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2014-10-13 21:14:51 +00:00
/* Contains extra test cases for parts of DOM Level 2 that aren't covered by the standard W3C test cases. */
var core = require("../../lib/jsdom/level2/core").dom.level2.core;
exports['create an empty document'] = function (test) {
var dom = new core.DOMImplementation();
var document = dom.createDocument(null, null, null);
test.equal(document.childNodes.length, 0, "document should not contain any nodes");
exports['create a document with namespace URI, but not qualified Name'] = function (test) {
var dom = new core.DOMImplementation();
test.throws(function () { dom.createDocument("", null, null); },
core.DOMException), 'should throw a DOMException';
exports['doctype ownerDocument'] = function (test) {
var dom = new core.DOMImplementation();
var doctype = dom.createDocumentType("bananas");
var document = dom.createDocument(null, null, doctype);
test.equal(doctype.ownerDocument, document, 'doctype should belong to the document');
exports['doctype child of ownerDocument'] = function (test) {
var dom = new core.DOMImplementation();
var doctype = dom.createDocumentType("hatstand");
var document = dom.createDocument(null, null, doctype);
test.equal(document.firstChild, doctype, 'doctype should be a child of the document')