more minor updates

Quincy Larson 2015-07-12 11:36:10 -07:00 committed by Berkeley Martinez
parent fab672f8c6
commit 60f2bdc685
5 changed files with 99 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
"Set the config flag for your Heroku environment and add MongoLab for your MongoDB instance by running the following command: <code>cd ~/workspace/dist && heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production && heroku addons:create mongolab</code>.",
"As you build your app, you should frequently commit changes to your codebase. Make sure you're in the <code>~/workspace</code> directory by running <code>cd ~/workspace</code>. Then you can this code to stage the changes to your changes and commit them: <code>git commit -am \"your commit message\"</code>. Note that you should replace \"your commit message\" with a short summary of the changes you made to your code, such as \"added a records controller and corresponding routes\".",
"You can push these new commits to GitHub by running <code>git push origin master</code>, and to Heroku by running <code>grunt --force && grunt buildcontrol:heroku</code>.",
"If you need further guidance on using Yeoman Angular-Fullstack Generator, check out: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Now you're ready to move on to your first Basejump. Click the \"I've completed this challenge\" and move on."
"challengeType": 2,
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
"difficulty": 2.01,
"challengeSeed": ["128451852"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"Note that for each Basejump, you should create a new GitHub repository and a new Heroku project. If you can't remember how to do this, revisit <a href='/challenges/get-set-for-basejumps'></a>.",
"As you build your app, you should frequently commit changes to your codebase. You can do this by running <code>git commit -am \"your commit message\"</code>. Note that you should replace \"your commit message\" with a brief summary of the changes you made to your code.",
"You can push these new commits to GitHub by running <code>git push origin master</code>, and to Heroku by running <code>grunt --force && grunt buildcontrol:heroku</code>.",
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated user, I can see everyone's polls, but I can't vote on anything.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see the results of polls in chart form. (This could be implemented using Chart.js or Google Charts.)",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, if I don't like the options on a poll, I can create a new option.",
"If you need further guidance on using Yeoman Angular-Fullstack Generator, check out: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your GitHub repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -116,6 +118,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can add myself to a bar to indicate I am going there tonight.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can remove myself from a bar if I no longer want to go there.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated user, when I login I should not have to search again.",
"If you need further guidance on using Yeoman Angular-Fullstack Generator, check out: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your GitHub repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -148,6 +151,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can add new stocks by their symbol name.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can remove stocks.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can see changes in real-time when any other user adds or removes a stock.",
"If you need further guidance on using Yeoman Angular-Fullstack Generator, check out: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your GitHub repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -180,6 +184,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can add a new book.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can update my settings to store my full name, city, and state.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can propose a trade and wait for the other user to accept the trade.",
"If you need further guidance on using Yeoman Angular-Fullstack Generator, check out: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your GitHub repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -203,7 +208,7 @@
"difficulty": 2.05,
"challengeSeed": ["128451852"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"Note that for each Basejump, you should create a new GitHub repository and a new Heroku project. If you can't remember how to do this, revisit <a href='/challenges/get-set-for-basejumps'></a>.",
"As you build your app, you should frequently commit changes to your codebase. You can do this by running <code>git commit -am \"your commit message\"</code>. Note that you should replace \"your commit message\" with a brief summary of the changes you made to your code.",
"You can push these new commits to GitHub by running <code>git push origin master</code>, and to Heroku by running <code>grunt --force && grunt buildcontrol:heroku</code>.",
@ -215,6 +220,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated user, I can browse other users' walls of images.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, if I upload an image that is broken, it will be replaced by a placeholder image. (can use jQuery broken image detection)",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> <a href='' target='_blank'>Masonry.js</a> is a library that allows for Pinterest-style image grids.",
"If you need further guidance on using Yeoman Angular-Fullstack Generator, check out: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your GitHub repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"

View File

@ -38,20 +38,56 @@
"descriptionPt": []
"id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd13",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Random Quote Machine",
"dashedName": "zipline-build-a-random-quote-machine",
"id": "bd7158d8c242eddfaeb5bd13",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage",
"dashedName": "zipline-build-a-personal-portfolio-webpage",
"difficulty": 1.01,
"challengeSeed": ["126415122"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can access all of the portfolio webpage's content just by scrolling.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click different buttons that will take me to the portfolio creator's different social media pages.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can see thumbnail images of different projects the portfolio creator has built (if you don't haven't built any websites before, use placeholders.)",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I navigate to different sections of the webpage by clicking buttons in the navigation.",
"Don't worry if you don't have anything to showcase on your portfolio yet - you will build several several apps on the next few CodePen challenges, and can come back and update your portfolio later.",
"There are many great portfolio templates out there, but for this challenge, you'll need to build a portfolio page yourself. Using Bootstrap will make this much easier for you.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your CodePen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": [],
"nameCn": "",
"descriptionCn": [],
"nameFr": "",
"descriptionFr": [],
"nameRu": "",
"descriptionRu": [],
"nameEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [],
"namePt": "",
"descriptionPt": []
"id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd13",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Random Quote Machine",
"dashedName": "zipline-build-a-random-quote-machine",
"difficulty": 1.02,
"challengeSeed": ["126415122"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click a button to show me a new random quote.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can press a button to tweet out a quote.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck. Try using <a href=''>jQuery's $.getJSON()</a>to consume APIs.",
"Note that you can either put your quotes into an array and show them at random, or use an API to get quotes, such as <a href=''></a>.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your CodePen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -72,11 +108,11 @@
"id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd10",
"name": "Zipline: Show the Local Weather",
"dashedName": "zipline-show-the-local-weather",
"difficulty": 1.02,
"difficulty": 1.03,
"challengeSeed": ["126415127"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
@ -84,7 +120,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can see an icon depending on the temperature..",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I see a different background image depending on the temperature (e.g. snowy mountain, hot desert).",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can push a button to toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck. Try using <a href=''>jQuery's $.getJSON()</a>to consume APIs.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your CodePen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -105,11 +141,11 @@
"id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd0f",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Pomodoro Clock",
"dashedName": "zipline-build-a-pomodoro-clock",
"difficulty": 1.03,
"difficulty": 1.04,
"challengeSeed": ["126411567"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
@ -132,6 +168,42 @@
"descriptionEs": [],
"namePt": "",
"descriptionPt": []
"id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd1f",
"name": "Zipline: Use the JSON API",
"dashedName": "zipline-use-the-twitchtv-json-api",
"difficulty": 1.05,
"challengeSeed": ["126411564"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can see whether Free Code Camp is currently streaming on",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click the status output and be sent directly to the Free Code Camp's channel.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, if Free Code Camp is streaming, I can see additional details about what they are streaming.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can search through the streams listed.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's an example call to's JSON API: <code></code>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> The relevant documentation about this API call is here: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's an array of the usernames of people who regularly stream coding: <code>[\"freecodecamp\", \"storbeck\", \"terakilobyte\", \"habathcx\",\"RobotCaleb\",\"comster404\",\"brunofin\",\"thomasballinger\",\"noobs2ninjas\",\"beohoff\"]</code>",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your CodePen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": [],
"nameCn": "",
"descriptionCn": [],
"nameFr": "",
"descriptionFr": [],
"nameRu": "",
"descriptionRu": [],
"nameEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [],
"namePt": "",
"descriptionPt": []

View File

@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
"challengeSeed": ["129169463"],
"description": [
"Functional programming holds the key to unlocking JavaScript's powerful asynchronous features.",
"Jafar Husain's 42-step interactive Functional Programming course will familiarize you with the various ways you can recombine these functions.",
"Jafar Husain's interactive Functional Programming course will familiarize you with the various ways you can recombine these functions.",
"Functional programming in JavaScript involves using five key functions: \"map\", \"reduce\", \"filter\", \"concatAll\", and \"zip\".",
"Click here to go to the challenge: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"You only need to complete the first 27 steps of this tutorial.",
"This challenge will take several hours, but don't worry. Jafar's website will save your progress (using your browser's local storage) so you don't need to finish it in one sitting.",
"If you've spent several minutes on one of these challenges, and still can't figure out its correct answer, you can click \"show answer\", then click \"run\" to advance to the next challenge. Be sure to read the correct answer and make sure you understand it before moving on."

View File

@ -2,42 +2,6 @@
"name": "Intermediate Front End Development Projects",
"order": 0.013,
"challenges": [
"id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd1f",
"name": "Zipline: Use the JSON API",
"dashedName": "zipline-use-the-twitchtv-json-api",
"difficulty": 1.01,
"challengeSeed": ["126411564"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can see whether Free Code Camp is currently streaming on",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click the status output and be sent directly to the Free Code Camp's channel.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, if Free Code Camp is streaming, I can see additional details about what they are streaming.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can search through the streams listed.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's an example call to's JSON API: <code></code>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> The relevant documentation about this API call is here: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's an array of the usernames of people who regularly stream coding: <code>[\"freecodecamp\", \"storbeck\", \"terakilobyte\", \"habathcx\",\"RobotCaleb\",\"comster404\",\"brunofin\",\"thomasballinger\",\"noobs2ninjas\",\"beohoff\"]</code>",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck. Try using <a href=''>jQuery's $.getJSON()</a>to consume APIs.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your CodePen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": [],
"nameCn": "",
"descriptionCn": [],
"nameFr": "",
"descriptionFr": [],
"nameRu": "",
"descriptionRu": [],
"nameEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [],
"namePt": "",
"descriptionPt": []
"id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd18",
"name": "Zipline: Stylize Stories on Camper News",
@ -46,7 +10,7 @@
"challengeSeed": ["126415129"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
@ -55,7 +19,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click a link to go directly to the post's discussion page.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can see how many upvotes each story has.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's the Camper News Hot Stories API endpoint: <code></code>.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck. Try using <a href=''>jQuery's $.getJSON()</a>to consume APIs.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your CodePen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -80,7 +44,7 @@
"challengeSeed": ["126415131"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
@ -88,7 +52,7 @@
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span>As a user, I can click a button to see a random Wikipedia entry.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span>As a user, when I type in the search box, I can see a dropdown menu with autocomplete options for matching Wikipedia entries.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's an entry on using Wikipedia's API: <code></code>.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck. Try using <a href=''>jQuery's $.getJSON()</a>to consume APIs.",
"Remember to use <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-I-get-stuck' target='_blank'>RSAP</a> if you get stuck.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your CodePen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<br><br><a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>"
@ -113,7 +77,7 @@
"challengeSeed": ["126411565"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
@ -145,7 +109,7 @@
"challengeSeed": ["126415123"],
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code on CodePen. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ block content
a(href='#' + challengeBlock.dashedName)=