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var _ = require('lodash'),
debug = require('debug')('freecc:cntr:bonfires'),
Bonfire = require('./../models/Bonfire'),
User = require('./../models/User'),
resources = require('./resources');
2015-01-11 05:45:37 +00:00
* Bonfire controller
var highestBonfireNumber = resources.numberOfBonfires();
exports.index = function(req, res) {
res.render('bonfire/show.jade', {
completedWith: null,
title: 'Bonfire Playground',
name: 'Bonfire Playground',
difficulty: 0,
brief: 'Feel free to play around!',
details: '',
tests: [],
challengeSeed: '',
challengeEntryPoint: '',
cc: req.user ? req.user.bonfiresHash : undefined,
points: req.user ? req.user.points : undefined,
verb: resources.randomVerb(),
phrase: resources.randomPhrase(),
compliments: resources.randomCompliment(),
bonfires: [],
bonfireHash: 'test'
exports.returnNextBonfire = function(req, res, next) {
2015-01-27 07:51:59 +00:00
if (!req.user) {
req.user = new User();
var currentTime = parseInt(+new Date() / 1000)
if (currentTime - req.user.lastContentSync > 86400) {
req.user.lastContentSync = currentTime;
2015-01-27 07:51:59 +00:00
var completed = {
return elem._id;
// TODO : remove debug statement
debug(req.user, 'this is the user');
req.user.uncompletedBonfires = resources.allBonfireIds().filter(function(elem) {
if (completed.indexOf(elem) === -1) {
return elem;
2015-01-27 07:51:59 +00:00
debug('These are completed bonfires', completed);
debug('These are uncompleted bonfires', req.user.uncompletedBonfires);
var uncompletedBonfires = req.user.uncompletedBonfires;
var displayedBonfires = Bonfire.find({'_id': uncompletedBonfires[0]});
displayedBonfires.exec(function(err, bonfire) {
if (err) {
2015-01-27 07:51:59 +00:00
nameString = bonfire[0].name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-');
return res.redirect('/bonfires/' + nameString);
//res.render('bonfire/show', {
// completedWith: null,
// title: bonfire[bonfireNumber].name,
// name: bonfire[bonfireNumber].name,
// difficulty: +bonfire[bonfireNumber].difficulty,
// brief: bonfire[bonfireNumber].description[0],
// details: bonfire[bonfireNumber].description.slice(1),
// tests: bonfire[bonfireNumber].tests,
// challengeSeed: bonfire[bonfireNumber].challengeSeed,
// challengeEntryPoint: bonfire[bonfireNumber].challengeEntryPoint,
// cc: req.user ? req.user.bonfiresHash : undefined,
// points: req.user ? req.user.points : undefined,
// verb: resources.randomVerb(),
// phrase: resources.randomPhrase(),
// compliments: resources.randomCompliment(),
// bonfires: bonfire,
// bonfireHash: bonfire[bonfireNumber]._id
exports.returnIndividualBonfire = function(req, res, next) {
var bonfireName = req.params.bonfireName;
bonfireName = bonfireName.replace(/\-/g, ' ');
var bonfireNumber = 0;
Bonfire.find({"name" : new RegExp(bonfireName, 'i')}, function(err, bonfire) {
if (err) {
if (bonfire.length < 1) {
debug('Full Bonfire', bonfire);
req.flash('errors', {
msg: "404: We couldn't find a bonfire with that name. Please double check the name."
return res.redirect('/bonfires/meet-bonfire')
} else {
res.render('bonfire/show', {
completedWith: null,
title: bonfire[bonfireNumber].name,
name: bonfire[bonfireNumber].name,
difficulty: +bonfire[bonfireNumber].difficulty,
brief: bonfire[bonfireNumber].description[0],
details: bonfire[bonfireNumber].description.slice(1),
tests: bonfire[bonfireNumber].tests,
challengeSeed: bonfire[bonfireNumber].challengeSeed,
challengeEntryPoint: bonfire[bonfireNumber].challengeEntryPoint,
cc: !!req.user,
points: req.user ? req.user.points : undefined,
verb: resources.randomVerb(),
phrase: resources.randomPhrase(),
compliment: resources.randomCompliment(),
bonfires: bonfire,
bonfireHash: bonfire[bonfireNumber]._id
* Bonfire generator
exports.returnGenerator = function(req, res) {
res.render('bonfire/generator', {
title: null,
name: null,
difficulty: null,
brief: null,
details: null,
tests: null,
challengeSeed: null,
challengeEntryPoint: null,
bonfireHash: randomString()
* Post for bonfire generation
function randomString() {
var chars = "0123456789abcdef";
var string_length = 23;
var randomstring = 'a';
for (var i=0; i<string_length; i++) {
var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
randomstring += chars.substring(rnum,rnum+1);
return randomstring;
exports.testBonfire = function(req, res) {
var bonfireName =,
bonfireTests = req.body.tests,
bonfireDifficulty = req.body.difficulty,
bonfireDescription = req.body.description,
bonfireEntryPoint = req.body.challengeEntryPoint,
bonfireChallengeSeed = req.body.challengeSeed;
bonfireTests = bonfireTests.split('\r\n');
bonfireDescription = bonfireDescription.split('\r\n');
bonfireChallengeSeed = bonfireChallengeSeed.replace('\r', '');
res.render('bonfire/show', {
completedWith: null,
title: bonfireName,
difficulty: +bonfireDifficulty,
brief: bonfireDescription[0],
details: bonfireDescription.slice(1),
tests: bonfireTests,
challengeSeed: bonfireChallengeSeed,
challengeEntryPoint: bonfireEntryPoint,
cc: req.user ? req.user.bonfiresHash : undefined,
points: req.user ? req.user.points : undefined,
verb: resources.randomVerb(),
phrase: resources.randomPhrase(),
compliment: resources.randomCompliment(),
bonfires: [],
bonfireHash: "test"
function getRidOfEmpties(elem) {
if (elem.length > 0) {
return elem;
exports.publicGenerator = function(req, res) {
exports.generateChallenge = function(req, res) {
var bonfireName =,
bonfireTests = req.body.tests,
bonfireDifficulty = req.body.difficulty,
bonfireDescription = req.body.description,
bonfireEntryPoint = req.body.challengeEntryPoint,
bonfireChallengeSeed = req.body.challengeSeed;
bonfireTests = bonfireTests.split('\r\n');
bonfireDescription = bonfireDescription.split('\r\n');
bonfireChallengeSeed = bonfireChallengeSeed.replace('\r', '');
var response = {
_id: randomString(),
name: bonfireName,
difficulty: bonfireDifficulty,
description: bonfireDescription,
challengeEntryPoint: bonfireEntryPoint,
challengeSeed: bonfireChallengeSeed,
tests: bonfireTests