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title: Depth First Search (DFS)
localeTitle: 深度优先搜索DFS
## 深度优先搜索DFS
### 可视化
### 实现C ++ 14
\`\`\`C ++
# 包括
# 包括
# 包括
# 包括
class Graph { int v; //顶点数
// pointer to a vector containing adjacency lists
vector < int > *adj;
上市: 图int v; //构造函数
// function to add an edge to graph
void add_edge(int v, int w);
// prints dfs traversal from a given source `s`
void dfs();
void dfs_util(int s, vector < bool> &visited);
Graph :: Graphint v{ 这 - > v = v; adj = new vector <int> \[v\]; }
void Graph :: add _edgeint uint v{ adj \[u\] .push_ backv; //将v添加到你的列表中 adj \[v\] .push _backv; //将你添加到v的列表中如果图表被定向则删除此语句 } void Graph :: dfs{ //访问过的向量 - 跟踪DFS期间访问的节点 vector <bool> visitvfalse; //将所有节点/顶点标记为未访问 forint i = 0; i <v; i ++ 如果(!参观\[1\] dfs_ utilivisited; } //注意这里使用call-by-reference的用法 void Graph :: dfs\_utilint svector <bool>visited{ //将当前节点/顶点标记为已访问 访问过\[s\] =真; //将其输出到标准输出(屏幕) cout << s <<“”;
// traverse its adjacency list and recursively call dfs_util for all of its neighbours!
// (only if the neighbour has not been visited yet!)
for(vector < int > :: iterator itr = adj[s].begin(); itr != adj[s].end(); itr++)
dfs_util(*itr, visited);
int main { //使用我们上面定义的Graph类创建图形 图g4; g.add _edge0,1; g.add_ edge0,2; g.add _edge1,2; g.add_ edge2,0; g.add _edge2,3; g.add_ edge3,3;
cout << "Following is the Depth First Traversal of the provided graph"
<< "(starting from vertex 0): ";
// output would be: 0 1 2 3
return 0;
### Evaluation
Space Complexity: O(n)
Worse Case Time Complexity: O(n)
Depth First Search is complete on a finite set of nodes. I works better on shallow trees.
### Implementation of DFS in C++
C ++
# 包括
# 包括
# 包括
struct Graph { int v; bool \* _adj; 上市: Graphint vcount; void addEdgeint uint v; void deleteEdgeint uint v; 向量_ _DFSint s; void DFSUtilint svector_ _DFS矢量_ _访问; }; Graph :: Graphint vcount{ this-> v = vcount; this-> adj = new bool_ \[vcount\]; forint i = 0; i
void Graph :: addEdgeint uint w{ 这 - >形容词\[U\] \[W\] = TRUE; 这 - >形容词\[W\] \[U\] = TRUE; }
void Graph :: deleteEdgeint uint w{ 这 - >形容词\[U\] \[W\] = FALSE; 这 - >形容词\[W\] \[U\] = FALSE; }
void Graph :: DFSUtilint svector dfs矢量 &访问){ 访问了\[S\] = TRUE; dfs.push\_back一个或多个; forint i = 0; i V;我++{ ifthis-> adj \[s\] \[i\] == true && visited \[i\] == false DFSUtilIDFS访问; } }
向量 Graph :: DFSint s{ 向量访问(这 - > v的; 向量 DFS; DFSUtilSDFS访问; return dfs; } \`\`\`
#### 更多信息:
[深度优先搜索DFS - 维基百科](