 'abc \t\n\r'
assert "xyzzyhelloxyzzy".lstrip('xyz') == 'helloxyzzy'
def test_rstrip():
assert ''.rstrip() == ''
assert ' '.rstrip() == ''
assert ' hello '.rstrip('') == ' hello'
assert ' \t\n\rabc \t\n\r'.rstrip('') == ' \t\n\rabc'
assert "xyzzyhelloxyzzy".rstrip('xyz') == 'xyzzyhello'
def test_strip():
assert ''.strip() == ''
assert ' '.strip() == ''
assert ' hello '.strip('') == 'hello'
assert ' hello '.strip() == 'hello'
assert ' \t\n\rabc \t\n\r'.strip() == 'abc'
assert "xyzzyhelloxyzzy".strip('xyz') == 'hello'
assert 'hello'.strip('xyz') == 'hello'
assert 'mississippi'.strip('mississippi') == ''
assert 'mississippi'.strip('i') == 'mississipp'
def test_partition():
assert 'hello'.partition('l') == ('he', 'l', 'lo')
assert 'this is the partition method'.partition('ti') == ('this is the par', 'ti', 'tion method')
assert ''.partition('://') == ('http', '://', '')
assert ''.partition('?') == ('', '', '')
assert ''.partition('http://') == ('', 'http://', '')
assert ''.partition('org') == ('http://www.seq.', 'org', '')
def test_rpartition():
assert 'hello'.rpartition('l') == ('hel', 'l', 'o')
assert 'this is the rpartition method'.rpartition('ti') == ('this is the rparti', 'ti', 'on method')
assert ''.rpartition('://') == ('http', '://', '')
assert ''.rpartition('?') == ('', '', '')
assert ''.rpartition('http://') == ('', 'http://', '')
assert ''.rpartition('org') == ('http://www.seq.', 'org', '')
def test_split():
assert ' h l \t\n l o '.split() == ['h', 'l', 'l', 'o']
assert ' h l \t\n l o '.split(None, 2) == ['h', 'l', 'l o ']
assert ' h l \t\n l o '.split(None, 0) == ['h l \t\n l o ']
assert not ''.split()
assert not ' '.split()
assert 'h l l o'.split(' ', -1) == ['h', 'l', 'l', 'o']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.split('|', -1) == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'h l l o'.split(' ') == ['h', 'l', 'l', 'o']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.split('|') == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.split('|', 0) == ['a|b|c|d']
assert 'abcd'.split('|', -1) == ['abcd']
assert ''.split('|', -1) == ['']
assert 'endcase |'.split('|', -1) == ['endcase ', '']
assert '| startcase'.split('|', -1) == ['', ' startcase']
assert '|bothcase|'.split('|', -1) == ['', 'bothcase', '']
assert 'abbbc'.split('bb', -1) == ['a', 'bc']
assert 'aaa'.split('aaa', -1) == ['', '']
assert 'aaa'.split('aaa', 0) == ['aaa']
assert 'abbaab'.split('ba', -1) == ['ab', 'ab']
assert 'aa'.split('aaa', -1) == ['aa']
assert 'Abbobbbobb'.split('bbobb', -1) == ['A', 'bobb']
assert 'AbbobbBbbobb'.split('bbobb', -1) == ['A', 'B', '']
assert ('a|'*20)[:-1].split('|', -1) == ['a']*20
assert ('a|'*20)[:-1].split('|', 15) == ['a']*15 +['a|a|a|a|a']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.split('|', 1) == ['a', 'b|c|d']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.split('|', 2) == ['a', 'b', 'c|d']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.split('|', 3) == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.split('|', 4) == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a||b||c||d'.split('|', 2) == ['a', '', 'b||c||d']
def test_rsplit():
assert ' h l \t\n l o '.rsplit() == ['h', 'l', 'l', 'o']
assert ' h l \t\n l o '.rsplit(None, 2) == [' h l', 'l', 'o']
assert ' h l \t\n l o '.rsplit(None, 0) == [' h l \t\n l o']
assert not ''.rsplit()
assert not ' '.rsplit()
assert 'a|b|c|d'.rsplit('|', -1) == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.rsplit('|') == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.rsplit('|', 1) == ['a|b|c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.rsplit('|', 2) == ['a|b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.rsplit('|', 3) == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.rsplit('|', 4) == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
assert 'a|b|c|d'.rsplit('|', 0) == ['a|b|c|d']
assert 'a||b||c||d'.rsplit('|', 2) == ['a||b||c', '', 'd']
assert 'abcd'.rsplit('|', -1) == ['abcd']
assert ''.rsplit('|', -1) == ['']
assert 'endcase |'.rsplit('|', -1) == ['endcase ', '']
assert '| startcase'.rsplit('|', -1) == ['', ' startcase']
assert '|bothcase|'.rsplit('|', -1) == ['', 'bothcase', '']
# assert 'a\x00\x00b\x00c\x00d'.rsplit('\x00', -1)
assert 'abbbc'.rsplit('bb', -1) == ['ab', 'c']
assert 'aaa'.rsplit('aaa', -1) == ['', '']
assert 'aaa'.rsplit('aaa', 0) == ['aaa']
assert 'abbaab'.rsplit('ba', -1) == ['ab', 'ab']
assert 'aa'.rsplit('aaa', -1) == ['aa']
assert 'bbobbbobbA'.rsplit('bbobb', -1) == ['bbob', 'A']
assert 'bbobbBbbobbA'.rsplit('bbobb', -1) == ['', 'B', 'A']
assert ('aBLAH'*20)[:-4].rsplit('BLAH', -1) == ['a']*20
assert ('a|'*20)[:-1].rsplit('|', 15) == ['a|a|a|a|a'] + ['a']*15
assert 'a||b||c||d'.rsplit('|', 2) == ['a||b||c', '', 'd']
def test_splitlines():
assert '\n\nasdf\nsadf\nsdf\n'.splitlines(False) == ['', '', 'asdf', 'sadf', 'sdf']
assert '\n\nasdf\nsadf\nsdf\n'.splitlines() == ['', '', 'asdf', 'sadf', 'sdf']
assert 'abc\ndef\n\rghi'.splitlines(False) == ['abc', 'def', '', 'ghi']
assert 'abc\ndef\n\r\nghi'.splitlines(False) == ['abc', 'def', '', 'ghi']
assert 'abc\ndef\r\nghi'.splitlines(False) == ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']
assert 'abc\ndef\r\nghi\n'.splitlines(False) == ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']
assert 'abc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r'.splitlines(False) == ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', '']
assert '\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r'.splitlines(False) == ['', 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', '']
assert '\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r'.splitlines(True) == ['\n', 'abc\n', 'def\r\n', 'ghi\n', '\r']
assert 'abc\ndef\r\nghi\n'.splitlines(True) == ['abc\n', 'def\r\n', 'ghi\n']
def test_startswith():
assert 'hello'.startswith('he', 0, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('hello', 0, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('hello world', 0, len('hello')) == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('', 0, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('ello', 0, len('hello')) == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('he') == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('hello') == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('hello world') == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('') == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('ello') == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('ello', 1, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('o', 4, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('o', 5, len('hello')) == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('lo', 3, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('', 5, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('lo', 6, len('hello')) == False
assert 'helloworld'.startswith('lowo', 3, len('helloworld')) == True
assert 'helloworld'.startswith('lowo', 3, 7) == True
assert 'helloworld'.startswith('lowo', 3, 6) == False
assert ''.startswith('', 0, 1) == True
assert ''.startswith('', 0, 0) == True
assert ''.startswith('', 1, 0) == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('he', 0, -1) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('hello', 0, -1) == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('he', 0, -3) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('ello', -4, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('ello', -5, len('hello')) == False
assert 'hello'.startswith('', -3, -3) == True
assert 'hello'.startswith('o', -1, len('hello')) == True
def test_endswith():
assert 'hello'.endswith('lo', 0, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.endswith('he', 0, len('hello')) == False
assert 'hello'.endswith('', 0, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.endswith('hello world', 0, len('hello')) == False
assert 'hello'.endswith('lo') == True
assert 'hello'.endswith('he') == False
assert 'hello'.endswith('') == True
assert 'hello'.endswith('hello world') == False
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('worl', 0, len('hello')) == False
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('worl', 3, 9) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('world', 3, 12) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', 1, 7) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', 2, 7) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', 3, 7) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', 4, 7) == False
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', 3, 8) == False
assert 'ab'.endswith('ab', 0, 1) == False
assert 'ab'.endswith('ab', 0, 0) == False
assert ''.endswith('', 0, 1) == True
assert ''.endswith('', 0, 0) == True
assert ''.endswith('', 1, 0) == False
assert 'hello'.endswith('lo', -2, len('hello')) == True
assert 'hello'.endswith('he', -2, len('hello')) == False
assert 'hello'.endswith('', -3, -3) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('worl', -6, len('helloworld')) == False
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('worl', -5, -1) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('worl', -5, 9) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('world', -7, 12) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', -99, -3) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', -8, -3) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', -7, -3) == True
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', 3, -4) == False
assert 'helloworld'.endswith('lowo', -8, -2) == False
def test_index():
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.index('abc', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.index('abc') == 0
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.index('abc', 1, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 9
assert 'abc'.index('', 0, len('abc')) == 0
assert 'abc'.index('', 3, len('abc')) == 3
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.index('a', 0, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 2
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.index('a', 4, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 12
'abcdefghiabc'.index('def', 4, len('abcdefghiabc'))
assert False
except ValueError:
def test_rindex():
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rindex('', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 12
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rindex('') == 12
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rindex('def', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 3
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rindex('abc', 0, len('abcdefghiabc')) == 9
assert 'abcdefghiabc'.rindex('abc', 0, -1) == 0
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.rindex('a', 0, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 12
assert 'rrarrrrrrrrra'.rindex('a', 4, len('rrarrrrrrrrra')) == 12
'rrarrrrrrrrra'.rindex('a', 4, 6)
assert False
except ValueError:
def test_replace():
# interleave-- default will be len(str) + 1
assert 'A'.replace('', '', len('A')+1) == 'A'
assert 'A'.replace('', '*', len('A')+1) == '*A*'
assert 'A'.replace('', '*1', len('A')+1) == '*1A*1'
assert 'A'.replace('', '*-#', len('A')+1) == '*-#A*-#'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-', len('AA')+1) == '*-A*-A*-'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-', -1) == '*-A*-A*-'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-') == '*-A*-A*-'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-', 4) == '*-A*-A*-'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-', 3) == '*-A*-A*-'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-', 2) == '*-A*-A'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-', 1) == '*-AA'
assert 'AA'.replace('', '*-', 0) == 'AA'
# substring deletion
assert 'A'.replace('A', '', len('A')+1) == ''
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '', len('AAA')+1) == ''
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '', -1) == ''
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '') == ''
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '', 4) == ''
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '', 3) == ''
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '', 2) == 'A'
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '', 1) == 'AA'
assert 'AAA'.replace('A', '', 0) == 'AAA'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', len('ABACADA')+1) == 'BCD'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', -1) == 'BCD'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', 5) == 'BCD'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', 4) == 'BCD'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', 3) == 'BCDA'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', 2) == 'BCADA'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', 1) == 'BACADA'
assert 'ABACADA'.replace('A', '', 0) == 'ABACADA'
assert 'ABCAD'.replace('A', '', len('ABCAD')+1) == 'BCD'
assert 'ABCADAA'.replace('A', '', len('ABCADAA')+1) == 'BCD'
assert 'BCD'.replace('A', '', len('BCD')+1) == 'BCD'
assert ('^'+('A'*1000)+'^').replace('A', '', 999) == '^A^'
assert 'the'.replace('the', '', len('the')+1) == ''
assert 'theater'.replace('the', '', len('theater')+1) == 'ater'
assert 'thethe'.replace('the', '', len('thethe')+1) == ''
assert 'thethethethe'.replace('the', '', len('thethethethe')+1) == ''
assert 'theatheatheathea'.replace('the', '', len('theatheatheathea')+1) == 'aaaa'
assert 'that'.replace('the', '', len('that')+1) == 'that'
assert 'here and there'.replace('the', '', len('here and there')+1) == 'here and re'
assert 'here and there and there'.replace('the', '', len('here and there and there')+1) == 'here and re and re'
assert 'here and there and there'.replace('the', '', -1) == 'here and re and re'
assert 'here and there and there'.replace('the', '', 3) == 'here and re and re'
assert 'here and there and there'.replace('the', '', 2) == 'here and re and re'
assert 'here and there and there'.replace('the', '', 1) == 'here and re and there'
assert 'here and there and there'.replace('the', '', 0) == 'here and there and there'
# substring replace in place
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('o', 'o', len('Who goes there?') + 1) == 'Who goes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('o', 'O', len('Who goes there?') + 1) == 'WhO gOes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('o', 'O', -1) == 'WhO gOes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('o', 'O', 3) == 'WhO gOes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('o', 'O', 2) == 'WhO gOes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('o', 'O', 1) == 'WhO goes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('o', 'O', 0) == 'Who goes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('a', 'q', len('Who goes there?') + 1) == 'Who goes there?'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('W', 'w', len('Who goes there?') + 1) == 'who goes there?'
assert 'WWho goes there?WW'.replace('W', 'w', len('WWho goes there?WW') + 1) == 'wwho goes there?ww'
assert 'Who goes there?'.replace('?', '!', len('Who goes there?') + 1) == 'Who goes there!'
assert 'This is a tissue'.replace('is', '**', len('This is a tissue') + 1) == 'Th** ** a t**sue'
assert 'This is a tissue'.replace('is', '**', -1) == 'Th** ** a t**sue'
assert 'This is a tissue'.replace('is', '**', 4) == 'Th** ** a t**sue'
assert 'This is a tissue'.replace('is', '**', 3) == 'Th** ** a t**sue'
assert 'This is a tissue'.replace('is', '**', 2) == 'Th** ** a tissue'
assert 'This is a tissue'.replace('is', '**', 1) == 'Th** is a tissue'
assert 'This is a tissue'.replace('is', '**', 0) == 'This is a tissue'
assert 'Reykjavik'.replace('k', 'KK', len('Reykjavik') +1) == 'ReyKKjaviKK'
assert 'Reykjavik'.replace('k', 'KK', -1) == 'ReyKKjaviKK'
assert 'Reykjavik'.replace('k', 'KK', 2) == 'ReyKKjaviKK'
assert 'Reykjavik'.replace('k', 'KK', 1) == 'ReyKKjavik'
assert 'Reykjavik'.replace('k', 'KK', 0) == 'Reykjavik'
assert 'A.B.C.'.replace('.', '----', len('A.B.C.') + 1) == 'A----B----C----'
assert 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'.replace('spam', 'ham', len('spam, spam, eggs and spam')+1) == 'ham, ham, eggs and ham'
assert 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'.replace('spam', 'ham', -1) == 'ham, ham, eggs and ham'
assert 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'.replace('spam', 'ham', 4) == 'ham, ham, eggs and ham'
assert 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'.replace('spam', 'ham', 3) == 'ham, ham, eggs and ham'
assert 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'.replace('spam', 'ham', 2) == 'ham, ham, eggs and spam'
assert 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'.replace('spam', 'ham', 1) == 'ham, spam, eggs and spam'
assert 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'.replace('spam', 'ham', 0) == 'spam, spam, eggs and spam'
def test_expandtabs():
assert 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi'.expandtabs(8) == 'abc\rab def\ng hi'
assert 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi'.expandtabs(8) == 'abc\rab def\ng hi'
assert 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi'.expandtabs(4) == 'abc\rab def\ng hi'
assert 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi'.expandtabs(8) == 'abc\r\nab def\ng hi'
assert 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi'.expandtabs(4) == 'abc\r\nab def\ng hi'
assert 'abc\r\nab\r\ndef\ng\r\nhi'.expandtabs(4) == 'abc\r\nab\r\ndef\ng\r\nhi'
assert ' \ta\n\tb'.expandtabs(1) == ' a\n b'
assert '\tdndhd\ty\ty\tyu\t'.expandtabs(3) == ' dndhd y y yu '
def test_translate():
assert 'I yor ge'.translate({'g': 'w', 'y': 'f'}) == 'I for we'
assert 'abababc'.translate({'a': ''}) == 'bbbc'
assert 'abababc'.translate({'a': '', 'b': 'i'}) == 'iiic'
assert 'abababc'.translate({'a': '', 'b': 'i', 'c': 'x'}) == 'iiix'
assert 'abababc'.translate({'a': '', 'b': ''}) == 'c'
assert 'xzx'.translate({'z': 'yy'}) == 'xyyx'
def test_repr():
assert repr('') == "''"
assert repr('hello') == "'hello'"
assert repr(' ') == "' '"
assert repr('\r\a\n\t') == "'\\r\\a\\n\\t'"
def test_fstr():
assert f'{2+2}' == '4'
n = 42
assert f"{n}{n}xx{n}" == '4242xx42'
assert f'{n=}' == 'n=42'
assert f"hello {n=} world" == 'hello n=42 world'
def test_slice(s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789',
indices = (0, 1, 3, 41, 0xfffffffffff, -1, -2, -37)):
for start in indices:
for stop in indices:
for step in indices[1:]:
L = list(s)[start:stop:step]
assert s[start:stop:step] == ''.join(L)
def test_join():
assert ''.join(str(a) for a in range(0)) == ''
assert ''.join(List[str]()) == ''
assert 'a'.join(str(a) for a in range(0)) == ''
assert 'a'.join(List[str]()) == ''
assert 'ab'.join(str(a) for a in range(999, 1000)) == '999'
assert 'ab'.join(['999']) == '999'
assert 'xyz'.join(str(a) for a in range(5)) == '0xyz1xyz2xyz3xyz4'
assert 'xyz'.join(['00', '1', '22', '3', '44']) == '00xyz1xyz22xyz3xyz44'
assert 'xyz'.join(iter(['00', '1', '22', '3', '44'])) == '00xyz1xyz22xyz3xyz44'
assert 'xyz'.join(['00', '1', '22', '3', '44']) == '00xyz1xyz22xyz3xyz44'
assert 'xyz'.join(iter(['00', '', '22', '3', ''])) == '00xyzxyz22xyz3xyz'
def test_repr():
s = ('\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19'
'\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefg'
assert repr(s) == ('\'\\x00\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\x0c\\r\\x0e\\x0f\\x10\\x11'
'\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f !"#$%&\\\'()*+,'
assert repr('') == "''"
assert repr('"') == '\'"\''
assert repr("'") == '"\'"'
assert repr('"\'') == '\'"\\\'\''