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2018-10-19 12:53:51 +00:00
title: Useful commands for Docker
# Useful commands for Docker
2018-10-19 12:53:51 +00:00
- Docker is mainly used for run programs on server side.
- Companies customize their OS before use. They don't require many things like GUI.
- Less program means less RAM used and more security.
- More features means more chances to hack, more vulnerabilities.
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- We use OS to run program. Docker gives us an environment to run our program.
## Installing docker-engine
### For Redhat OS
- First, setup yum repo
baseurl =
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- Then, install **docker-engine**
`$ yum install docker-engine`
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### Start the services of docker
`$ systemctl restart docker`
It starts the docker server.
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### See all the images available in docker
`$ docker images`
The default _docker images_ will show all top level images, their repository and tags, and their size.
### Load an image in docker
`$ docker load -i ubuntu-14.04.tar`
- **i** - Read from tar archive file, instead of STDIN
It loads an image or repository from a tar archive (even if compressed with gzip, bzip2, or xz) from a file or STDIN. It restores both images and tags.
### Docker run reference
- Docker runs processes in isolated containers.
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- A container is a process which runs on a host. The host may be local or remote.
- When an operator executes `docker run`, the container process that runs is isolated in that it has its own file system, its own networking, and its own isolated process tree separate from the host.
### Run or start a new OS
`$ docker run -it ubuntu:14.04`
- The `docker run` command first `creates` a writeable container layer over the specified image, and then `starts` it using the specified command.
- The above example runs a container using the `ubuntu:14.04` image. The `-it` instructs Docker to allocate a pseudo-TTY connected to the containers stdin; creating an interactive `bash` shell in the container.
### See all the running OSs
`$ docker ps`
- The `docker ps` command only shows running containers by default.
- To see all containers, use the `-a` (or `--all`) flag:
`$ docker ps -a`
### Come out from docker OS console
### From shell of docker OS, for coming out without exiting container
press _ctrl + p + q_
### From terminal of base system, to run a command in docker OS
`$ docker exec mycontainer ifconfig`
- **mycontainer** is the name of container.
- The `docker exec` command runs a new command in a running container.
### Usually run docker using this command
`$ docker run dit ubuntu:14.04`
- **i** - interactive
- **t** - terminal
- **d** - detach
### Stop all running OSs
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$ docker ps -q //shows id of every running OS
$ docker stop $(docker ps -q)
### Permanently remove a container
`$ docker rm id`
### Permanently Remove all the stopped containers
`$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)`
- This command will delete all stopped containers.
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- The command `docker ps -a -q` will return all existing container IDs and pass them to the `rm` command which will delete them.
- Any running containers will not be deleted.
### Remove containers while running (forcefully)
`$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)`
### Giving docker OS a name when starting
- By default, docker gives unique name to every container with a unique id.
- We can also give a name to container using following command -
`$ docker run -it --name adarsh centos:latest`
### Copy a file in container
`$ docker cp /root/form.txt myconatiner:/`
This command will copy a file form.txt from the base system to the specified container.
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### Download docker images
[docker hub]( - All the available docker images can be downloaded from this URL.
### Check different versions of OS that are available
$ docker search ubuntu //search
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$ docker pull ubuntu:17.10 //downlaod required version
## Docker Storage
2018-10-19 12:53:51 +00:00
### Basic Storage types
1. **Empheral disk (temporary)** OS removal will remove data (like windows C drive)
2. **Persistent disk (permanent)** - OS removal will not erase data (like windows D drive)
- **-v** gives persistent storage. OS removal will not remove data.
### Docker volume manager
Docker by default takes space from **/** drive of host system to store data. Overall **/** drive amount of storage docker can use.
### Give separate space to a docker container
2018-10-19 12:53:51 +00:00
- Make a partition, format it and mount in base system.
Let the partition created is **mypart**
- Then, run following command
`$ docker run it -v /mypart:/data centos`
- **mypart** is a partition in base system and **data** is the folder where docker will store its data.
- **v** - volume
### Attaching dvd to a container
`$ docker run it v /run/media/root/RHEL-7.3\ Server.. centos`
This command will attach a RHEL to the container.
### Copy content from a folder of base system to _/data_ in docker centos
`$ docker run it -v /folder_name:/data centos`