chore(i18n,client): processed translations (#41370)

Co-authored-by: Crowdin Bot <>
camperbot 2021-03-05 00:55:13 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4b26f679fd
commit 0300f23711
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 201 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -66,22 +66,22 @@
"basic-html-cat-photo-app": {
"title": "基础 HTML 猫图应用",
"intro": [
"basic-css-cafe-menu": {
"title": "基础 CSS 咖啡菜单",
"intro": [
"css-variables-skyline": {
"title": "CSS 变量 Skyline",
"intro": [
@ -169,22 +169,22 @@
"basic-javascript-rpg-game": {
"title": "基础 JavaScript RPG 游戏",
"intro": [
"intermediate-javascript-calorie-counter": {
"title": "中级 JavaScript 卡路里计算器",
"intro": [
"functional-programming-spreadsheet": {
"title": "函数式编程电子表格",
"intro": [
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
"bootstrap": {
"title": "Bootstrap",
"intro": [
"Bootstrap 是一个用于设计响应式网页和应用程序的前端框架。它具有移动优先的特点,具有预定义的 CSS 样式和 class还有一些 JavaScript 功能。",
"Bootstrap is a front end framework used to design responsive web pages and applications. It takes a mobile-first approach to web development, and includes pre-built CSS styles and classes, plus some JavaScript functionality.",
"在这个课程中,你将学习如何使用 Bootstrap 来建立响应式网页,并使用它的 class 来设置按钮、图像、表格、导航和其他常见元素的样式。"
@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
"d3-dashboard": {
"title": "D3 Dashboard",
"intro": [

View File

@ -476,6 +476,7 @@
"url-not-image": "URL 必须直接链接到图片文件",
"use-valid-url": "请使用有效的 URL",
"editor-url": "Remember to submit the Live App URL.",
"http-url": "An unsecure (http) URL cannot be used.",
"own-work-url": "Remember to submit your own work.",
"publicly-visible-url": "Remember to submit a publicly visible app URL."
@ -483,6 +484,83 @@
"executive": "执行董事",
"verify": "确认此认证 {{certURL}}",
"issued": "发布日期",
"fulltext": "<0>特证明</0> <1>{{user}}</1> <2>已完成</2> <3>{{title}}</3> <4>开发者认证课程,约 {{time}} 课时。</4>"
"fulltext": "<0>特证明</0> <1>{{user}}</1> <2>已完成</2> <3>{{title}}</3> <4>开发者认证课程,约 {{time}} 课时。</4>",
"project": {
"heading-legacy-full-stack": "As part of this Legacy Full Stack certification, {{user}} completed the following certifications:",
"heading": "As part of this certification, {{user}} built the following projects and got all automated test suites to pass:",
"solution": "solution",
"source": "source",
"footnote": "If you suspect that any of these projects violate the <2>academic honesty policy</2>, please <5>report this to our team</5>.",
"title": {
"Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage": "Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage",
"Build a Random Quote Machine": "Build a Random Quote Machine",
"Build a 25 + 5 Clock": "Build a 25 + 5 Clock",
"Build a JavaScript Calculator": "Build a JavaScript Calculator",
"Show the Local Weather": "Show the Local Weather",
"Use the TwitchTV JSON API": "Use the TwitchTV JSON API",
"Stylize Stories on Camper News": "Stylize Stories on Camper News",
"Build a Wikipedia Viewer": "Build a Wikipedia Viewer",
"Build a Tic Tac Toe Game": "Build a Tic Tac Toe Game",
"Build a Simon Game": "Build a Simon Game",
"Timestamp Microservice": "Timestamp Microservice",
"Request Header Parser Microservice": "Request Header Parser Microservice",
"URL Shortener Microservice": "URL Shortener Microservice",
"Image Search Abstraction Layer": "Image Search Abstraction Layer",
"File Metadata Microservice": "File Metadata Microservice",
"Build a Voting App": "Build a Voting App",
"Build a Nightlife Coordination App": "Build a Nightlife Coordination App",
"Chart the Stock Market": "Chart the Stock Market",
"Manage a Book Trading Club": "Manage a Book Trading Club",
"Build a Pinterest Clone": "Build a Pinterest Clone",
"Build a Markdown Previewer": "Build a Markdown Previewer",
"Build a Camper Leaderboard": "Build a Camper Leaderboard",
"Build a Recipe Box": "Build a Recipe Box",
"Build the Game of Life": "Build the Game of Life",
"Build a Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game": "Build a Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game",
"Visualize Data with a Bar Chart": "Visualize Data with a Bar Chart",
"Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph": "Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph",
"Visualize Data with a Heat Map": "Visualize Data with a Heat Map",
"Show National Contiguity with a Force Directed Graph": "Show National Contiguity with a Force Directed Graph",
"Map Data Across the Globe": "Map Data Across the Globe",
"Metric-Imperial Converter": "Metric-Imperial Converter",
"Issue Tracker": "Issue Tracker",
"Personal Library": "Personal Library",
"Stock Price Checker": "Stock Price Checker",
"Anonymous Message Board": "Anonymous Message Board",
"Build a Tribute Page": "Build a Tribute Page",
"Build a Survey Form": "Build a Survey Form",
"Build a Product Landing Page": "Build a Product Landing Page",
"Build a Technical Documentation Page": "Build a Technical Documentation Page",
"Palindrome Checker": "Palindrome Checker",
"Roman Numeral Converter": "Roman Numeral Converter",
"Caesars Cipher": "Caesars Cipher",
"Telephone Number Validator": "Telephone Number Validator",
"Cash Register": "Cash Register",
"Build a Drum Machine": "Build a Drum Machine",
"Visualize Data with a Choropleth Map": "Visualize Data with a Choropleth Map",
"Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram": "Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram",
"Exercise Tracker": "Exercise Tracker",
"Sudoku Solver": "Sudoku Solver",
"American British Translator": "American British Translator",
"Arithmetic Formatter": "Arithmetic Formatter",
"Time Calculator": "Time Calculator",
"Budget App": "Budget App",
"Polygon Area Calculator": "Polygon Area Calculator",
"Probability Calculator": "Probability Calculator",
"Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator": "Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator",
"Demographic Data Analyzer": "Demographic Data Analyzer",
"Medical Data Visualizer": "Medical Data Visualizer",
"Page View Time Series Visualizer": "Page View Time Series Visualizer",
"Sea Level Predictor": "Sea Level Predictor",
"Port Scanner": "Port Scanner",
"SHA-1 Password Cracker": "SHA-1 Password Cracker",
"Secure Real Time Multiplayer Game": "Secure Real Time Multiplayer Game",
"Rock Paper Scissors": "Rock Paper Scissors",
"Cat and Dog Image Classifier": "Cat and Dog Image Classifier",
"Book Recommendation Engine using KNN": "Book Recommendation Engine using KNN",
"Linear Regression Health Costs Calculator": "Linear Regression Health Costs Calculator",
"Neural Network SMS Text Classifier": "Neural Network SMS Text Classifier"

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"css-grid": {
"title": "CSS Grid",
"title": "CSS grid",
"intro": [
"La cuadrícula (grid) CSS es un estándar reciente que facilita la creación de diseños complejos y responsivos. Funciona convirtiendo un elemento HTML en una cuadrícula y te permite colocar elementos secundarios en cualquier lugar dentro ella.",
"En este curso, aprenderá los fundamentos de la cuadrícula (grid) CSS construyendo diferentes diseños complejos, incluido un blog."
@ -66,53 +66,53 @@
"basic-html-cat-photo-app": {
"title": "Aplicación básica de fotos de gato HTML",
"intro": [
"basic-css-cafe-menu": {
"title": "Menú básico de café CSS",
"intro": [
"css-variables-skyline": {
"title": "Skyline Variables de CSS",
"title": "Skyline variables de CSS",
"intro": [
"javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures": {
"title": "Algoritmos de JavaScript y Estructuras de Datos",
"title": "Algoritmos de JavaScript y estructuras de datos",
"intro": [
"While HTML and CSS control the content and styling of a page, JavaScript is used to make it interactive. In the JavaScript Algorithm and Data Structures Certification, you'll learn the fundamentals of JavaScript including variables, arrays, objects, loops, and functions.",
"Once you have the fundamentals down, you'll apply that knowledge by creating algorithms to manipulate strings, factorialize numbers, and even calculate the orbit of the International Space Station.",
"Along the way, you'll also learn two important programing styles or paradigms: Object Oriented Programing (OOP), and Functional Programing (FP)."
"Mientras HTML y CSS controlan el contenido y el estilo de una página, JavaScript se utiliza para hacerlo interactivo. En la certificación Algoritmos de JavaScript y Estructuras de Datos, aprenderás los fundamentos de JavaScript incluyendo variables, arreglos, objetos, bucles y funciones.",
"Una vez que tengas los fundamentos, aplicarás ese conocimiento creando algoritmos para manipular cadenas, factorizar números e incluso calcular la órbita de la Estación Espacial Internacional.",
"A lo largo del camino, también aprenderás dos estilos o paradigmas importantes de programación: la Programación Orientada a Objetos (OOP), y la Programación Funcional (FP)."
"blocks": {
"basic-javascript": {
"title": "Basic JavaScript",
"title": "JavaScript básico",
"intro": [
"JavaScript is a scripting language you can use to make web pages interactive. It is one of the core technologies of the web, along with HTML and CSS, and is supported by all modern browsers.",
"In this course, you'll learn fundamental programming concepts in JavaScript. You'll start with basic data structures like numbers and strings. Then you'll learn to work with arrays, objects, functions, loops, if/else statements, and more."
"JavaScript es un lenguaje de scripting que puedes utilizar para hacer que las páginas web sean interactivas. Es una de las principales tecnologías de la web, junto con HTML y CSS, y es soportada por todos los navegadores modernos.",
"En este curso, aprenderás conceptos fundamentales de programación en JavaScript. Empezarás con estructuras básicas de datos como números y cadenas. Luego aprenderás a trabajar con arreglos, objetos, funciones, bucles, declaraciones if/else y más."
"es6": {
"title": "ES6",
"intro": [
"ECMAScript, or ES, is a standardized version of JavaScript. Because all major browsers follow this specification, the terms ECMAScript and JavaScript are interchangeable.",
"Most of the JavaScript you've learned up to this point was in ES5 (ECMAScript 5), which was finalized in 2009. While you can still write programs in ES5, JavaScript is always evolving, and new features are released every year.",
"ES6, released in 2015, added many powerful new features to the language. In this course, you'll learn these new features, including <code>let</code> and <code>const</code>, arrow functions, classes, promises, and modules."
"ECMAScript, o ES, es una versión estandarizada de JavaScript. Debido a que todos los principales navegadores siguen esta especificación, los términos ECMAScript y JavaScript son intercambiables.",
"La mayoría del JavaScript que has aprendido hasta este punto estaba en ES5 (ECMAScript 5), el cual fue finalizado en 2009. Aunque puedes seguir escribiendo programas en ES5, JavaScript está evolucionando siempre, y cada año se lanzan nuevas funcionalidades.",
"ES6, lanzado en 2015, añadió muchas nuevas y potentes características al lenguaje. En este curso, aprenderás estas nuevas características, incluyendo <code>let</code> y <code>const</code>, funciones flecha, clases, promesas, y módulos."
"regular-expressions": {
"title": "Regular Expressions",
"title": "Expresiones regulares",
"intro": [
"Regular expressions, often shortened to \"regex\" or \"regexp\", are patterns that help programmers match, search, and replace text. Regular expressions are very powerful, but can be hard to read because they use special characters to make more complex, flexible matches.",
"Expresiones regulares, a veces acortadas a \"regex\" o \"regexp\", son patrones que ayudan a los programadores a encontrar, buscar, y reemplazar texto. Las expresiones regulares son muy potentes, pero pueden ser difícil de leer porque usan caracteres especiales para hacer coincidencias más complejas y flexibles.",
"In this course, you'll learn how to use special characters, capture groups, positive and negative lookaheads, and other techniques to match any text you want."
@ -169,22 +169,22 @@
"basic-javascript-rpg-game": {
"title": "Basic JavaScript RPG Game",
"intro": [
"intermediate-javascript-calorie-counter": {
"title": "Intermediate JavaScript Calorie Counter",
"intro": [
"functional-programming-spreadsheet": {
"title": "Functional Programming Spreadsheet",
"intro": [
@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
"d3-dashboard": {
"title": "D3 Dashboard",
"intro": [

View File

@ -476,6 +476,7 @@
"url-not-image": "La URL debe enlazar directamente hacia un archivo de imagen",
"use-valid-url": "Por favor, utiliza una URL válida",
"editor-url": "Remember to submit the Live App URL.",
"http-url": "An unsecure (http) URL cannot be used.",
"own-work-url": "Remember to submit your own work.",
"publicly-visible-url": "Remember to submit a publicly visible app URL."
@ -483,6 +484,83 @@
"executive": "Director Ejecutivo,",
"verify": "Verifica esta certificación en {{certURL}}",
"issued": "Emitido",
"fulltext": "<0>Se certifica que</0> <1>{{user}}</1> <2>ha completado exitosamente la Certificación de Desarrollador</2> <3>{{title}}</3> <4>de, que representa aproximadamente {{time}} horas de trabajo de curso.</4>"
"fulltext": "<0>Se certifica que</0> <1>{{user}}</1> <2>ha completado exitosamente la Certificación de Desarrollador</2> <3>{{title}}</3> <4>de, que representa aproximadamente {{time}} horas de trabajo de curso.</4>",
"project": {
"heading-legacy-full-stack": "As part of this Legacy Full Stack certification, {{user}} completed the following certifications:",
"heading": "As part of this certification, {{user}} built the following projects and got all automated test suites to pass:",
"solution": "solution",
"source": "source",
"footnote": "If you suspect that any of these projects violate the <2>academic honesty policy</2>, please <5>report this to our team</5>.",
"title": {
"Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage": "Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage",
"Build a Random Quote Machine": "Build a Random Quote Machine",
"Build a 25 + 5 Clock": "Build a 25 + 5 Clock",
"Build a JavaScript Calculator": "Build a JavaScript Calculator",
"Show the Local Weather": "Show the Local Weather",
"Use the TwitchTV JSON API": "Use the TwitchTV JSON API",
"Stylize Stories on Camper News": "Stylize Stories on Camper News",
"Build a Wikipedia Viewer": "Build a Wikipedia Viewer",
"Build a Tic Tac Toe Game": "Build a Tic Tac Toe Game",
"Build a Simon Game": "Build a Simon Game",
"Timestamp Microservice": "Timestamp Microservice",
"Request Header Parser Microservice": "Request Header Parser Microservice",
"URL Shortener Microservice": "URL Shortener Microservice",
"Image Search Abstraction Layer": "Image Search Abstraction Layer",
"File Metadata Microservice": "File Metadata Microservice",
"Build a Voting App": "Build a Voting App",
"Build a Nightlife Coordination App": "Build a Nightlife Coordination App",
"Chart the Stock Market": "Chart the Stock Market",
"Manage a Book Trading Club": "Manage a Book Trading Club",
"Build a Pinterest Clone": "Build a Pinterest Clone",
"Build a Markdown Previewer": "Build a Markdown Previewer",
"Build a Camper Leaderboard": "Build a Camper Leaderboard",
"Build a Recipe Box": "Build a Recipe Box",
"Build the Game of Life": "Build the Game of Life",
"Build a Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game": "Build a Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game",
"Visualize Data with a Bar Chart": "Visualize Data with a Bar Chart",
"Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph": "Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph",
"Visualize Data with a Heat Map": "Visualize Data with a Heat Map",
"Show National Contiguity with a Force Directed Graph": "Show National Contiguity with a Force Directed Graph",
"Map Data Across the Globe": "Map Data Across the Globe",
"Metric-Imperial Converter": "Metric-Imperial Converter",
"Issue Tracker": "Issue Tracker",
"Personal Library": "Personal Library",
"Stock Price Checker": "Stock Price Checker",
"Anonymous Message Board": "Anonymous Message Board",
"Build a Tribute Page": "Build a Tribute Page",
"Build a Survey Form": "Build a Survey Form",
"Build a Product Landing Page": "Build a Product Landing Page",
"Build a Technical Documentation Page": "Build a Technical Documentation Page",
"Palindrome Checker": "Palindrome Checker",
"Roman Numeral Converter": "Roman Numeral Converter",
"Caesars Cipher": "Caesars Cipher",
"Telephone Number Validator": "Telephone Number Validator",
"Cash Register": "Cash Register",
"Build a Drum Machine": "Build a Drum Machine",
"Visualize Data with a Choropleth Map": "Visualize Data with a Choropleth Map",
"Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram": "Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram",
"Exercise Tracker": "Exercise Tracker",
"Sudoku Solver": "Sudoku Solver",
"American British Translator": "American British Translator",
"Arithmetic Formatter": "Arithmetic Formatter",
"Time Calculator": "Time Calculator",
"Budget App": "Budget App",
"Polygon Area Calculator": "Polygon Area Calculator",
"Probability Calculator": "Probability Calculator",
"Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator": "Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator",
"Demographic Data Analyzer": "Demographic Data Analyzer",
"Medical Data Visualizer": "Medical Data Visualizer",
"Page View Time Series Visualizer": "Page View Time Series Visualizer",
"Sea Level Predictor": "Sea Level Predictor",
"Port Scanner": "Port Scanner",
"SHA-1 Password Cracker": "SHA-1 Password Cracker",
"Secure Real Time Multiplayer Game": "Secure Real Time Multiplayer Game",
"Rock Paper Scissors": "Rock Paper Scissors",
"Cat and Dog Image Classifier": "Cat and Dog Image Classifier",
"Book Recommendation Engine using KNN": "Book Recommendation Engine using KNN",
"Linear Regression Health Costs Calculator": "Linear Regression Health Costs Calculator",
"Neural Network SMS Text Classifier": "Neural Network SMS Text Classifier"