diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json index 5afa023c2cd..c7d50323ba4 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ "privacy": "你可以通過在本節設置來管理你展示在 freeCodeCamp 公開作品集中的內容。", "data": "請點擊下面的 \"下載你的數據\" 按鈕,查看我們在你的賬號上保存的數據", "disabled": "如果設置爲僅自己可見,其他人將無法訪問你的認證。", + "private-name": "Your name will not appear on your certifications, if this is set to private.", "claim-legacy": "當你獲得下列 freeCodeCamp 認證之後,你可以申請 {{cert}}:", "for": "{{username}} 賬號設置", "username": { @@ -584,4 +585,4 @@ "add-code-two": "請保留上方的 ``` 行和下方的 ``` 行", "add-code-three": "因爲它們允許你的代碼在帖子中被正確格式化。" } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json index 92ae2973289..444b629f8a2 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ "privacy": "你可以通过在本节设置来管理你展示在 freeCodeCamp 公开作品集中的内容。", "data": "请点击下面的 \"下载你的数据\" 按钮,查看我们在你的账号上保存的数据", "disabled": "如果设置为仅自己可见,其他人将无法访问你的认证。", + "private-name": "Your name will not appear on your certifications, if this is set to private.", "claim-legacy": "当你获得下列 freeCodeCamp 认证之后,你可以申请 {{cert}}:", "for": "{{username}} 账号设置", "username": { @@ -584,4 +585,4 @@ "add-code-two": "请保留上方的 ``` 行和下方的 ``` 行", "add-code-three": "因为它们允许你的代码在帖子中被正确格式化。" } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/english/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/english/translations.json index 26373061c04..3067110dc7e 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/english/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/english/translations.json @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ "privacy": "The settings in this section enable you to control what is shown on your freeCodeCamp public portfolio.", "data": "To see what data we hold on your account, click the \"Download your data\" button below", "disabled": "Your certifications will be disabled, if set to private.", + "private-name": "Your name will not appear on your certifications, if this is set to private.", "claim-legacy": "Once you've earned the following freeCodeCamp certifications, you'll be able to claim the {{cert}}:", "for": "Account Settings for {{username}}", "username": { @@ -584,4 +585,4 @@ "add-code-two": "Please leave the ``` line above and the ``` line below,", "add-code-three": "because they allow your code to properly format in the post." } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json index 22eb1ca0d9d..a41a05c0a26 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ "privacy": "Los ajustes de esta sección te permiten controlar lo que se muestra en tu portafolio público de freeCodeCamp.", "data": "Para ver qué datos tenemos en tu cuenta, haz clic en el botón \"Descarga tus datos\" a continuación", "disabled": "Tus certificaciones se deshabilitarán si se configuran como privadas.", + "private-name": "Your name will not appear on your certifications, if this is set to private.", "claim-legacy": "Una vez que hayas obtenido las siguientes certificaciones de FreeCodeCamp, podrás reclamar la {{cert}}:", "for": "Ajustes de cuenta de {{username}}", "username": { @@ -584,4 +585,4 @@ "add-code-two": "Por favor, deja la línea ``` arriba y la línea ``` abajo,", "add-code-three": "porque permiten que tu código formatee correctamente en el post." } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json index 961a0a5a32a..2a9f49dd81e 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ "privacy": "Le impostazioni di questa sezione ti permettono di controllare quello che viene mostrato sul tuo portfolio pubblico di freeCodeCamp.", "data": "Per vedere quali dati teniamo nel tuo account, clicca sul pulsante \"Scarica i tuoi dati\" qui sotto", "disabled": "Le tue certificazioni saranno disabilitate, se impostato su privato.", + "private-name": "Your name will not appear on your certifications, if this is set to private.", "claim-legacy": "Una volta che avrai ottenuto le seguenti certificazioni gratuite di freeCodeCamp, sarai in grado di richiedere la {{cert}}:", "for": "Impostazioni Account per {{username}}", "username": { @@ -584,4 +585,4 @@ "add-code-two": "Si prega di lasciare la linea ``` sopra e la linea ``` sotto,", "add-code-three": "perché consentono al codice di disporsi correttamente nel post." } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json index 59180552c28..dc89586845f 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ "privacy": "The settings in this section enable you to control what is shown on your freeCodeCamp public portfolio.", "data": "To see what data we hold on your account, click the \"Download your data\" button below", "disabled": "Your certifications will be disabled, if set to private.", + "private-name": "Your name will not appear on your certifications, if this is set to private.", "claim-legacy": "Once you've earned the following freeCodeCamp certifications, you'll be able to claim the {{cert}}:", "for": "Account Settings for {{username}}", "username": { @@ -584,4 +585,4 @@ "add-code-two": "Please leave the ``` line above and the ``` line below,", "add-code-three": "because they allow your code to properly format in the post." } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/client/src/components/settings/privacy.tsx b/client/src/components/settings/privacy.tsx index f8ba5f2fbd0..47e8f60859a 100644 --- a/client/src/components/settings/privacy.tsx +++ b/client/src/components/settings/privacy.tsx @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ class PrivacySettings extends Component { />