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id: 5a24c314108439a4d4036187
title: Use a Ternary Expression for Conditional Rendering
challengeType: 6
isRequired: false
## Description
<section id='description'>
Before moving on to dynamic rendering techniques, there's one last way to use built-in JavaScript conditionals to render what you want: the <em><strong>ternary operator</strong></em>. The ternary operator is often utilized as a shortcut for <code>if/else</code> statements in JavaScript. They're not quite as robust as traditional <code>if/else</code> statements, but they are very popular among React developers. One reason for this is because of how JSX is compiled, <code>if/else</code> statements can't be inserted directly into JSX code. You might have noticed this a couple challenges ago &mdash; when an <code>if/else</code> statement was required, it was always <em>outside</em> the <code>return</code> statement. Ternary expressions can be an excellent alternative if you want to implement conditional logic within your JSX. Recall that a ternary operator has three parts, but you can combine several ternary expressions together. Here's the basic syntax:
<blockquote>condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse</blockquote>
## Instructions
<section id='instructions'>
The code editor has three constants defined within the <code>CheckUserAge</code> component's <code>render()</code> method. They are called <code>buttonOne</code>, <code>buttonTwo</code>, and <code>buttonThree</code>. Each of these is assigned a simple JSX expression representing a button element. First, initialize the state of <code>CheckUserAge</code> with <code>input</code> and <code>userAge</code> both set to values of an empty string.
Once the component is rendering information to the page, users should have a way to interact with it. Within the component's <code>return</code> statement, set up a ternary expression that implements the following logic: when the page first loads, render the submit button, <code>buttonOne</code>, to the page. Then, when a user enters their age and clicks the button, render a different button based on the age. If a user enters a number less than <code>18</code>, render <code>buttonThree</code>. If a user enters a number greater than or equal to <code>18</code>, render <code>buttonTwo</code>.
## Tests
<section id='tests'>
- text: The <code>CheckUserAge</code> component should render with a single <code>input</code> element and a single <code>button</code> element.
testString: 'assert(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)).find("div").find("input").length === 1 && Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)).find("div").find("button").length === 1, "The <code>CheckUserAge</code> component should render with a single <code>input</code> element and a single <code>button</code> element.");'
- text: 'The <code>CheckUserAge</code> component&apos;s state should be initialized with a property of <code>userAge</code> and a property of <code>input</code>, both set to a value of an empty string.'
testString: 'assert(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)).state().input === "" && Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)).state().userAge === "", "The <code>CheckUserAge</code> component&apos;s state should be initialized with a property of <code>userAge</code> and a property of <code>input</code>, both set to a value of an empty string.");'
- text: 'When the <code>CheckUserAge</code> component is first rendered to the DOM, the <code>button</code>&apos;s inner text should be Submit.'
testString: 'assert(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)).find("button").text() === "Submit", "When the <code>CheckUserAge</code> component is first rendered to the DOM, the <code>button</code>&apos;s inner text should be Submit.");'
- text: 'When a number of less than 18 is entered into the <code>input</code> element and the <code>button</code> is clicked, the <code>button</code>&apos;s inner text should read <code>You Shall Not Pass</code>.'
testString: 'async () => { const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 250)); const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)); const initialButton = mockedComponent.find("button").text(); const enter3AndClickButton = () => { mockedComponent.find("input").simulate("change", {target: { value: "3" }}); mockedComponent.find("button").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => { mockedComponent.update(); return mockedComponent.find("button").text(); }); }; const enter17AndClickButton = () => { mockedComponent.find("input").simulate("change", {target: { value: "17" }}); mockedComponent.find("button").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => { mockedComponent.update(); return mockedComponent.find("button").text(); }); }; const userAge3 = await enter3AndClickButton(); const userAge17 = await enter17AndClickButton(); assert(initialButton === "Submit" && userAge3 === "You Shall Not Pass" && userAge17 === "You Shall Not Pass", "When a number of less than 18 is entered into the <code>input</code> element and the <code>button</code> is clicked, the <code>button</code>&apos;s inner text should read <code>You Shall Not Pass</code>."); }; '
- text: 'When a number greater than or equal to 18 is entered into the <code>input</code> element and the <code>button</code> is clicked, the <code>button</code>&apos;s inner text should read <code>You May Enter</code>.'
testString: 'async () => { const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 250)); const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)); const initialButton = mockedComponent.find("button").text(); const enter18AndClickButton = () => { mockedComponent.find("input").simulate("change", {target: { value: "18" }}); mockedComponent.find("button").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => { mockedComponent.update(); return mockedComponent.find("button").text(); }); }; const enter35AndClickButton = () => { mockedComponent.find("input").simulate("change", {target: { value: "35" }}); mockedComponent.find("button").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => { mockedComponent.update(); return mockedComponent.find("button").text(); }); }; const userAge18 = await enter18AndClickButton(); const userAge35 = await enter35AndClickButton(); assert(initialButton === "Submit" && userAge18 === "You May Enter" && userAge35 === "You May Enter", "When a number greater than or equal to 18 is entered into the <code>input</code> element and the <code>button</code> is clicked, the <code>button</code>&apos;s inner text should read <code>You May Enter</code>."); }; '
- text: 'Once a number has been submitted, and the value of the <code>input</code> is once again changed, the <code>button</code> should return to reading <code>Submit</code>.'
testString: 'async () => { const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 250)); const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)); const enter18AndClickButton = () => { mockedComponent.find("input").simulate("change", {target: { value: "18" }}); mockedComponent.find("button").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => { mockedComponent.update(); return mockedComponent.find("button").text(); }); }; const changeInputDontClickButton = () => { mockedComponent.find("input").simulate("change", {target: { value: "5" }}); return waitForIt(() => { mockedComponent.update(); return mockedComponent.find("button").text(); }); }; const enter10AndClickButton = () => { mockedComponent.find("input").simulate("change", {target: { value: "10" }}); mockedComponent.find("button").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => { mockedComponent.update(); return mockedComponent.find("button").text(); }); }; const userAge18 = await enter18AndClickButton(); const changeInput1 = await changeInputDontClickButton(); const userAge10 = await enter10AndClickButton(); const changeInput2 = await changeInputDontClickButton(); assert(userAge18 === "You May Enter" && changeInput1 === "Submit" && userAge10 === "You Shall Not Pass" && changeInput2 === "Submit", "Once a number has been submitted, and the value of the <code>input</code> is once again changed, the <code>button</code> should return to reading <code>Submit</code>."); }; '
- text: Your code should not contain any <code>if/else</code> statements.
testString: 'assert(new RegExp(/(\s|;)if(\s|\()/).test(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(CheckUserAge)).instance().render.toString()) === false, "Your code should not contain any <code>if/else</code> statements.");'
## Challenge Seed
<section id='challengeSeed'>
<div id='jsx-seed'>
const inputStyle = {
width: 235,
margin: 5
class CheckUserAge extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// change code below this line
// change code above this line
this.submit = this.submit.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange(e) {
userAge: "
submit() {
userAge: this.state.input
render() {
const buttonOne = <button onClick={this.submit}>Submit</button>;
const buttonTwo = <button>You May Enter</button>;
const buttonThree = <button>You Shall Not Pass</button>;
return (
<h3>Enter Your Age to Continue</h3>
onChange={this.handleChange} /><br />
/* change code here */
### After Test
<div id='jsx-teardown'>
```js'after the test');
## Solution
<section id='solution'>
const inputStyle = {
width: 235,
margin: 5
class CheckUserAge extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
userAge: ",
input: "
this.submit = this.submit.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange(e) {
userAge: "
submit() {
userAge: this.state.input
render() {
const buttonOne = <button onClick={this.submit}>Submit</button>;
const buttonTwo = <button>You May Enter</button>;
const buttonThree = <button>You Shall Not Pass</button>;
return (
<h3>Enter Your Age to Continue</h3>
onChange={this.handleChange} /><br />
this.state.userAge === " ?
buttonOne :
this.state.userAge >= 18 ?
buttonTwo :