Merge pull request #4221 from ltegman/fix/oop-lesson-rewrite

Rewrite OOP section
Rex Schrader 2015-11-09 22:38:41 -08:00
commit 14bd3e9ff0
1 changed files with 148 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
"Give your <code>motorBike</code> object a <code>wheels</code>, <code>engines</code> and <code>seats</code> attribute and set them to numbers."
"assert(typeof(motorBike.engines) === 'number', 'message: <code>motorBike</code> should have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof(motorBike.wheels) === 'number', 'message: <code>motorBike</code> should have a <code>wheels</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof(motorBike.seats) === 'number', 'message: <code>motorBike</code> should have a <code>seats</code> attribute set to a number.');"
"assert(typeof motorBike.engines === 'number', 'message: <code>motorBike</code> should have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof motorBike.wheels === 'number', 'message: <code>motorBike</code> should have a <code>wheels</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof motorBike.seats === 'number', 'message: <code>motorBike</code> should have a <code>seats</code> attribute set to a number.');"
"var car = {",
@ -39,12 +39,15 @@
" // Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return JSON.stringify(motorBike);})();"
"var car = {\n \"wheels\":4,\n \"engines\":1,\n \"seats\":5\n};\n\nvar motorBike = {\n \"wheels\": 4,\n \"engines\": 1,\n \"seats\": 2\n};"
"type": "waypoint",
"type": "waypoint"
@ -52,19 +55,23 @@
"title": "Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions",
"We are also able to create objects using <code>constructor</code> functions.",
"Here's an example of a constructor function:",
"A <code>constructor</code> function is given a capitalized name to make it clear that it is a <code>constructor</code>.",
"Here's an example of a <code>constructor</code> function:",
"<code>var Car = function() {</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;this.wheels = 4;</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;this.engines = 1;</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;this.seats = 1;</code>",
"Give your <code>myMotorBike</code> object a <code>wheels</code>, <code>engines</code> and <code>seats</code> attribute and set them to numbers.",
"You may be confused by the <code>this</code> keyword here. Don't worry, we will get to that very soon."
"In a <code>constructor</code> the <code>this</code> variable refers to the new object being created by the constructor. So when we write,",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;this.wheels = 4;</code>",
"inside of the <code>constructor</code> we are giving the new object it creates a property called <code>wheels</code> with a value of <code>4</code>.",
"You can think of a <code>constructor</code> as a description for the object it will create.",
"Have your <code>MotorBike</code> <code>constructor</code> describe an object with <code>wheels</code>, <code>engines</code> and <code>seats</code> properties and set them to numbers."
"assert(typeof((new MotorBike()).engines) === 'number', 'message: <code>myMotorBike</code> should have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof((new MotorBike()).wheels) === 'number', 'message: <code>myMotorBike</code> should have a <code>wheels</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof((new MotorBike()).seats) === 'number', 'message: <code>myMotorBike</code> should have a <code>seats</code> attribute set to a number.');"
"assert(typeof (new MotorBike()).engines === 'number', 'message: <code>myMotorBike</code> should have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof (new MotorBike()).wheels === 'number', 'message: <code>myMotorBike</code> should have a <code>wheels</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof (new MotorBike()).seats === 'number', 'message: <code>myMotorBike</code> should have a <code>seats</code> attribute set to a number.');"
"var Car = function() {",
@ -81,13 +88,107 @@
"var myMotorBike = new MotorBike();",
"(function() {return JSON.stringify(myMotorBike);})();"
"var Car = function() {\n this.wheels = 4;\n this.engines = 1;\n this.seats = 1;\n};\n\nvar myCar = new Car();\n\nvar MotorBike = function() {\n this.engines = 1;\n this.seats = 1;\n this.wheels = 4;\n};\n\nvar myMotorBike = new MotorBike();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function",
"Now let's put that great <code>constructor</code> function we made in the last lesson to use!",
"To use a <code>constructor</code> function we call it with the <code>new</code> keyword in front if it like:",
"<code>var myCar = new Car();</code>",
"<code>myCar</code> is now an <code>instance</code> of the <code>Car</code> constructor that looks like the object it described:",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;wheels: 4,</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;engines: 1,</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;seats: 1</code>",
"Note that it is important to use the <code>new</code> keyword when calling a constructor. This is how javascript knows to create a new object and that all the references to <code>this</code> inside the constructor should be referring to this new object.",
"Now, once the <code>myCar</code> <code>instance</code> is created it can be used like any other object and can have its properties accessed and modified the same way you would usually. For example:",
"<code>var myCar.turboType = \"twin\";</code>",
"Our <code>myCar</code> variable now has a property <code>turboType</code> with a value of <code>\"twin\"</code>.",
"In the editor, use the <code>Car</code> <code>constructor</code> to create a new <code>instance</code> and assign it to <code>myCar</code>.",
"Then give <code>myCar</code> a <code>nickname</code> property with a string value."
"assert((new Car()).wheels === 4, 'message: The property <code>wheels</code> should still be <code>4</code> in the object <code>constructor</code>.');",
"assert(typeof (new Car()).nickname === 'undefined', 'message: There should not be a property <code>nickname</code> in the object <code>constructor</code>.');",
"assert(myCar.wheels === 4, 'message: The property <code>wheels</code> of <code>myCar</code> should equal <code>4</code>.');",
"assert(typeof myCar.nickname === 'string', 'message: The property <code>nickname</code> of <code>myCar</code> should be a string.');"
"var Car = function() {",
" this.wheels = 4;",
" this.engines = 1;",
" this.seats = 1;",
"var myMotorBike = new MotorBike();",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"var myCar;"
"(function() {return JSON.stringify(myCar);})();"
"var Car = function() {\n this.wheels = 4;\n this.engines = 1;\n this.seats = 1;\n};\n\nvar myCar = new Car();\n\nmyCar.nickname = \"Lucy\";"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Make Unique Objects by Passing Parameters to our Constructor",
"The <code>constructor</code> we have is great, but what if we don't always want to create the same object?",
"To solve this we can add <code>parameters</code> to our <code>constructor</code>. We do this like the following example:",
"<code>var Car = function(wheels, seats, engines) {</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;this.wheels = wheels;</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;this.seats = seats;</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;this.engines = engines;</code>",
"Now we can pass in <code>arguments</code> when we call our <code>constructor</code>.",
"<code>var myCar = new Car(6, 3, 1);</code>",
"This code will create an object that uses the <code>arguments</code> we passed in and looks like:",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;wheels: 6,</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;seats: 3,</code>",
"<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;engines: 1</code>",
"Now give it a try yourself! Alter the <code>Car</code> <code>constructor</code> to use <code>parameters</code> to assign values to the <code>wheels</code>, <code>seats</code>, and <code>engines</code> properties.",
"Then call your new <code>constructor</code> with three number <code>arguments</code> and assign it to <code>myCar</code> to see it in action."
"assert((function(){var testCar = new Car(3,1,2); return testCar.wheels === 3 && testCar.seats === 1 && testCar.engines === 2;})(), 'message: Calling <code>new Car(3,1,2)</code> should produce and object with a <code>wheels</code> property of <code>3</code>, a <code>seats</code> property of <code>1</code>, and an <code>engines</code> property of <code>2</code>.');",
"assert(typeof myCar.wheels === 'number' && typeof myCar.seats === 'number' && typeof myCar.engines === 'number', 'message: <code>myCar</code> should have number values for the <code>wheels</code>, <code>seats</code>, and <code>engines</code> properties.');"
"var Car = function() {",
" //Change this constructor",
" this.wheels = 4;",
" this.seats = 1;",
" this.engines = 1;",
"(function() {return JSON.stringify(myMotorBike);})();"
"//Try it out here",
"var myCar;",
"// Only change code above this line",
"(function() {return JSON.stringify(myCar);})();"
"var Car = function(wheels,seats,engines) {\n this.wheels = wheels;\n this.seats = seats;\n this.engines = engines;\n};\n\nvar myCar = new Car(4,1,1);"
"type": "waypoint"
@ -97,89 +198,56 @@
"title":"Make Object Properties Private",
"Objects have their own attributes, called <code>properties</code>, and their own functions, called <code>methods</code>.",
"In the previous challenge, we used the <code>this</code> keyword to reference <code>public properties</code> and <code>public methods</code> of the current object.",
"In the previous challenges, we used the <code>this</code> keyword to reference <code>public properties</code> of the current object.",
"We can also create <code>private properties</code> and <code>private methods</code>, which aren't accessible from outside the object.",
"To do this, just declare properties or functions within the constructor.",
"Let's create an object with two functions. One attached as a property and one not.",
"See if you can keep <code>myBike.speed</code> and <code>myBike.addUnit</code> private, while making <code>myBike.getSpeed</code> publicly accessible."
"To do this, we create the variable inside the <code>constructor</code> using the <code>var</code> keyword we're familiar with, instead of creating it as a <code>property</code> of <code>this</code>.",
"This is useful for when we need to store information about an object but we want to control how it is used by outside code.",
"For example, what if we want to store the <code>speed</code> our car is traveling at but we only want outside code to be able to modify it by accelerating or decelerating, so the speed changes in a controlled way?",
"In the editor you can see an example of a <code>Car</code> <code>constructor</code> that implements this pattern.",
"Now try it yourself! Modify the <code>Bike</code> <code>constructor</code> to have a <code>private property</code> called <code>gear</code> and two <code>public methods</code> called <code>getGear</code> and <code>setGear</code> to get and set that value."
"assert(typeof(myBike.getSpeed)!=='undefined' && typeof(myBike.getSpeed) === 'function', 'message: The method getSpeed of myBike should be accessible outside the object.');",
"assert(typeof(myBike.speed) === 'undefined', 'message: <code>myBike.speed</code> should be undefined.');",
"assert(typeof(myBike.addUnit) === 'undefined', 'message: <code>myBike.addUnit</code> should remain undefined.');"
"assert(typeof myBike.getGear !== 'undefined' && typeof(myBike.getGear) === 'function', 'message: The method <code>getGear</code> of <code>myBike</code> should be accessible outside the object.');",
"assert(typeof myBike.setGear !== 'undefined' && typeof(myBike.setGear) === 'function', 'message: The method <code>setGear</code> of <code>myBike</code> should be accessible outside the object.');",
"assert(typeof myBike.gear === 'undefined', 'message: <code>myBike.gear</code> should remain undefined.');"
"var Car = function() {",
" // this is a private variable",
" var gear = 1;",
" // this is a private function (also known as a private method)",
" function addStyle(styleMe){",
" return 'The Current Gear Is: ' + styleMe;",
" }",
" // this is a public method",
" this.getGear = function() {",
" return addStyle(this.gear);",
" // this is a private variable",
" var speed = 10;",
" // these are public methods",
" this.accelerate = function(change) {",
" speed += change;",
" };",
" this.decelerate = function() {",
" speed -= 5;",
" };",
" this.getSpeed = function() {",
" return speed;",
" };",
"var Bike = function() {",
" // Only change code below this line.",
" this.speed = 100;",
" function addUnit(value) {",
" return value + \"KM/H\";",
" }",
" getSpeed = function () {",
" return addUnit(speed);",
" };",
" // Only change code above this line.",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"var myCar = new Car();",
"var myBike = new Bike();",
"if(myBike.hasOwnProperty('getSpeed')){(function() {return JSON.stringify(myBike.getSpeed());})();}"
"var myBike = new Bike();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function",
"Sometimes you'll want to be able to easily create many copies of an objects that all share the same methods.",
"Objects have their own attributes, called <code>properties</code>, and their own functions, called <code>methods</code>.",
"You can create <code>instances</code> of an object using a <code>constructor</code>.",
"A constructor is a function that creates instances of an object that share the same methods and properties",
"Each new <code>instance</code> of this object <code>inherits</code> all the <code>properties</code> and <code>methods</code> of your original object.",
"Once an <code>instance</code> has been created you can add <code>properties</code> to that <code>instance</code> individually.",
"Add an <code>engines</code> property with a number value to the <code>myCar</code> instance."
"if(myBike.hasOwnProperty('getGear')){(function() {return JSON.stringify(myBike.getGear());})();}"
"assert((new Car()).wheels === 4, 'message: The property <code>wheels</code> should still be 4 in the object constructor.');",
"assert(typeof((new Car()).engines) === 'undefined', 'message: There should not be a property <code>engines</code> in the object constructor.');",
"assert(myCar.wheels === 4, 'message: The property <code>wheels</code> of myCar should equal 4.');",
"assert(typeof(myCar.engines) === 'number', 'message: The property <code>engines</code> of myCar should be a number.');"
"var Car = function() {",
" this.wheels = 4;",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"var myCar = new Car();",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return JSON.stringify(myCar);})();"
"var Car = function() {\n var speed = 10;\n\n this.accelerate = function(change) {\n speed += change;\n };\n\n this.decelerate = function() {\n speed -= 5;\n };\n\n this.getSpeed = function() {\n return speed;\n };\n};\n\nvar Bike = function() {\n var gear = 1;\n \n this.getGear = function() {\n return gear;\n };\n \n this.setGear = function(newGear) {\n gear = newGear;\n };\n};\n\nvar myCar = new Car();\n\nvar myBike = new Bike();"
"type": "waypoint"
@ -207,11 +275,8 @@
"// Only change code below this line.",
"var newArray = oldArray;",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return newArray;})();"
@ -239,13 +304,10 @@
"var array = [4,5,6,7,8];",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"var singleVal = array;",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return singleVal;})();"
@ -325,10 +387,10 @@
"description": [
"You can use the <code>reverse</code> method to reverse the elements of an array.",
"<code>reverse</code> is another array method that alters the array in place, but it also returns the reversed array.",
"Add a line of code that uses <code>reverse</code> to reverse the <code>array</code> variable."
"Use <code>reverse</code> to reverse the <code>array</code> variable and assign it to <code>myArray</code>."
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(array, [7,6,5,4,3,2,1], 'message: You should reverse the array.');",
"assert.deepEqual(newArray, [7,6,5,4,3,2,1], 'message: You should reverse the array.');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\.reverse\\s*\\(\\)/gi), 'message: You should use the <code>reverse</code> method.');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\[1\\,2\\,3\\,4\\,5\\,6\\,7/gi), 'message: You should only be using <code>reverse</code> to modify <code>array</code>.');"
@ -337,11 +399,11 @@
"// Only change code below this line.",
"var newArray = array;",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return array;})();"
"(function() {return newArray;})();"
"challengeType": 1,
"type": "waypoint"