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title: Ruby String Methods
## Ruby String Methods
Ruby has many built in methods to work with strings. Strings in Ruby by default are mutable and can be changed in place or a new string can be returned from a method.
### Length:
* The `.length` property returns the number of characters in a string including white-space.
"Hello".length #=> 5
"Hello World!".length #=> 12
### Empty:
* The `.empty?` method returns `true` if a string has a length of zero.
"Hello".empty? #=> false
"!".empty? #=> false
" ".empty? #=> false
"".empty? #=> true
### Count:
* The `.count` method counts how many times a specific character(s) is found in a string.
* This method is case-sensitive.
"HELLO".count('L') #=> 2
"HELLO WORLD!".count('LO') #=> 1
### Insert:
* The `.insert` method inserts a string into another string before a given index.
"Hello".insert(3, "hi5") #=> Helhi5lo # "hi5" is inserted into the string right before the second 'l' which is at index 3
### Upcase:
* The `.upcase` method transforms all letters in a string to uppercase.
"Hello".upcase #=> HELLO
### Downcase:
* The `.downcase` method transforms all letters in a string to lowercase.
"Hello".downcase #=> hello
### Swapcase
* The `.swapcase` method transforms the uppercase latters in a string to lowercase and the lowercase letters to uppercase.
"hELLO wORLD".swapcase #=> Hello World
### Capitalize:
* The `.capitalize` method make the first letter in a string uppercase and the rest of the string lowercase.
"HELLO".capitalize #=> Hello
"HELLO, HOW ARE YOU?".capitalize #=> Hello, how are you?
_Note that the first letter is only capitalized if it is at the beginning of the string._
"-HELLO".capitalize #=> -hello
"1HELLO".capitalize #=> 1hello
### Reverse:
* The `.reverse` method reverses the order of the characters in a string.
"Hello World!".reverse #=> "!dlroW olleH"
### Split:
* The `.split` takes a strings and _splits_ it into an array, then returns the array.
"Hello, how are you?".split #=> ["Hello,", "how", "are", "you?"]
* The default method splits the string based on whitespace, unless a different separator is provided (see second example).
"H-e-l-l-o".split('-') #=> ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
2018-10-15 19:45:21 +00:00
* To split a word in to individual letters :
``` ruby
"hello".split("") #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
### Chop:
* The `.chop` method removes the last character of the string.
* A new string is returned, unless you use the `.chop!` method which mutates the original string.
"Name".chop #=> Nam
name = "Batman"
name == "Batma" #=> false
name = "Batman"
name == "Batma" #=> true
### Strip:
* The `.strip` method removes the leading and trailing whitespace on strings, including tabs, newlines, and carriage returns (`\t`, `\n`, `\r`).
" Hello ".strip #=> Hello
### Chomp:
* The `.chomp` method removes the last character in a string, only if its a carriage return or newline (`\r`, `\n`).
* This method is commonly used with the `gets` command to remove returns from user input.
"hello\r".chomp #=> hello
"hello\t".chomp #=> hello\t # because tabs and other whitespace remain intact when using `chomp`
### To Integer:
* The `.to_i` method converts a string to an integer.
"15".to_i #=> 15 # integer
### Gsub:
* `gsub` replaces every reference of the first parameter for the second parameter on a string.
"ruby is cool".gsub("cool", "very cool") #=> "ruby is very cool"
* `gsub` also accepts patterns (like *regexp*) as first parameter, allowing things like:
"ruby is cool".gsub(/[aeiou]/, "*") #=> "r*by *s c**l"
### Concatenation:
* Ruby implements some methods to concatenate two strings together:
* The `+` method:
"15" + "15" #=> "1515" # string
* The `<<` method:
"15" << "15" #=> "1515" # string
* The `concat` method:
"15".concat "15" #=> "1515" # string
### Index:
* The `index` method returns the index position of the first occurrance of the substring or regular expression pattern match in a string.
* If there is no match found, `nil` is returned.
* A second optional parameter indicates which index position in the string to begin searching for a match.
"information".index('o') #=> 3
"information".index('mat') #=> 5
"information".index(/[abc]/) #=> 6
"information".index('o', 5) #=> 9
"information".index('z') #=> nil
### Clear:
* Removes string content.
a = "abcde"
a.clear #=> ""