update paths to compressed images and update copy on stats page

Michael Q Larson 2014-12-28 11:37:19 -08:00
parent 8c23335ce5
commit 7042680645
3 changed files with 18 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
h2 Will I be ready to get a software engineer job after this?
p.landing-p At the end of Free Code Camp, you will have pair programmed around 1,000 hours with dozens of other students, built a portfolio of projects that people are actively using, and a roster of glowing references from nonprofits you've helped. On average, 75% of bootcamp graduates get software engineering jobs within 6 months, and earn an average annual salary of $76,000.
img.img-center.img-responsive(src="https://www.evernote.com/shard/s116/sh/4bb05639-d86c-4c15-b3a8-e4a43fa22d89/7cf00ed01124fac6e6741b97f8fb9e6f/deep/0/https---www.coursereport.com-2014-graduate-survey.pdf.png" alt="A chart showing the average earnings of coding bootcamp graduates")
img.img-center.img-responsive(src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/table-of-earnings.png" alt="A chart showing the average earnings of coding bootcamp graduates")
h2 How long does Free Code Camp take?
p.landing-p It takes about 1,000 hours of coding to develop the skills you'll need to get an entry level software engineering job. Many in-person coding bootcamps jam all this into 12 weeks of intensive study. Free Code Camp is fully online, and there will always be other people at your skill level that you can pair program with, so you can learn at your own pace. Here are some example coding schedules:
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
h2 Why does Free Code Camp use JavaScript instead of Ruby or Python?
p.landing-p Like JavaScript, Ruby and Python are high-level scripting languages that can be used for full stack web development. But even if you learned these languages, you'd still need to learn JavaScript. That's because JavaScript is the only language that runs in web browsers. JavaScript has been around for 20 years, and it is still growing in popularity. Because of this, JavaScript has more tools and online learning resources than any other language.
img.img-center.img-responsive(src="https://www.evernote.com/shard/s116/sh/0f511118-2f92-49f0-973d-730aa57d73a0/11899e5253e998c3a5d0ee731847fba8/deep/0/github_new_repos-custom.png-(1387-1255).png", style="max-height: 355px;" alt="A chart showing the volume of new GitHub repositories by year, with JavaScript growing and most languages declining.")
img.img-center.img-responsive(src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/github-repo-growth.png", style="max-height: 355px;" alt="A chart showing the volume of new GitHub repositories by year, with JavaScript growing and most languages declining.")
h2 How will I learn all this?

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@ -2,12 +2,9 @@ extends ../layout
block content
h1.hug-top Win a Chromebook
h2 Quincy won a Chromebook at a San Francisco HTML5 meetup at Google.
h3 He wants to give it to someone who needs it.
img.image-responsive(src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/chromebook.jpg" alt="HP Chromebook 11")
h2 Thanks to everyone who participated in our Chromebook giveaway.
a#rcwidget_a7khonhd.rcptr(href='http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d70901b10/', rel='nofollow', data-raflid='d70901b10', data-theme='classic', data-template='') a Rafflecopter giveaway
p Finished signing up for the giveaway?
a.btn.btn-cta.signup-btn.btn-primary(href="/login") Start learning to code (it's free)
h2 Ready to learn to code?
a.btn.btn-cta.signup-btn.btn-primary(href="/login") Start learning to code (it's free)

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@ -16,55 +16,59 @@ block content
a(href="https://trello.com/b/BA3xVpz9/nonprofit-projects") 14
h2 Total users:
h2 Total Code Campers:
= users
h2 Users with > 2 Points:
h2 Code Campers with at least...
h2 2 Points:
= c2
h2 Users with > 4 Points:
h2 4 Points:
= c4
h2 Users with > 9 Points:
h2 9 Points:
= c9
h2 Users with > 19 Points:
h2 19 Points:
= c19
h2 Users with > 29 Points:
h2 29 Points:
= c29
h2 Users with > 39 Points:
h2 39 Points:
= c39
h2 Users with > 49 Points:
h2 49 Points:
= c49
h2 Users with > 59 Points:
h2 All 60 Points:
= c59