Fix/manage state locally tests (#35980)

* fix/manage-state-locally-test

* fix/update-test-words

* fix/update-test
Tom 2019-05-08 09:17:54 -05:00 committed by Manish Giri
parent 6924d9c9e8
commit 4f73b5a7f3
1 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ tests:
- text: 'The <code>DisplayMessages</code> component should initialize with a state equal to <code>{ input: "", messages: [] }</code>.'
testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(DisplayMessages)); const initialState = mockedComponent.state(); return ( typeof initialState === ''object'' && initialState.input === '''' && initialState.messages.length === 0); })(), ''The <code>DisplayMessages</code> component should initialize with a state equal to <code>{ input: "", messages: [] }</code>.'');'
- text: The <code>DisplayMessages</code> component should render a <code>div</code> containing an <code>h2</code> element, a <code>button</code> element, a <code>ul</code> element, and <code>li</code> elements as children.
testString: 'async () => { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(DisplayMessages)); const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 100)); const state = () => { mockedComponent.setState({messages: [''__TEST__MESSAGE'']}); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent )}; const updated = await state(); assert(updated.find(''div'').length === 1 && updated.find(''h2'').length === 1 && updated.find(''button'').length === 1 && updated.find(''ul'').length === 1, ''The <code>DisplayMessages</code> component should render a <code>div</code> containing an <code>h2</code> element, a <code>button</code> element, a <code>ul</code> element, and <code>li</code> elements as children.''); }; '
testString: 'async () => { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(DisplayMessages)); const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 100)); const state = () => { mockedComponent.setState({messages: [''__TEST__MESSAGE'']}); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent )}; const updated = await state(); assert(updated.find(''div'').length === 1 && updated.find(''h2'').length === 1 && updated.find(''button'').length === 1 && updated.find(''ul'').length === 1 && updated.find(''li'').length > 0, ''The <code>DisplayMessages</code> component should render a <code>div</code> containing an <code>h2</code> element, a <code>button</code> element, a <code>ul</code> element, and <code>li</code> elements as children.''); }; '
- text: <code>.map</code> was used on the <code>messages</code> array.
testString: assert(code.match(/this\.state\.messages\.map/g));
- text: The <code>input</code> element should render the value of <code>input</code> in local state.
testString: 'async () => { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(DisplayMessages)); const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 100)); const causeChange = (c, v) => c.find(''input'').simulate(''change'', { target: { value: v }}); const testValue = ''__TEST__EVENT__INPUT''; const changed = () => { causeChange(mockedComponent, testValue); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent )}; const updated = await changed(); assert(updated.find(''input'').props().value === testValue, ''The <code>input</code> element should render the value of <code>input</code> in local state.''); }; '
- text: Calling the method <code>handleChange</code> should update the <code>input</code> value in state to the current input.