
451 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Exaloop Inc. <>
from internal.gc import free, register_finalizer, seq_alloc, seq_alloc_atomic, seq_gc_add_roots
def seq_check_errno() -> str:
from C import seq_print(str)
from C import exit(int)
from C import malloc(int) -> cobj as c_malloc
__vtable_size__ = 0
class __internal__:
def class_raw(obj) -> Ptr[byte]:
ret ptr %obj
def class_new(T: type) -> T:
"""Create a new reference (class) type"""
sz = T.__tuplesize__()
p = seq_alloc_atomic(sz) if T.__atomic__ else seq_alloc(sz)
pf = __internal__.to_class_ptr(p, T)
return pf
def class_ctr(T: type, *args, **kwargs) -> T:
"""Shorthand for `t = T.__new__(); t.__init__(*args, **kwargs); t`"""
return T(*args, **kwargs)
def class_set_obj_vtable(pf: T, T: type) -> None:
Initialize a vtable of a T() object. Compiler generated.
Corresponds to:
pf.__vtable__ = __vtables__[pf.__vtable_id___]
def class_init_vtables() -> Ptr[Ptr[cobj]]:
Create a global vtable. Compiler generated.
Corresponds to:
return __internal__.class_make_n_vtables(<number of class realizations>)
def class_make_n_vtables(sz: int) -> Ptr[Ptr[cobj]]:
"""Create a global vtable."""
p = Ptr[Ptr[cobj]](sz)
seq_gc_add_roots(p.as_byte(), (p + sz).as_byte())
return p
def class_populate_vtables(p: Ptr[Ptr[cobj]]) -> None:
Populate content of vtables. Compiler generated.
Corresponds to:
for each realized class C:
p.__setitem__(<C's realization ID>, Ptr[cobj](<C's vtable size> + 1))
__internal__.class_set_typeinfo(p[<C's realization ID>], <C's realization ID>)
for each fn F in C's vtable:
p[<C's realization ID>].__setitem__(<F's vtable ID>, Function(<instantiated F>).__raw__())
def class_set_typeinfo(p: Ptr[cobj], typeinfo: T, T: type) -> None:
i = Ptr[T](1)
i[0] = typeinfo
p[0] = i.as_byte()
def class_get_typeinfo(p) -> int:
c = Ptr[Ptr[cobj]](p.__raw__())
vt = c[0]
return Ptr[int](vt[0])[0]
def class_base_derived_dist(B: type, D: type) -> int:
"""Calculates the byte distance of base class B and derived class D. Compiler generated."""
return 0
# Unions
def union_set_tag(tag: byte, U: type) -> U:
%0 = insertvalue {=U} undef, i8 %tag, 0
ret {=U} %0
def union_get_data_ptr(ptr: Ptr[U], U: type, T: type) -> Ptr[T]:
%0 = getelementptr inbounds {=U}, ptr %ptr, i64 0, i32 1
ret ptr %0
def union_get_tag(u: U, U: type) -> byte:
%0 = extractvalue {=U} %u, 0
ret i8 %0
def union_get_data(u, T: type) -> T:
return __internal__.union_get_data_ptr(__ptr__(u), T=T)[0]
def union_make(tag: int, value, U: type) -> U:
u = __internal__.union_set_tag(byte(tag), U)
__internal__.union_get_data_ptr(__ptr__(u), T=type(value))[0] = value
return u
def new_union(value, U: type) -> U:
def get_union(union, T: type) -> T:
def get_union_first(union):
def _get_union_method(union, method: Static[str], *args, **kwargs):
def get_union_method(union, method: Static[str], *args, **kwargs):
t = __internal__._get_union_method(union, method, *args, **kwargs)
if staticlen(t) == 1:
return __internal__.get_union_first(t)
return t
# Tuples
def _tuple_getitem_llvm(t: T, idx: int, T: type, E: type) -> E:
%x = alloca {=T}
store {=T} %t, ptr %x
%p = getelementptr {=E}, ptr %x, i64 %idx
%v = load {=E}, ptr %p
ret {=E} %v
def tuple_fix_index(idx: int, len: int) -> int:
if idx < 0:
idx += len
if idx < 0 or idx >= len:
raise IndexError(f"tuple index {idx} out of range 0..{len}")
return idx
def tuple_getitem(t: T, idx: int, T: type, E: type) -> E:
return __internal__._tuple_getitem_llvm(
t, __internal__.tuple_fix_index(idx, staticlen(t)), T, E
# ...
def fn_new(p: Ptr[byte], T: type) -> T:
ret ptr %p
def fn_raw(fn: T, T: type) -> Ptr[byte]:
ret ptr %fn
def int_sext(what, F: Static[int], T: Static[int]) -> Int[T]:
%0 = sext i{=F} %what to i{=T}
ret i{=T} %0
def int_zext(what, F: Static[int], T: Static[int]) -> Int[T]:
%0 = zext i{=F} %what to i{=T}
ret i{=T} %0
def int_trunc(what, F: Static[int], T: Static[int]) -> Int[T]:
%0 = trunc i{=F} %what to i{=T}
ret i{=T} %0
def seq_assert(file: str, line: int, msg: str) -> AssertionError:
s = f": {msg}" if msg else ""
s = f"Assert failed{s} ({file}:{line.__repr__()})"
return AssertionError(s)
def seq_assert_test(file: str, line: int, msg: str):
s = f": {msg}" if msg else ""
s = f"\033[1;31mTEST FAILED:\033[0m {file} (line {line}){s}\n"
def check_errno(prefix: str):
msg = seq_check_errno()
if msg:
raise OSError(prefix + msg)
def opt_tuple_new(T: type) -> Optional[T]:
ret { i1, {=T} } { i1 false, {=T} undef }
def opt_ref_new(T: type) -> Optional[T]:
ret ptr null
def opt_tuple_new_arg(what: T, T: type) -> Optional[T]:
%0 = insertvalue { i1, {=T} } { i1 true, {=T} undef }, {=T} %what, 1
ret { i1, {=T} } %0
def opt_ref_new_arg(what: T, T: type) -> Optional[T]:
ret ptr %what
def opt_tuple_bool(what: Optional[T], T: type) -> bool:
%0 = extractvalue { i1, {=T} } %what, 0
%1 = zext i1 %0 to i8
ret i8 %1
def opt_ref_bool(what: Optional[T], T: type) -> bool:
%0 = icmp ne ptr %what, null
%1 = zext i1 %0 to i8
ret i8 %1
def opt_tuple_invert(what: Optional[T], T: type) -> T:
%0 = extractvalue { i1, {=T} } %what, 1
ret {=T} %0
def opt_ref_invert(what: Optional[T], T: type) -> T:
ret ptr %what
def to_class_ptr(p: Ptr[byte], T: type) -> T:
ret ptr %p
def _tuple_offsetof(x, field: Static[int]) -> int:
def _llvm_offsetof(T: type, idx: Static[int], TE: type) -> int:
%a = alloca {=T}
%b = getelementptr inbounds {=T}, ptr %a, i64 0, i32 {=idx}
%base = ptrtoint ptr %a to i64
%elem = ptrtoint ptr %b to i64
%offset = sub i64 %elem, %base
ret i64 %offset
return _llvm_offsetof(type(x), field, type(x[field]))
def raw_type_str(p: Ptr[byte], name: str) -> str:
pstr = p.__repr__()
# '<[name] at [pstr]>'
total = 1 + name.len + 4 + pstr.len + 1
buf = Ptr[byte](total)
where = 0
buf[where] = byte(60) # '<'
where += 1
str.memcpy(buf + where, name.ptr, name.len)
where += name.len
buf[where] = byte(32) # ' '
where += 1
buf[where] = byte(97) # 'a'
where += 1
buf[where] = byte(116) # 't'
where += 1
buf[where] = byte(32) # ' '
where += 1
str.memcpy(buf + where, pstr.ptr, pstr.len)
where += pstr.len
buf[where] = byte(62) # '>'
return str(buf, total)
def tuple_str(strs: Ptr[str], names: Ptr[str], n: int) -> str:
total = 2 # one for each of '(' and ')'
i = 0
while i < n:
total += strs[i].len
if names[i].len:
total += names[i].len + 2 # extra : and space
if i < n - 1:
total += 2 # ", "
i += 1
buf = Ptr[byte](total)
where = 0
buf[where] = byte(40) # '('
where += 1
i = 0
while i < n:
s = names[i]
l = s.len
if l:
str.memcpy(buf + where, s.ptr, l)
where += l
buf[where] = byte(58) # ':'
where += 1
buf[where] = byte(32) # ' '
where += 1
s = strs[i]
l = s.len
str.memcpy(buf + where, s.ptr, l)
where += l
if i < n - 1:
buf[where] = byte(44) # ','
where += 1
buf[where] = byte(32) # ' '
where += 1
i += 1
buf[where] = byte(41) # ')'
return str(buf, total)
def undef(v, s):
if not v:
raise NameError(f"variable '{s}' not yet defined")
def set_header(e, func, file, line, col):
if not isinstance(e, BaseException):
compile_error("exceptions must derive from BaseException")
e.func = func
e.file = file
e.line = line
e.col = col
return e
# TODO: keep this commented until static for lands
# @pure
# @llvm
# def __raw__(self) -> Ptr[byte]:
# ret i8* %self
# def __iter__(self):
# for _, i in self.__static_list__:
# yield i
# def __contains__(self, what):
# for _, i in self.__static_list__:
# if isinstance(what, type(i)):
# if what == i:
# return True
# return False
# def __eq__(self, obj) -> bool:
# for ii, i in self.__static_list__:
# if not i == obj.__static_list__[ii]:
# return False
# return True
# def __ne__(self, obj) -> bool:
# return not self == obj
# def __lt__(self, obj) -> bool:
# for ii, i in self.__static_list__:
# if i < obj.__static_list__[ii]:
# return True
# elif not i == obj.__static_list__[ii]:
# return False
# return False
# def __le__(self, obj) -> bool:
# return self < obj or self == obj
# def __ge__(self, obj) -> bool:
# return not self < obj
# def __gt__(self, obj) -> bool:
# return not self < obj and not self == obj
# def __hash__(self) -> int:
# seed = 0
# for _, i in self.__static_list__:
# seed = seed ^ ((i.__hash__() + 2654435769) + ((seed << 6) + (seed >> 2)))
# return seed
# def __pickle__(self, dest: Ptr[byte]) -> None:
# for _, i in self.__static_list__:
# i.__pickle__(dest)
# # __unpickle
# def __len__(self):
# return staticlen(self)
# def __to_py__(self) -> cobj:
# o = pyobj._tuple_new(staticlen(self))
# for ii, i in self.__static_list__:
# pyobj._tuple_set(o, ii + 1, i.__to_py__())
# return o
# # __from_py__
# def __repr__(self) -> str:
# a = __array__[str](staticlen(self))
# n = __array__[str](staticlen(self))
# for ii, i in self.__static_list__:
# a.__setitem__(ii, i.__repr__())
# n.__setitem__(ii, i.__static_name__)
# return __internal__.tuple_str(a.ptr, n.ptr, staticlen(self))
# def __dict__(self) -> str:
# d = List[str](staticlen(self))
# for _, i in self.__static_list__:
# d.append(i.__static_name)
# return d
# def __add__(self, obj):
# return (*self, *obj)
class Import:
name: str
file: str
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<module '{}' from '{self.file}'>"
class Function:
def __new__(what: Ptr[byte]) -> Function[T, TR]:
ret ptr %what
def __new__(what: Function[T, TR]) -> Function[T, TR]:
return what
def __raw__(self) -> Ptr[byte]:
ret ptr %self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return __internal__.raw_type_str(self.__raw__(), "function")
def __call_internal__(self: Function[T, TR], args: T) -> TR:
noop # compiler will populate this one
def __call__(self, *args) -> TR:
return Function.__call_internal__(self, args)
__vtables__ = __internal__.class_init_vtables()
def _____(): __vtables__ # make it global!