Derek Kim 2018-10-08 16:56:02 -05:00 committed by Stuart Taylor
parent 3ae76fe2f1
commit 6fb3b0503e
1 changed files with 0 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ You can use any mix of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, React, Redux, and
<strong>User Story #4:</strong> When I enter GitHub flavored markdown into the <code>#editor</code> element, the text is rendered as HTML in the <code>#preview</code> element as I type (HINT: You don't need to parse Markdown yourself - you can import the Marked library for this: <a href='https://cdnjs.com/libraries/marked' target='_blank'>https://cdnjs.com/libraries/marked</a>).
<strong>User Story #5:</strong> When my markdown previewer first loads, the default text in the <code>#editor</code> field should contain valid markdown that represents at least one of each of the following elements: a header (H1 size), a sub header (H2 size), a link, inline code, a code block, a list item, a blockquote, an image, and bolded text.
<strong>User Story #6:</strong> When my markdown previewer first loads, the default markdown in the <code>#editor</code> field should be rendered as HTML in the <code>#preview</code> element.
<strong>Optional Bonus (you do not need to make this test pass):</strong> When I click a link rendered by my markdown previewer, the link is opened up in a new tab (HINT: read the Marked.js docs for this one!).
<strong>Optional Bonus (you do not need to make this test pass):</strong> My markdown previewer interprets carriage returns and renders them as <code>br</code> (line break) elements.
You can build your project by forking <a href='http://codepen.io/freeCodeCamp/pen/MJjpwO' target='_blank'>this CodePen pen</a>. Or you can use this CDN link to run the tests in any environment you like: <code>https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js</code>
Once you're done, submit the URL to your working project with all its tests passing.