Merge pull request #4289 from jonslucas/fix/WP-OOP-assert-typo

Fixed typo in Waypoint's First Assert Message
Logan Tegman 2015-11-10 15:58:48 -08:00
commit 452bb2bae9
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
"Then call your new <code>constructor</code> with three number <code>arguments</code> and assign it to <code>myCar</code> to see it in action."
"assert((function(){var testCar = new Car(3,1,2); return testCar.wheels === 3 && testCar.seats === 1 && testCar.engines === 2;})(), 'message: Calling <code>new Car(3,1,2)</code> should produce and object with a <code>wheels</code> property of <code>3</code>, a <code>seats</code> property of <code>1</code>, and an <code>engines</code> property of <code>2</code>.');",
"assert((function(){var testCar = new Car(3,1,2); return testCar.wheels === 3 && testCar.seats === 1 && testCar.engines === 2;})(), 'message: Calling <code>new Car(3,1,2)</code> should produce an object with a <code>wheels</code> property of <code>3</code>, a <code>seats</code> property of <code>1</code>, and an <code>engines</code> property of <code>2</code>.');",
"assert(typeof myCar.wheels === 'number' && typeof myCar.seats === 'number' && typeof myCar.engines === 'number', 'message: <code>myCar</code> should have number values for the <code>wheels</code>, <code>seats</code>, and <code>engines</code> properties.');"