chore(i18n,client): processed translations (#48480)

camperbot 2022-11-11 05:36:11 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent af466c9406
commit 295ecb476c
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 55 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "عذراً، لم يجتَز كودك. قربت من النجاح.",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "عذراً، لم يجتَز كودك. لا تستسلم.",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "عذراً، لم يجتَز كودك. لا تفقد الأمل.",
"challenges-completed": "اكتمل {{completedCount}} من {{totalChallenges}} تحديات"
"challenges-completed": "اكتمل {{completedCount}} من {{totalChallenges}} تحديات",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "ادعم منظمتنا الخيرية",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "سيوفر تبرعك{{usd}}$ {{hours}} ساعات من التعلم للناس حول العالم.",
"your-donation-2": "سيوفر تبرعك {{usd}}$ {{hours}} ساعات من التعلم للناس حول العالم كل شهر.",
"your-donation-3": "سيوفر تبرعك {{usd}}$ {{hours}} ساعات من التعلم للناس حول العالم كل عام.",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "كن داعماً لمرة واحدة لمنظمتنا الخيرية.",
"duration-2": "كن داعماً شهريا لمنظمتنا الخيرية.",
"duration-3": "كن داعماً سنويا لمنظمتنا الخيرية",

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "抱歉,你的代碼未通過,就快要成功了。",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "抱歉,你的代碼未通過,堅持一下。",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "抱歉,你的代碼未通過,不要放棄。",
"challenges-completed": "已完成 {{completedCount}}/{{totalChallenges}}"
"challenges-completed": "已完成 {{completedCount}}/{{totalChallenges}}",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "支持我們的非營利組織",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "你的 ${{usd}} 捐款將幫助世界各地的人們學習 {{hours}} 小時。",
"your-donation-2": "你的 ${{usd}} 捐款每月將幫助世界各地的人們學習 {{hours}} 小時。",
"your-donation-3": "你的 ${{usd}} 捐款每年將幫助世界各地的人們學習 {{hours}} 小時。",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "成爲我們非營利組織的一次性支持者",
"duration-2": "成爲我們非營利組織的每月定期支持者",
"duration-3": "成爲我們非營利組織的每年定期支持者",

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "抱歉,你的代码未通过,就快要成功了。",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "抱歉,你的代码未通过,坚持一下。",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "抱歉,你的代码未通过,不要放弃。",
"challenges-completed": "已完成 {{completedCount}}/{{totalChallenges}}"
"challenges-completed": "已完成 {{completedCount}}/{{totalChallenges}}",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "支持我们的非营利组织",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "你的 ${{usd}} 捐款将帮助世界各地的人们学习 {{hours}} 小时。",
"your-donation-2": "你的 ${{usd}} 捐款每月将帮助世界各地的人们学习 {{hours}} 小时。",
"your-donation-3": "你的 ${{usd}} 捐款每年将帮助世界各地的人们学习 {{hours}} 小时。",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "成为我们非营利组织的一次性支持者",
"duration-2": "成为我们非营利组织的每月定期支持者",
"duration-3": "成为我们非营利组织的每年定期支持者",

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "Lo sentimos, tu código no pasa. Casi lo consigues.",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "Lo sentimos, su código no pasa. Aguanta ahí.",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "Lo sentimos, su código no pasa. No te rindas.",
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} de {{totalChallenges}} desafíos completados"
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} de {{totalChallenges}} desafíos completados",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "Apoya a nuestra organización sin fines de lucro",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "Tu donación de ${{usd}} proporcionará {{hours}} horas de aprendizaje a personas de todo el mundo.",
"your-donation-2": "Tu donación de ${{usd}} proporcionará {{hours}} horas de aprendizaje a personas de todo el mundo cada mes.",
"your-donation-3": "Tu donación de ${{usd}} proporcionará {{hours}} horas de aprendizaje a personas de todo el mundo cada año.",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "Conviértete en un contribuyente único de nuestra organización sin fines de lucro.",
"duration-2": "Conviértete en un contribuyente mensual de nuestra organización sin fines de lucro.",
"duration-3": "Conviértete en un contribuyente anual de nuestra organización sin fines de lucro",

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "Tut mir leid, dein Code funktioniert nicht. Du bist auf dem Weg dorthin.",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "Tut mir leid, dein Code funktioniert nicht. Halte durch.",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "Tut mir leid, dein Code funktioniert nicht. Gib nicht auf.",
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} von {{totalChallenges}} Herausforderungen erfüllt"
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} von {{totalChallenges}} Herausforderungen erfüllt",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "Unterstütze unsere Non-Profit-Organisation",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "Deine ${{usd}} Spende ermöglicht {{hours}} Stunden des Lernens für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.",
"your-donation-2": "Deine ${{usd}} Spende wird jeden Monat {{hours}} Stunden des Lernens für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt ermöglichen.",
"your-donation-3": "Deine ${{usd}} Spende wird jedes Jahr {{hours}} Stunden des Lernens für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt ermöglichen.",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "Werde ein einmaliger Unterstützer für unsere gemeinnützigen Organisation.",
"duration-2": "Werde ein monatlicher Unterstützer für unsere gemeinnützigen Organisation.",
"duration-3": "Werde ein jährlicher Unterstützer für unsere gemeinnützigen Organisation",

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "Il tuo codice non è corretto. Ci sei quasi.",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "Il tuo codice non è corretto. Tieni duro.",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "Il tuo codice non è corretto. Non arrenderti.",
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} di {{totalChallenges}} sfide completate"
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} di {{totalChallenges}} sfide completate",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "Supporta il nostro no profit",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "La tua donazione di ${{usd}} fornirà {{hours}} ore di apprendimento alle persone di tutto il mondo.",
"your-donation-2": "La tua donazione ${{usd}} fornirà {{hours}} ore di apprendimento alle persone di tutto il mondo ogni mese.",
"your-donation-3": "La tua donazione di ${{usd}} fornirà {{hours}} ore di apprendimento a persone di tutto il mondo ogni anno.",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "Diventa un sostenitore una tantum del nostro non-profit.",
"duration-2": "Diventa un sostenitore mensile del nostro non-profit.",
"duration-3": "Diventa un sostenitore annuale del nostro no profit",

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "残念ながら、テストが通りませんでした。もう一息です。",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "残念ながら、テストが通りませんでした。がんばりましょう。",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "残念ながら、テストが通りませんでした。諦めないでください。",
"challenges-completed": "{{totalChallenges}} 件中 {{completedCount}} 件完了"
"challenges-completed": "{{totalChallenges}} 件中 {{completedCount}} 件完了",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "非営利団体を支援する",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "あなたの {{usd}} ドルのご寄付が、世界中の人々に {{hours}} 時間の学びを提供します。",
"your-donation-2": "あなたの {{usd}} ドルのご寄付が、世界中の人々に {{hours}} 時間の学びを毎月提供します。",
"your-donation-3": "あなたの {{usd}} ドルのご寄付が、世界中の人々に {{hours}} 時間の学びを毎年提供します。",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "当非営利団体に一回のご支援をいただけますと幸いです。",
"duration-2": "当非営利団体に毎月のご支援をいただけますと幸いです。",
"duration-3": "当非営利団体に毎年のご支援をいただけますと幸いです。",

View File

@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"p8": "Este currículo dará a você milhares de horas prática de programação \"mão na massa\".",
"p9": "Se você quiser aprender mais matemática e teoria da ciência da computação, também temos milhares de horas de cursos em vídeo no canal do YouTube do <0>freeCodeCamp</0>.",
"p10": "Se você quiser conseguir um trabalho como desenvolvedor ou ter clientes como freelance, as habilidades de programação serão apenas parte do desafio. Você também precisa construir sua rede pessoal e sua reputação como desenvolvedor.",
"p11": "You can do this on LinkedIn and GitHub, and also on <0>the freeCodeCamp forum</0>.",
"p11": "Você pode fazer isso no LinkedIn e GitHub, assim como no <0>fórum do freeCodeCamp </0>.",
"p12": "Boa programação!"
"upcoming-lessons": "Próximas lições",
@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "Desculpe, seu código não passou nos testes. Você está chegando lá.",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "Desculpe, seu código não passou nos testes. Você está chegando lá.",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "Desculpe, seu código não passou nos testes. Não desista.",
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} de {{totalChallenges}} desafios concluídos"
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} de {{totalChallenges}} desafios concluídos",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "Dê seu apoio à nossa organização sem fins lucrativos",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "Sua doação de US${{usd}} proporcionará {{hours}} horas de aprendizado para pessoas ao redor do mundo.",
"your-donation-2": "Sua doação de US${{usd}} proporcionará {{hours}} horas mensais de aprendizado para pessoas ao redor do mundo.",
"your-donation-3": "Sua doação de US${{usd}} proporcionará {{hours}} horas anuais de aprendizado para pessoas ao redor do mundo.",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "Torne-se um apoiador por doação única da nossa organização sem fins lucrativos.",
"duration-2": "Torne-se um apoiador mensal da nossa organização sem fins lucrativos.",
"duration-3": "Torne-se um apoiador anual da nossa organização sem fins lucrativos",

View File

@ -325,7 +325,11 @@
"sorry-getting-there": "На жаль, ваш код не пройшов. Ви йдете у правильному напрямку.",
"sorry-hang-in-there": "На жаль, ваш код не пройшов. Тримайтеся.",
"sorry-dont-giveup": "На жаль, ваш код не пройшов. Не здавайтеся.",
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} з {{totalChallenges}} завдань виконано"
"challenges-completed": "{{completedCount}} з {{totalChallenges}} завдань виконано",
"season-greetings-fcc": "Season's Greetings from the freeCodeCamp community 🎉",
"if-getting-value": "If you're getting a lot out of freeCodeCamp, now is a great time to donate to support our nonprofit's mission.",
"building-a-university": "We're Building a Free Computer Science University Degree Program",
"if-help-university": "We've already made a ton of progress. Support our charity with the long road ahead."
"donate": {
"title": "Підтримати нашу некомерційну організацію",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
"your-donation": "Ваш внесок у розмірі ${{usd}} надаватиме {{hours}} год навчання людям у всьому світі.",
"your-donation-2": "Ваш внесок у розмірі ${{usd}} щомісяця надаватиме {{hours}} год навчання людям у всьому світі.",
"your-donation-3": "Ваш внесок у розмірі ${{usd}} щороку надаватиме {{hours}} год навчання людям у всьому світі.",
"become-supporter": "Become a Supporter",
"duration": "Станьте одноразовим спонсором нашої некомерційної організації.",
"duration-2": "Станьте спонсором нашої некомерційної організації (щомісячний внесок).",
"duration-3": "Станьте спонсором нашої некомерційної організації (щорічний внесок).",