Merge branch 'staging' into jquery

Quincy Larson 2015-08-12 02:06:03 -07:00
commit 0fdf9fbe62
7 changed files with 42 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -1071,17 +1071,17 @@
"title": "Create a JavaScript Slot Machine",
"We are now going to try and combine some of the stuff we've just learnt abd create the logic for a slot machine game",
"We are now going to try and combine some of the stuff we've just learned and create the logic for a slot machine game",
"For this we will need to generate three random numbers between <code>1</code> and <code>5</code> to represent the possible values of each individual slot",
"Store the three random numbers in <code>slotOne</code>, <code>slotTwo</code> and <code>slotThree</code>",
"Generate the random numbers by using the system we used earlier in /challenges/random-whole-numbers-in-a-range",
"<code>Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 1 + 1)) + 1; </code>"
"assert(typeof(runSlots($('.slot'))[0]) == 'number', 'SlotOne should be a random number');",
"assert(typeof(runSlots($('.slot'))[1]) == 'number', 'SlotTwo should be a random number');",
"assert(typeof(runSlots($('.slot'))[2]) == 'number', 'SlotThree should be a random number');",
"assert((function(){if(editor.match(/Math.floor\\(Math\\.random\\(\\)\\s\\*\\s\\(5\\s\\-\\s1\\s\\+\\s1\\)\\)\\s\\+\\s1;/gi) !== null){return(editor.match(/Math.floor\\(Math\\.random\\(\\)\\s\\*\\s\\(5\\s\\-\\s1\\s\\+\\s1\\)\\)\\s\\+\\s1;/gi).length >= 3);}else{return(false);}})(), 'You should have used Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 1 + 1)) + 1; three times to generate your random numbers');"
"assert(typeof(runSlots($('.slot'))[0]) == 'number', 'slotOne should be a random number');",
"assert(typeof(runSlots($('.slot'))[1]) == 'number', 'slotTwo should be a random number');",
"assert(typeof(runSlots($('.slot'))[2]) == 'number', 'slotThree should be a random number');",
"assert((function(){if(editor.match(/Math\\.floor\\(\\s?Math\\.random\\(\\)\\s?\\*\\s?\\(\\s?5\\s?\\-\\s?1\\s?\\+\\s?1\\s?\\)\\s?\\)\\s?\\+\\s?1;/gi) !== null){return(editor.match(/Math\\.floor\\(\\s?Math\\.random\\(\\)\\s?\\*\\s?\\(\\s?5\\s?\\-\\s?1\\s?\\+\\s?1\\s?\\)\\s?\\)\\s?\\+\\s?1;/gi).length >= 3);}else{return(false);}})(), 'You should have used Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 1 + 1)) + 1; three times to generate your random numbers');"

View File

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
"Go to <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and create an account.",
"Click your user image in the top right corner, then click the \"New pen\" button that drops down.",
"Drag the windows around and press the buttons in the lower-right hand corner to change the orientation to suit your preference.",
"Click the gear next to CSS. Click the \"Quick-add...\" select box and choose Bootstrap.",
"Click the gear next to CSS. Then under the \"Add External CSS\" section, use the \"Quick-add\" select box to select Bootstrap. Then click \"Save & Close\".",
"Verify that bootstrap is active by adding the following code to your HTML: <code>&lt;h1 class='text-primary'&gt;Hello CodePen!&lt;/h1&gt;</code>. The text's color should be Bootstrap blue.",
"Click the gear next to JavaScript. Click the \"Quick-add...\" select box and choose jQuery.",
"Click the gear next to JavaScript. Click the \"Quick-add\" select box and choose jQuery (not jQuery UI). Then click \"Save & Close\".",
"Now add the following code to your JavaScript: <code>$(document).ready(function() { $('.text-primary').text('Hi CodePen!') });</code>. Click the \"Save\" button at the top. Your \"Hello CodePen!\" should change to \"Hi CodePen!\". This means that jQuery is working.",
"You can use this CodePen that you've just created as a starting point for your Ziplines. Just click the \"fork\" button at the top of your CodePen and it will create a duplicate CodePen.",
"Now you're ready for your first Zipline. Click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button."

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"title": "Make Images Mobile Responsive",
"difficulty": 2.02,
"description": [
"First, Add a new image with the <code>src</code> attribute of \"\".",
"First, Add a new image below the existing one. Set it's <code>src</code> attribute to \"\".",
"It would be great if this image could be exactly the width of our phone's screen.",
"Fortunately, with Bootstrap, all we need to do is add the \"img-responsive\" class to your image. Do this, and the image should perfectly fit the width of your page."

View File

@ -459,8 +459,17 @@
"descriptionFr": [],
"nameRu": "",
"descriptionRu": [],
"nameEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [],
"nameEs": "Waypoint: Utiliza una clase CSS para darle estilo a un elemento",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una clase CSS llamada \"red-text\" y aplicala a tu elemento <code>h2</code>.",
"Las clases son estilos reutilizables que pueden ser añadidos a elementos HTML",
"Esta es la anatomía de una clase CSS:",
"<img class='img-responsive' alt='a diagram of how style tags are composed, which is also described in detail on the following lines.' src=''/>",
"Puedes ver que hemos creado una clase CSS llamada \"blue-text\" dentro de la etiqueta <code>&#60;style&#62;</code>.",
"Puedes aplicar una clase a un elemento HTML de esta manera: <code>&#60;h2 class=\"blue-text\"&#62;CatPhotoApp&#60;/h2&#62;</code>.",
"Nota que en el elemento CSS <code>style</code>, las clases deberían comenzar con un punto. En los elementos HTML, las declaraciones de clase, NO deberían comenzar con punto. ",
"En vez de de crear un nuevo elemento <code>style</code>, prueba remover la declaración de estilo de <code>h2</code> y reemplazarla por la declaración \"red-text\"."
"namePt": "",
"descriptionPt": [],
"nameDe": "Waypoint: Nutze eine CSS Klasse um ein Element zu gestalten",
@ -509,8 +518,12 @@
"descriptionFr": [],
"nameRu": "",
"descriptionRu": [],
"nameEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [],
"nameEs": "Waypoint: Estila multiples elementos con una clase CSS",
"descriptionEs": [
"Aplica la clase \"red-text\" a tus elementos <code>h2</code> y <code>p</code>.",
"Recuerda que puedes agregar clases a elementos HTML utilizando <code>class=\"your-class-here\"</code> dentro de la tag de entrada del mismo.",
"Recuerda que los selectores CSS requieren un punto al principio: <code>.blue-text { color: blue; }</code>, pero que las declaraciones de clase NO llevan punto: <code>&#60;h2 class=\"blue-text\"&#62;CatPhotoApp&#60;h2&#62;</code>."
"namePt": "",
"descriptionPt": [],
"nameDe": "Waypoint: Gestalte mehrere Elemente mit einer CSS Klasse",
@ -555,8 +568,13 @@
"descriptionFr": [],
"nameRu": "",
"descriptionRu": [],
"nameEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [],
"nameEs": "Waypoint: Cambia el tamaño de fuente de un elemento.",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea un segundo elemento <code>p</code>. Luego, dentro de tu elemento <code>&#60;style&#62;</code>, pon el \"font-size\" de todos los elementos <code>p</code> a 16 pixeles.",
"El tamaño de fuente es controlado por el atributo CSS \"font-size\", como aquí: <code>h1 { font-size: 30px; }</code>.",
"Primero, crea un segundo elemento <code>p</code> con el siguiente texto Kitty Ipsum: <code>Purr jump eat the grass rip the couch scratched sunbathe, shed everywhere rip the couch sleep in the sink fluffy fur catnip scratched.</code>",
"Ve si puedes encontrar una manera de darle a ambos elementos <code>p</code> un font-size de 16 pixeles (<code>16px</code>). Puedes hacer esto dentro de la misma etiqueta <code>&#60;style&#62;</code> que creamos para la clase \"red-text\"."
"namePt": "",
"descriptionPt": [],
"nameDe": "Waypoint: Ändere die Schriftgröße eines Elements",
@ -1971,7 +1989,7 @@
"tests": [
"assert($('input[type=\"radio\"]').length > 1, 'Your page should have two radio button elements.')",
"assert($('input[type=\"radio\"]:nth-child(1)').attr('name') === 'indoor-outdoor', 'Give your radio buttons the <code>name</code> attribute of \"indoor-outdoor\".')",
"assert($('input[type=\"radio\"]:nth-child(1)').attr('name') === 'indoor-outdoor' && $('input[type=\"radio\"]:nth-child(2)').attr('name') === 'indoor-outdoor', 'Give your radio buttons the <code>name</code> attribute of \"indoor-outdoor\".')",
"assert($('label').length > 1, 'Each of your two radio button elements should be nested in a label element.')",
"assert(editor.match(/<\\/label>/g) && editor.match(/<label/g) && editor.match(/<\\/label>/g).length === editor.match(/<label/g).length, 'Make sure each of your <code>label</code> elements has a closing tag.')",
"assert($('label').text().match(/indoor/gi), 'One of your radio buttons should have the label \"indoor\".')",

View File

@ -397,12 +397,12 @@
"convert('Dolce & Gabbana');"
"tests": [
"assert.strictEqual(convert('Dolce & Gabbana'), 'Dolce &amp; Gabbana', 'should escape characters');",
"assert.strictEqual(convert('Hamburgers < Pizza < Tacos'), 'Hamburgers &lt; Pizza &lt; Tacos', 'should escape characters');",
"assert.strictEqual(convert('Sixty > twelve'), 'Sixty &gt; twelve', 'should escape characters');",
"assert.strictEqual(convert('Stuff in \"quotation marks\"'), 'Stuff in &quot;quotation marks&quot;', 'should escape characters');",
"assert.strictEqual(convert(\"Shindler's List\"), 'Shindler&apos;s List', 'should escape characters');",
"assert.strictEqual(convert('<>'), '&lt;&gt;', 'should escape characters');",
"assert.match(convert('Dolce & Gabbana'), /Dolce &(amp|AMP|#x00026|#38); Gabbana/, 'should escape characters');",
"assert.match(convert('Hamburgers < Pizza < Tacos'), /Hamburgers &(lt|LT|#x0003C|#60); Pizza &(lt|LT|#x0003C|#60); Tacos/, 'should escape characters');",
"assert.match(convert('Sixty > twelve'), /Sixty &(gt|GT|#x0003E|#62); twelve/, 'should escape characters');",
"assert.match(convert('Stuff in \"quotation marks\"'), /Stuff in &(quot|QUOT|#x00022|#34);quotation marks&(quot|QUOT|#x00022|#34);/, 'should escape characters');",
"assert.match(convert(\"Shindler's List\"), /Shindler&(apos|#x00027|#39);s List/, 'should escape characters');",
"assert.match(convert('<>'), /&(lt|LT|#x0003C|#60);&(gt|GT|#x0003E|#62);/, 'should escape characters');",
"assert.strictEqual(convert('abc'), 'abc', 'should handle strings with nothing to escape');"
"MDNlinks": [

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
"difficulty": 1.07,
"challengeSeed": ["126415123"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",

View File

@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ Challenge.destroyAll(function(err, info) {
.replace(/\:/g, '')
.replace(/\s/g, '-');
challenge.order = +('' + order + (index + 1));
challenge.order = order;
challenge.suborder = index + 1;
challenge.block = block;
return challenge;