Merge pull request #13166 from dhcodes/fix/change-hyperdev-to-gomix

replace Hyperdev references with Gomix
mrugesh mohapatra 2017-02-08 20:36:49 +05:30 committed by GitHub
commit 6562ba3100
6 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"id": "587d7fb0367417b2b2512bed",
"title": "Meet the Node console",
"description": [
"During the development process, is important to be able to check whats going on in your code. Node is just a javascript environment. Like client side javascript, you can use the console to display useful debug information. On your local machine, you would see the console output in a terminal. On HyperDev you can open the logs in the lower part of the screen. You can toggle the log panel if you push the button Logs (top-left, under the app name).",
"During the development process, is important to be able to check whats going on in your code. Node is just a javascript environment. Like client side javascript, you can use the console to display useful debug information. On your local machine, you would see the console output in a terminal. On Gomix you can open the logs in the lower part of the screen. You can toggle the log panel if you push the button Logs (top-left, under the app name).",
"To get started, just put the classic Hello World in the console. We recommend to keep the log panel open while working at these challenges. Reading the logs you can be aware of the nature of the errors that may occur."
"challengeSeed": [],
@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
"id": "587d7fb0367417b2b2512bee",
"title": "Start a working Express Server",
"description": [
"In the first two lines of the file myApp.js you can see how its easy to create an Express app object. This object has several methods, and we will learn many of them in these challenges. One fundamental method is app.listen(<port>). It tells your server to listen on a given port, putting it in running state. You can see it at the bottom of the file. It is inside comments because for testing reasons we need the app to be running in background. All the code that you may want to add goes between these two fundamental parts. HyperDev stores the port number in the environemet variable process.env.PORT. Its value is 3000.",
"In the first two lines of the file myApp.js you can see how its easy to create an Express app object. This object has several methods, and we will learn many of them in these challenges. One fundamental method is app.listen(<port>). It tells your server to listen on a given port, putting it in running state. You can see it at the bottom of the file. It is inside comments because for testing reasons we need the app to be running in background. All the code that you may want to add goes between these two fundamental parts. Gomix stores the port number in the environemet variable process.env.PORT. Its value is 3000.",
"Lets serve our first string ! In Express, routes takes the following structure: app.METHOD(PATH, HANDLER). METHOD is an http method in lowercase. PATH is a relative path on the server (it can be a string, or even a regular expression). HANDLER is a function that Express calls when the route is matched.",
"Handlers take the form function(req, res) {...}, where req is the request object, and res is the response object. For example, the handler",
"<code>function(req, res) {</code>",
"<code> res.send('Response String');</code>",
"will serve the string 'Response String'.",
"Use the app.get() method to serve the string Hello Express, to GET requests matching the / root path. Be sure that your code works by looking at the logs, then see the results in your browser, clicking the button Show Live in the HyperDev UI."
"Use the app.get() method to serve the string Hello Express, to GET requests matching the / root path. Be sure that your code works by looking at the logs, then see the results in your browser, clicking the button Show Live in the Gomix UI."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [

View File

@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
"description": [
"The file package.json is the center of any Node.js project or npm package. It stores information about your project just like the <head>-section in a HTML document describes the content of a webpage. The package.json consists of a single JSON-object where information is stored in \"key\": value-pairs. There are only two required fields in a minimal package.json - name and version - but its a good practice to provide additional information about your project that could be useful to future users or maintainers.",
"The author-field",
"If you go to the HyperDev-project that you set up previously and look at on the left side of your screen, youll find the file tree where you can see an overview of the various files in your project. Under the file trees back-end section, youll find package.json - the file that well be improving in the next couple of challenges.",
"If you go to the Gomix project that you set up previously and look at on the left side of your screen, youll find the file tree where you can see an overview of the various files in your project. Under the file trees back-end section, youll find package.json - the file that well be improving in the next couple of challenges.",
"One of the most common pieces of information in this file is the author-field that specifies whos the creator of a project. It can either be a string or an object with contact details. The object is recommended for bigger projects but in our case, a simple string like the following example will do.",
"<code>\"author\": \"Jane Doe\",</code>",
"Add your name to the author-field in the package.json of your HyperDev project.",
"Add your name to the author-field in the package.json of your Gomix project.",
"Remember that youre writing JSON.",
"All field-names must use double-quotes (\"), e.g. \"author\"",
"All fields must be separated with a comma (,)"
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"Regardless of what you plan for your project, a description is definitely recommended. Lets add something similar to this:",
"<code>\"description\": \"A project that does something awesome\",</code>",
"Add a description to the package.json in your HyperDev project.",
"Add a description to the package.json in your Gomix project.",
"Remember to use double-quotes for field-names (\") and commas (,) to separate fields."
"challengeSeed": [],
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"<code>\"keywords\": [ \"descriptive\", \"related\", \"words\" ],</code>",
"As you can see, this field is structured as an array of double-quoted strings.",
"Add an array of suitable strings to the keywords-field in the package.json of your HyperDev project.",
"Add an array of suitable strings to the keywords-field in the package.json of your Gomix project.",
"One of the keywords should be freecodecamp."
"challengeSeed": [],
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
"<code>\"license\": \"MIT\",</code>",
"Fill the license-field in the package.json of your HyperDev project as you find suitable."
"Fill the license-field in the package.json of your Gomix project as you find suitable."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"<code>\"version\": \"1.2\",</code>",
"Add a version to the package.json in your HyperDev project."
"Add a version to the package.json in your Gomix project."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"more fields, use simple validators like required or unique,",
"and set default values. See the <a href=''>mongoose docs</a>.",
"[C]RUD Part I - CREATE",
"Note: HyperDev is a real server, and in real servers the interactions with the db happen in handler functions. These function are executed when some event happens (e.g. someone hits an endpoint on your API). Well follow the same approach in these exercises. The done() function is a callback that tells us that we can proceed after completing an asynchronous operation such as inserting, searching, updating or deleting. Its following the Node convention and should be called as done(null, data) on success, or done(err) on error.",
"Note: Gomix is a real server, and in real servers the interactions with the db happen in handler functions. These function are executed when some event happens (e.g. someone hits an endpoint on your API). Well follow the same approach in these exercises. The done() function is a callback that tells us that we can proceed after completing an asynchronous operation such as inserting, searching, updating or deleting. Its following the Node convention and should be called as done(null, data) on success, or done(err) on error.",
"Warning - When interacting with remote services, errors may occur !",
"<code>/* Example */</code>",
"<code>var someFunc = function(done) {</code>",

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
"title": "Ask browsers to access your site via HTTPS only - helmet.hsts()",
"description": [
"HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy which helps to protect websites against protocol downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking. If your website can be accessed via HTTPS you can ask users browsers to avoid using insecure HTTP. By setting the header Strict-Transport-Security, you tell the browsers to use HTTPS for the future requests in a specified amount of time. This will work for the requests coming after the initial request.",
"Configure helmet.hsts() to use HTTPS for the next 90 days. Pass the config object {maxAge: timeInMilliseconds, force: true}. HyperDev already has hsts enabled. To override its settings you need to set the field \"force\" to true in the config object. We will intercept and restore the HyperDev header, after inspecting it for testing.",
"Configure helmet.hsts() to use HTTPS for the next 90 days. Pass the config object {maxAge: timeInMilliseconds, force: true}. Gomix already has hsts enabled. To override its settings you need to set the field \"force\" to true in the config object. We will intercept and restore the Gomix header, after inspecting it for testing.",
"Note: Configuring HTTPS on a custom website requires the acquisition of a domain, and a SSL/TSL Certificate."
"challengeSeed": [],

View File

@ -718,7 +718,7 @@
"description": [
"In the next challenges we are going to simulate the human interaction with a page using a device called 'Headless Browser'.",
"A headless browser is a web browser without a graphical user interface. These kind of tools are particularly useful for testing web pages as they are able to render and understand HTML, CSS, and JavaScript the same way a browser would.",
"For these challenges we are using Zombie.JS. It's a lightweight browser which is totally based on JS, without relying on additional binaries to be installed. This feature makes it usable in an environment such as Hyperdev. There are many other (more powerful) options.<br>",
"For these challenges we are using Zombie.JS. It's a lightweight browser which is totally based on JS, without relying on additional binaries to be installed. This feature makes it usable in an environment such as Gomix. There are many other (more powerful) options.<br>",
"Look at the examples in the code for the exercise directions Follow the assertions order, We rely on it."
"challengeSeed": [],

View File

@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
"id": "bd7150d8c442eddfafb5bd1c",
"title": "P2P Video Chat Application",
"description": [
"<strong>Objective:</strong> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'>Hyperdev</a> app that is functionally similar to this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<strong>Objective:</strong> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'>Gomix</a> app that is functionally similar to this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Fulfill the below <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a>. Use whichever libraries or APIs you need. Give it your own personal style.",
"<strong>User Story:</strong> Upon arriving, the browser will prompt me to access my camera and microphone. ",
"<strong>User Story:</strong> After I give it permission, I am prompted to type in a room name.",
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
"<strong>User Story:</strong> When I choose to cancel the room name input step, or if I type in no name, or just spaces, it should again ask me again to type in a valid room name. ",
"<strong>User Story:</strong> If one of the two people in the room get disconnected, they can reconnect to the same room and continue chatting.",
"Remember to use <a href='' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Hyperdev App.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Gomix App.",
"You can get feedback on your project by sharing it with your friends on Facebook."
"challengeSeed": [],