feat(challenge): Added mLab tutorial

Closes #14912
Francisco Knebel 2017-10-07 01:57:00 -03:00
parent 76d73479ba
commit 57f186aa6d
1 changed files with 37 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,43 @@
"isRequired": false, "isRequired": false,
"translations": {} "translations": {}
}, },
"id": "587d7fb5367437b2b2512c05",
"title": "Create an online database using mLab",
"description": [
"mLab logo.",
"For the following challenges, we are going to start using MongoDB to store our data. To simplify the configuration, we are going to use mLab.<br><br>mLab is a MongoDB Database-as-a-Service platform, which basically means that they configure and host the database for you, making it so the only responsibility you have is to populate your database with what matters: data!<br>In the following steps, we are going to show you how to: <ul><li>Create an mLab account.</li><li>Create a free online database.</li><li>Create a new admin user on the database, so you can access it.</li><li>Get the mLab URI, which you will use in your application to connect to your database.</li></ul>Let's start by going to mLab by clicking the button below.",
"Once you open the mLab page, you should sign up for a new account.<ul><li>Click the <a href='https://mlab.com/signup/'>Sign Up</a> button in the top right corner to open the registration page.</li><li>Fill the registration form with your information and send it.</li><li>You should be logged into your new, unverified account.</li><li>In the top of the screen, a message should appear asking to send you an e-mail for account verification. Send and confirm it.</li><li>After you confirm your account, click <bold>Create new</bold> in the <i>MongoDB Deployments</i> section.</li></ul>"
"Now we are going to create the actual database you are going to be using.<ul><li>Choose a <i>Cloud Provider</i> from the available list.</li><li>Select the <i>Sandbox</i> plan type, which is the only one with no cost, and press <bold>Continue</bold>.</li><li>Select a region for your Sandbox, from the available list, and press <bold>Continue</bold>.</li><li>Input a name for your database. This name will be used in the URI for your database. After that, press <bold>Continue</bold>.</li></ul>A summary of all your choices should appear, allowing you to change any information provided in the previous steps. Press <bold>Submit Order</bold> to confirm the information."
"After you confirmed your configuration, a new sandbox should have been created in the <i>MongoDB Deployments</i> section. We are now going to create an administrator, so you can use the database in your application.<ul><li>Click the newly-created database.</li><li>Click the <i>Users</i> section.</li><li>Click the <bold>Add database user</bold> button.</li><li>Input an username and password for your administrator. Do not mark it as read-only or you will not be able to add any information to the database with this user.</li></ul>"
"Almost done! We have created our new database and created an user to access it, so we just need to find a way to use it in our applications.<ul><li>In your database page, you should see some instructions about connecting using the standard MongoDB URI.</li><li>The line should look like this <code>mongodb://dbuser:dbpassword@ds0$PORT$.mlab.com:$PORT$/$DATABASE-NAME$</code>.</li><li>Copy this URI and substitute dbuser and dbpassword with the information for the user you previously created in the database.</li><li>That's it! This is the URI you will add to your application to connect to your database. Keep this URI safe somewhere, so you can use it later!</li>Feel free to create separate databases for different applications, if they don't have an use for the same data. You just need to create the sandbox, user and obtain the new URI.</ul>"
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"translations": {}
{ {
"id": "587d7fb6367417b2b2512c06", "id": "587d7fb6367417b2b2512c06",
"title": "Install and Set Up Mongoose", "title": "Install and Set Up Mongoose",