Fix(Challenges): get user code (#16187)

* fix(Challenges.): Prevent source from being overwritten

* fix(Challenges): Tests should use name

* fix(seed/react): Namespace tests for now
Berkeley Martinez 2017-12-13 15:24:36 -08:00 committed by Quincy Larson
parent d23e3978ed
commit 2f34e67331
1 changed files with 35 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"name": "index",
"contents": [
"var jsx = <div></div>;",
"const jsx = <div></div>;",
@ -39,6 +39,40 @@
"type": "modern",
"isRequired": false,
"translations": {}
"id": "5a24c314108439a4d4036168",
"title": "Write a React Component from Scratch",
"releasedOn": "December 25, 2017",
"description": [
"Now that you've learned the basics of JSX and React components, it's time to write a component on your own. React components are the core building blocks of React applications so it's important to become very familiar with writing them. Remember, a typical React component is an ES6 <code>class</code> which extends <code>React.Component</code>. It has a render method that returns HTML (from JSX) or <code>null</code>. This is the basic form of a React component. Once you understand this well, you will be prepared to start building more complex React projects.",
"Define a class <code>MyComponent</code> that extends <code>React.Component</code>. Its render method should return a <code>div</code> that contains an <code>h1</code> tag with the text: <code>My First React Component!</code> in it. Use this text exactly, the case and punctuation matter. Make sure to call the constructor for your component, too.",
"Render this component to the DOM using <code>ReactDOM.render()</code>. There is a <code>div</code> with <code>id='challenge-node'</code> available for you to use."
"files": {
"indexjsx": {
"key": "indexjsx",
"ext": "jsx",
"name": "index",
"contents": [
"// change code below this line",
"backup-tests": [
"(getUserInput) => assert(getUserInput('index').replace(/\\s/g, '').includes('classMyComponentextendsReact.Component{'), 'message: There should be a React component called MyComponent')"
"head": [],
"tail": [],
"solutions": [
"// change code below this line\nclass MyComponent extends React.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n }\n render() {\n return (\n <div>\n <h1>My First React Component!</h1>\n </div>\n );\n }\n};\n\nReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />, document.getElementById('challenge-node'));"
"type": "modern",
"isRequired": false,
"translations": {},
"react": true