Fix misspellings & formatting in video challenges

- Fix quick misspellings in video challenges
- Update capitalization formatting e.g. dev tools to Dev Tools and google to
Eric Leung 2016-02-16 23:14:39 -08:00
parent cf4e29c6bf
commit 0a0bf4dfec
5 changed files with 53 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"tests": [
"If an algorithm is effecient for small amounts of data, it will be equally efficient for large amounts of data.",
"If an algorithm is efficient for small amounts of data, it will be equally efficient for large amounts of data.",
"It depends on the algorithm and the data it's processing."
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"When you discuss Big-O notation, that is generally referring to the worst case scenario.",
"For example, if we have to search two lists for common entries, we will calculate as if both entries would be at the very end of each list, just to be safe that we don't underestimate how long it could take.",
"O(1) - determining if a number is odd or even. O(1) is a static amount of time, the same no matter how much information is there or how many users there are.",
"O(log N) - finding a word in the dictionary (using binary search). Binary search is an example of a type of 'divide and conquor' algorithm.",
"O(log N) - finding a word in the dictionary (using binary search). Binary search is an example of a type of 'divide and conquer' algorithm.",
"O(N) - reading a book",
"O(N log N) - sorting a deck of playing cards (using merge sort)",
"O(N^2) - checking if you have everything on your shopping list in your cart",

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
"This is basic info and a mini-lesson on the Elements tab of Chrome Dev Tools. Check out more in-depth documentation here:",
"We will be using the webpage per suggestion of Free Code Camp user kmiasko.",
"If you right click and select 'Inspect element', you can have access to the elements tab. You can change text, background color, text color, and any other CSS or HTML you'd like!",
"These changes don't set up automatically, so don't use this as an IDE or a place to create or edit anything you want to save. You can set up something called 'persistant authoring' to save.",
"Cascade, inherit, and other css rules still apply, so keep that in mind as you play around. Additionally, overridden styles will be shown as having a strike through them.",
"It should also be noted that all of the code you're seeing in this 'tree' is current HTML, not original onload. If you use javascript or jquery to change something, it will be updated on this tree.",
"These changes don't set up automatically, so don't use this as an IDE or a place to create or edit anything you want to save. You can set up something called 'persistent authoring' to save.",
"Cascade, inherit, and other CSS rules still apply, so keep that in mind as you play around. Additionally, overridden styles will be shown as having a strike through them.",
"It should also be noted that all of the code you're seeing in this 'tree' is current HTML, not the original when the page loaded. If you use JavaScript or jQuery to change something, it will be updated on this tree.",
"Padding, border, and margins are easily inspected and edited using the colorful box on the right or bottom side.",
"Please check out the Chrome Dev Tools documentation at"
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"When you set a breakpoint, the browser pauses everything when it interprets that line of code or event.",
"By slowing everything down and giving yourself a chance to examine what's happening at every spot you've set, you can keep track of exactly what's happening in the page or app.",
"Once all of the breakpoints are set, you can step through the code and examine the state of your page or app at every breakpoint.",
"Just like with elements, you can live-edit through dev tools, but remember to save those changes however you can so your progress isn't lost.",
"Just like with elements, you can live-edit through Dev Tools, but remember to save those changes however you can so your progress isn't lost.",
"Check out more in-depth documentation here:"
"challengeSeed": [
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
"title": "Chrome Dev Tools: Timeline",
"description": [
"The Timeline panel lets you record and analyze all the activity in your application as it runs. It's the best place to start investigating perceived performance issues in your application.",
"Just like you use network to find out how long things take to communicate with the internet and you use sources to find out where something's broken, you can use timeline to figure out what's going on and how long it takes in even more detail.",
"With the timeline you record events using the small circle button. You can record (or capture) stacks, profile js, memory, and paint (css).",
"Just like you use network to find out how long things take to communicate with the internet and you use sources to find out where something is broken, you can use the timeline to figure out what's going on and how long it takes in even more detail.",
"With the timeline you record events using the small circle button. You can record (or capture) stacks, profile js, memory, and paint (CSS).",
"When you record (capture) these, it sets them up in small, detailed logs that you can organize many ways to fit you.",
"All of this will help you to better understand what's happening in the browser, particularly which events require more browser memory than others.",
"When you're using timeline, remember to use this 'clear' button and to start recording before you load the page, depending on what you want to capture.",
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
"id": "56b15f15632298c12f31517d",
"title": "Chrome Dev Tools: Console",
"description": [
"The Console panel provides two primary functions: logging diagnostic information in the development process and providing a shell prompt which can be used to interact with the document and DevTools.",
"The Console panel provides two primary functions: logging diagnostic information in the development process and providing a shell prompt which can be used to interact with the document and Dev Tools.",
"When using the console, you can view raw or structured data by using standard JS statements and console-specific commands.",
"An example of structured data would be the information returned from an API in JSON. I used this a lot when I was building my first front end development projects for Free Code Camp.",
"You should know that messages stack up, and you can clear them by typing and entering 'clear()'. You can also save the log by selecting 'Preserve Log'.",
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
"title": "Chrome Dev Tools: Summary",
"description": [
"1.) Chrome Dev Tools are awesome, and the more you can dive in and try to use them, the faster your skill level will grow.",
"2.) Use the documentation, even if you've never read documentation before.",
"2.) Use the documentation, even if you've never read documentation before:",
"3.) Once you start to get comfortable in one tab, stretch yourself. Working effectively with all of the tabs will serve you exponentially more than sticking in your comfort zone."
"challengeSeed": [

View File

@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
"Today we're going to talk a little bit about binary code.",
"Binary code is a really simple computer language where there are only 1's and 0's, that are either on or off, 1 being on and 0 being off.",
"Those 1's and 0's can be pretty much anything, but generally they are just numbers, letters, and symbols.",
"We're going to go into how you decode a number in binary, but as you can probably guess, translating binary can be done with a quick google search.",
"The most important part of this is you undrestand the concept that even simple things like 1's and 0's can translate into something really complex that is the basis for all of the computer languages that exist today."
"We're going to go into how you decode a number in binary, but as you can probably guess, translating binary can be done with a quick Google search.",
"The most important part of this is you understand the concept that even simple things like 1's and 0's can translate into something really complex that is the basis for all of the computer languages that exist today."
"challengeSeed": [
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
"We're going to start by labeling, staring backwards, how many numbers there are.",
"(In this video there are 7, but we start at 0, so we only get up to 6.) Pretty straightforward.",
"The next step is to take 2 to the power of whatever place it is, a 2 to the 0, 2 to the 1, all the way up to the largest placeholder.",
"Then, all we have to do is fill in some mathamatical blanks by completing the exponential 2 problems.",
"Then, all we have to do is fill in some mathematical blanks by completing the exponential 2 problems.",
"If there is a 1, we keep that number (the two to the exponent solution) and add it to other \"1\" or \"on\" numbers.",
"If it's a 0, we disregard it.",
"In this video, our number adds up to 75."
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"You can just look these up as needed."
"Everything can be expressed binarily, even pictures, sound, and video",
"Everything can be expressed in binary, even pictures, sound, and video",
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
"Let's talk now about a workstation computer - a computer that may look similar to a personal computer, but has a lot more power and is a lot pricier.",
"Toy Story was built on workstation computers.",
"Now, personal computers are by far the most common.",
"Maybe you've heard \"I'm a Mac!\" or \"I'm a PC!\", something indicating they're different, but really my own personal MacBook is still a PC, a personal compter.",
"Maybe you've heard \"I'm a Mac!\" or \"I'm a PC!\", something indicating they're different, but really my own personal MacBook is still a PC, a personal computer.",
"It's both a Mac and a PC.",
"The last type of computer we'll talk about is a microcontroller, the type of computer you might have in your car that is really good at a small specialized task, but wouldn't be used the same way a PC would be."
@ -342,10 +342,10 @@
"Expansion slots are where you put anything that can increase the performance of a computer without putting more load on the CPU.",
"For example, a graphics or a sound card would up the user experience by giving better sound or video quality, but it wouldn't slow down the computer.",
"A Network Interface Card could also go in an expansion slot.",
"This would help your computer conncet with the networks around it, something we'll talk about more in upcoming videos.",
"This would help your computer connect with the networks around it, something we'll talk about more in upcoming videos.",
"PC and Express cards are primarily found in laptops, and Express cards are taking over due to their smaller size.",
"In addition to expansion slots, motherboards have ports.",
"On your computer, you probably know there's a place to connect USB, firewire, SD card, ethernet, even an audio plug-in to listen through headphones.",
"On your computer, you probably know there's a place to connect USB, FireWire, SD card, Ethernet, even an audio plug-in to listen through headphones.",
"These are all considered ports, a place on the motherboard where you can connect the CPU to some outside source to either get or give information."
"challengeSeed": [
@ -380,12 +380,12 @@
"The three types we'll cover are the Local Area Network (LAN), the Wide Area Network (WAN), and the Virtual Private Network (VPN).",
"A LAN is just a small group of computers that are connected together.",
"The most important thing about a LAN is that those computers are close together.",
"So, if you're using wifi at Starbucks or at your school, you're probably using a LAN that you can only connect to if you are physically close to it.",
"So, if you're using WiFi at Starbucks or at your school, you're probably using a LAN that you can only connect to if you are physically close to it.",
"A WAN (Wide Area Network) is two or more LANs that are connected over long distances.",
"So, maybe a school in Colorado wants to connect to a school in Missouri.",
"They could use a WAN.",
"You might think that these are connected over the internet, and in the case of a VPN (Virtual Private Network, which is basically the same conceptionally as a WAN), you're right.",
"However, a WAN usually rents a cable from an internet company to creat the connection."
"However, a WAN usually rents a cable from an internet company to create the connection."
"challengeSeed": [
@ -417,13 +417,13 @@
"IP addresses are assigned based on location, and are vital for the internet to work.",
"We're going to talk about the Internet: Part 1, How the Internet Works.",
"To know how the internet works, we're going to talk first about IP addresses.",
"You may be familliar with the fact that each of your devices has its own IP address, just like a house or an apartment has its own address.",
"You may be familiar with the fact that each of your devices has its own IP address, just like a house or an apartment has its own address.",
"The internet can't deliver data to a device unless it has an IP address.",
"Not only does your device have one, but so does the modem, the router, and every step along the way, which we'll get to later.",
"IP addresses are determined based on location, starting with 5 big international regions.",
"Moving from left to right, the numbers mean something specific about your location.",
"This number isn't specific enough that you could call 911, give them your IP address, and have them know where you live.",
"However, it is specific enough that you could google \"Where's the best ice cream near me\" and google could give you information close to your location.",
"However, it is specific enough that you could Google \"Where's the best ice cream near me\" and Google could give you information close to your location.",
"This is done using your IP address."
"challengeSeed": [
@ -449,15 +449,15 @@
"This is a brief and basic overview of how the internet works.",
"For a more in-depth explanation, check out",
"Let's talk a little more about how the internet works.",
"We've already estabilished that every device and router on the intenet has its own IP address, which is assigned based on location.",
"We've already established that every device and router on the internet has its own IP address, which is assigned based on location.",
"Using these IP addresses, your device can talk to your modem, then to a router, which is set up by a web service.",
"The router would go to the domain name server, still just sending a request.",
"That server would send back the information that was requested, and it would go back to your device.",
"You might think this is fallable; if one step goes out, then the whole process is done.",
"You might think this is fallible; if one step goes out, then the whole process is done.",
"But really, there are so many routers and so many routes that if even a big chunk goes out, that still won't really affect the functionality.",
"It's really amazing.",
"What I want you take away from this video is that your device, since it has an IP address, can send out a request for informatoin, and that information will get back to your device via servers and routers that comprise the internet.",
"Now, this explaination is really quite basic.",
"What I want you take away from this video is that your device, since it has an IP address, can send out a request for information, and that information will get back to your device via servers and routers that comprise the internet.",
"Now, this explanation is really quite basic.",
"For more information, check out"
"challengeSeed": [
@ -513,9 +513,9 @@
"Websites contract and pay a CDN service, who in turn pays an internet provider to use their servers for their data.",
"An example of CDNs are Google's Hosted Libraries. --",
"Google hosts these libraries so that your users can load them into your own site much more quickly than if you host them yourself.",
"There's a chance the user's browser is even storing a cached version from visiting a previous page, making the process even quicker. If you aren't familliar with the term 'cache', don't worry, we'll cover that in future videos.",
"There's a chance the user's browser is even storing a cached version from visiting a previous page, making the process even quicker. If you aren't familiar with the term 'cache', don't worry, we'll cover that in future videos.",
"As a user, you probably use CDNs all the time without realizing it.",
"As a developer, you may want to use CDNs like google libraries to help your page load more quickly.",
"As a developer, you may want to use CDNs like Google libraries to help your page load more quickly.",
"As a company, a CDN would be useful if you want your product or site to reach users more efficiently in the larger scheme of their network and the internet as a whole."
"challengeSeed": [
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
"That's really all it takes.",
"Routers can be different sizes, different capacities, but what they do is know their own neighborhood, take the information, and pass it in the right direction.",
"Another thing we'll get into a little later is that the routers don't even have to have the full package of information.",
"If one comptuer is trying to send information to another, the data might get split up between different routers and that's okay.",
"If one computer is trying to send information to another, the data might get split up between different routers and that's okay.",
"The computers still know how to put the information back together correctly.",
"The little pieces of information that are sent are called packets.",
"Packets are actually little pieces of binary code (drawn on board).",
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
"Routers just have to know the stops around them to send information in the right direction."
"Packets are little peices of binary code.",
"Packets are little pieces of binary code.",
@ -631,15 +631,15 @@
"If you give that to somebody and have them look at that document on their computer, that's not going to help them view their email, it's not going to be a browser, it's just a text document.",
"The computer has to have a way of interpreting that and making something really powerful run from it.",
"There are two main ways this is done: either by an interpreter or a compiler.",
"Every browser has an interpreter, and that's how javascript is processed.",
"Every browser has an interpreter, and that's how JavaScript is processed.",
"Other languages, like C++, are used with a compiler.",
"Unlike an interpreter, the compiler does all of its work on the programmer's end.",
"They send out their package, their product, and it's already been compiled, it can already run on a machine.",
"Javascript, however, and other interpreter languages, you just write the javascript and the browser on the user's end has the capability to interpret it so you don't need a compiler.",
"Javascript, however, and other interpreter languages, you just write the JavaScript and the browser on the user's end has the capability to interpret it so you don't need a compiler.",
"Everyone has an opinion to which is better (interpreter or compiler), but really each has their pros and cons, and it goes on a case by case basis.",
"They're better at different things.",
"Now, let's focus on what open source means.",
"Free Code Camp is open source, meaning that all of the documentation and source code is open and accessable.",
"Free Code Camp is open source, meaning that all of the documentation and source code is open and accessible.",
"You may be thinking, \"so what?\", but what's awesome is that if you want to change or improve Free Code Camp, you can write that improvement and maybe get it implemented.",
"It's a great way for websites and software to grow in a strong and fast way because of the community working together to improve it.",
"One unwritten rule of contributing to open source projects is that you should generally submit your improvements to also be open source, and by giving that improvement back to the public, you let others use your improvement as well."
@ -700,12 +700,12 @@
"description": [
"Programmers (a.k.a. coders, developers, or software engineers) solve problems by turning big ideas into tiny steps that a computer can understand.",
"In this video, we'll discuss what programmers do.",
"Programmers can also be called coders, developers, or software engineers, and what all of these peple do is take ideas and turn them into functional code.",
"Programmers can also be called coders, developers, or software engineers, and what all of these people do is take ideas and turn them into functional code.",
"It's not just creating that code, but also maintaining it.",
"Let's look at how the computer looks at code, specifically javascript.",
"Let's look at how the computer looks at code, specifically JavaScript.",
"The computer looks at code one line at a time, and as you're writing code, you will notice numbers on the left hand side.",
"The computer literally goes down line by line, making sense of what each line has to say.",
"Everything is done sequentially, just straight down, so refrencing something that is below and hasn't happened yet will lead to a problem.",
"Everything is done sequentially, just straight down, so referencing something that is below and hasn't happened yet will lead to a problem.",
"Computers just read straight down like you would read a book.",
"Programmers are the ones responsible for breaking their ideas down into the little tiny steps and writing them in a way that computers can understand them."
@ -736,9 +736,9 @@
"description": [
"We discuss what (and where) the console is, why it's useful, and show a little of how it works.",
"The console: what it is, where you can find it, and what you use it for.",
"The console is very commonly used to display system adminstrative messages.",
"The console is very commonly used to display system administrative messages.",
"Your browser and your computer both have their own consoles.",
"Once you become famlliar with it, you will find it to be a very useful and powerful tool.",
"Once you become familiar with it, you will find it to be a very useful and powerful tool.",
"In Javascript, the console is used as a great tool for debugging and finding out where in your code there's a problem.",
"One of the most important terms you'll need to remember is \"console.log()\".",
"The process of doing this can be put anywhere in the lines of code to help find, identify, and ultimately fix specific issues.",
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@
"Let's cover computer security.",
"The first thing we're going to talk about is something called a dictionary attack which has to do with your passwords.",
"When creating your passwords, some sites require extremely specific and complicated passwords, which is actually a bit unnecessary.",
"The type of attacks they're trying to gaurd you from are dictionary attacks.",
"The type of attacks they're trying to guard you from are dictionary attacks.",
"Dictionary attacks are programmed to try every word in the dictionary, or in its own database of common words and passwords, as the password for a large mass of usernames.",
"If your password is Kangaroo, they're probably going to break into your account.",
"Most passwords aren't this simple, but that doesn't matter.",

View File

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
"id": "56b15f15632298c12f31518f",
"title": "The DOM: What's the Document Object Model?",
"description": [
"The DOM is the browser's internal, progrematic representation of a webpage. Languages like javascript allow you to modify the DOM, and thus the website without editing the HTML of the page.",
"The DOM is the browser's internal, programmatic representation of a webpage. Languages like JavaScript allow you to modify the DOM, and thus the website without editing the HTML of the page.",
"Technically, the DOM is an API (application programming interface). There are many types of APIs, but this particular API interacts with XML and HTML documents. It's in charge of how those documents are accessed and manipulated.",
"Really, you can do a lot with the dom, and if you're already scripting in JS and jQuery, you're already doing it.",
"Really, you can do a lot with the DOM, and if you're already scripting in JS and jQuery, you're already doing it.",
"You can insert new things, elements, or alter style or content for elements that already exist.",
"This can be done with pure javascript, like: document.getElementById(id), element.getElementsByTagName(name), or document.createElement(name).",
"This can be done with pure JavaScript, like: document.getElementById(id), element.getElementsByTagName(name), or document.createElement(name).",
"You can also use libraries like jQuery to simplify, standardize and automate manipulating the DOM, like: $('#box2').append('This will be added to box2!')"
"challengeSeed": [
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"If you've ever seen a webpage that loads the text first, then after a bit loads the formatting and style, you've seen a page that didn't have the links to style and script in the correct places.",
"This all has to do with how the browser decides it's loaded enough information to display. There's an event called 'DOMContentLoaded', and once that event happens, whatever is loaded will be displayed.",
"The DOM will tell the browser it's ready once the HTML is loaded, and sometimes the CSS and JS hasn't caught up. However, if you place the CSS in the header and the JS in the footer, you can ensure that all content will be loaded before the DOM triggers the 'DOMContentLoaded' event, the event that shows the user your content.",
"This is a simple explaination, as most of these videos are. For more information, I really liked this resource:"
"This is a simple explanation, as most of these videos are. For more information, I really liked this resource:"
"challengeSeed": [
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"The CSS link should go in the header and the JS link should go in the footer. If you don't do it just that way, the webpage will crash.",
"The webpage won't necessarily crash, but it might load in an unattractive or disfunctional way."
"The webpage won't necessarily crash, but it might load in an unattractive or dysfunctional way."
"type": "hike",

View File

@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
"title": "JavaScript Lingo: MDN and Documentation",
"description": [
"This is a basic intro to MDN and the concept of documentation.",
"MDN, Mozilla Developer Network, is a fanastic open source collaboration that documents not only JavaScript, but many other langauges and topics. If you haven't heard of them, you should check them out now. I get lots of information from",
"MDN, Mozilla Developer Network, is a fantastic open source collaboration that documents not only JavaScript, but many other languages and topics. If you haven't heard of them, you should check them out now. I get lots of information from",
"When I say documentation, I am talking about information that is provided about the product to its users. The documentation at MDN isn't necessarily written by the people behind JS. Brendan Eich created JS in 1995, but it's now a community driven project that continues to grow.",
"As you continue to learn javascript, jQuery, and pretty much any languages or services for development or programming, documentation is your friend. ",
"The faster you get comfortable reading and refrencing documentation, the faster you will grow as a developer.",
"These videos aren't going to teach you javascript - you will be introduced to terms and concepts that will be valuable as you continue to practice and learn."
"As you continue to learn JavaScript, jQuery, and pretty much any languages or services for development or programming, documentation is your friend. ",
"The faster you get comfortable reading and referencing documentation, the faster you will grow as a developer.",
"These videos aren't going to teach you JavaScript - you will be introduced to terms and concepts that will be valuable as you continue to practice and learn."
"challengeSeed": [
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"description": [
"We are going to cover what constitutes a variable, and the reasoning behind camelCase.",
"A variable, also referred to as 'var', is the name or placeholder for a boolean, string, number, or other piece of static information.",
"You can use google dev tools to inspect the Free Code Camp home page and look for some variables.",
"You can use Google Dev Tools to inspect the Free Code Camp home page and look for some variables.",
"You 'declare' variables the first time with 'var' in front of it, but those can be referenced later in your script.",
"camelCase is the way that JavaScript pushes words together and still keeps them legible. The first letter of the first word is lowercase, along with the remainder of the word, but the first letter of every consecutive word is capitalized. There are no spaces. Examples: brianaLovesHerPets, bestFoodIsCheese, and codeIsWorthLearning.",
"When you name variables, utilize camelCase. Also try to keep the names descriptive and short so that others (and yourself!) can tell what that variable is referring to just by the name."
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
"tests": [
"camelCase is manditory in JavaScript.",
"camelCase is mandatory in JavaScript.",
"Though camelCase is widely used, it isn't manditory. It's not a bad idea to get used to using it sooner rather than later."
"Though camelCase is widely used, it isn't mandatory. It's not a bad idea to get used to using it sooner rather than later."
"Variables can only hold information that is a boolean, string, or number.",
@ -145,12 +145,12 @@
"title": "JavaScript Lingo: Manipulating Data",
"description": [
"Methods and functions are ways you can manipulate variables or other sets of information.",
"Methods are built in to JavaScript, and you will become more familliar with these as you write functions for the bonfires.",
"I'd suggest looking through the MDN (Mozilla Developer Network that we discussed in the first video) to familliarize yourself with the sheer amount and general potential for the methods that exist.",
"Methods are built in to JavaScript, and you will become more familiar with these as you write functions for the bonfires.",
"I'd suggest looking through the MDN (Mozilla Developer Network that we discussed in the first video) to familiarize yourself with the sheer amount and general potential for the methods that exist.",
"Examples include '.split(' ')', which will turn a string into an array and can do so in many different ways. Methods are powerful - many times when you want your script to do something, there's a method for that.",
"Functions, like variables, are something you define and create.",
"During your algorithm practice at Free Code Camp, you will create functions that take a certain piece of information and manipulate it in whatever way you choose.",
"You'll become more familliar with syntax there, but for now, just remember that with methods and functions you can do almost anything with your code."
"You'll become more familiar with syntax there, but for now, just remember that with methods and functions you can do almost anything with your code."
"challengeSeed": [