Quite a few spelling and grammar fixes

LumenTeun 2015-06-30 04:28:43 +02:00
parent cf167b3c11
commit 75948c4bc1
6 changed files with 20 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('#report-issue').on('click', function() {
window.open('https://github.com/freecodecamp/freecodecamp/issues/new?&body=Challenge '+ window.location.href +' has an issue. Please describe how to reproduce it, and include links to screen shots if possible.', '_blank')
window.open('https://github.com/freecodecamp/freecodecamp/issues/new?&body=Challenge '+ window.location.href +' has an issue. Please describe how to reproduce it, and include links to screenshots if possible.', '_blank')
$('#i-want-to-pair').on('click', function() {

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@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
"OK, we're finally ready to start pair programming!",
"Pair Programming is where two people code together on the same computer. It is an efficient way to collaborate, and widely practiced at software companies. Pair Programming is one of the core concepts of \"Agile\" Software Development, which you will hear more about later.",
"Many people use Skype or Google Hangouts to pair program, but if you talk with professional software engineers, they will tell you that it's not really pair programming unless both people have the ability to use the keyboard and mouse.",
"The most popular tool for pair programming is Screen Hero. You can download Screen Hero for <a href='http://links.screenhero.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1qQTNNem9XQkNJQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVZrVEdnRkxNamtfX0JWZEdGVEpSZkVCWlRwbFpXRTBNamM0WVMxaE56SmlMVEV4WlRRdE9HUXpZUzFpWXpVNE1HRTJNalkxTldNNk1UUTJNVEEyQUE9PSIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjowLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL2RsLnNjcmVlbmhlcm8uY29tL3NtYXJ0ZG93bmxvYWQvZklYQU1UUUJBTEtQQkhQTC9TY3JlZW5oZXJvLnppcD9zb3VyY2U9d2ViIn0=' target='_blank'>Mac</a> or <a href='http://links.screenhero.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1qQTNNem9XQkNJQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVZrVEdnRkxNamtfX0JWZEdGVEpSZkVCWlRwbFpXRTBNamM0WVMxaE56SmlMVEV4WlRRdE9HUXpZUzFpWXpVNE1HRTJNalkxTldNNk1UUTJNVEEyQUE9PSIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjoxLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL2RsLnNjcmVlbmhlcm8uY29tL3NtYXJ0ZG93bmxvYWQvZklYQU1UUUJBTEtQQkhQTC9TY3JlZW5oZXJvLXNldHVwLmV4ZSJ9' target='_blank'>Windows</a>. Create your new user account from within the app.",
"We have a special chat room for people ready to pair program. Go to our <a href='//gitter.im/FreeCodeCamp/LetsPair' target='_blank'>LetsPair chatroom on gitter</a> and type \"Hello Pair Programmers!\"",
"The most popular tool for pair programming is Screenhero. You can download Screenhero for <a href='http://links.screenhero.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1qQTNNem9XQkNJQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVZrVEdnRkxNamtfX0JWZEdGVEpSZkVCWlRwbFpXRTBNamM0WVMxaE56SmlMVEV4WlRRdE9HUXpZUzFpWXpVNE1HRTJNalkxTldNNk1UUTJNVEEyQUE9PSIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjowLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL2RsLnNjcmVlbmhlcm8uY29tL3NtYXJ0ZG93bmxvYWQvZklYQU1UUUJBTEtQQkhQTC9TY3JlZW5oZXJvLnppcD9zb3VyY2U9d2ViIn0=' target='_blank'>Mac</a> or <a href='http://links.screenhero.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1qQTNNem9XQkNJQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVZrVEdnRkxNamtfX0JWZEdGVEpSZkVCWlRwbFpXRTBNamM0WVMxaE56SmlMVEV4WlRRdE9HUXpZUzFpWXpVNE1HRTJNalkxTldNNk1UUTJNVEEyQUE9PSIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjoxLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL2RsLnNjcmVlbmhlcm8uY29tL3NtYXJ0ZG93bmxvYWQvZklYQU1UUUJBTEtQQkhQTC9TY3JlZW5oZXJvLXNldHVwLmV4ZSJ9' target='_blank'>Windows</a>. Create your new user account from within the app.",
"We have a special chat room for people ready to pair program. Go to our <a href='//gitter.im/FreeCodeCamp/LetsPair' target='_blank'>LetsPair chatroom on Gitter</a> and type \"Hello Pair Programmers!\"",
"If someone is available, they will be your \"pair\" - the person you pair programming with.",
"If no one gets back to you in the first few minutes, don't worry. There will be lots of opportunities to pair program in the future.",
"If someone does get back to you, private message them and ask for the email address they used to register Screen Hero.",
"Add them as a new contact in Screen Hero, then click the monitor-looking button to attempt to share your screen with them.",
"Once the Screen Hero session starts, your screen's margins will glow orange. You are now sharing your screen.",
"If someone does get back to you, private message them and ask for the email address they used to register Screenhero.",
"Add them as a new contact in Screenhero, then click the monitor-looking button to attempt to share your screen with them.",
"Once the Screenhero session starts, your screen's margins will glow orange. You are now sharing your screen.",
"Your pair will have their own cursor, and will be able to type text on his or her keyboard.",
"Now it's time to tackle our Bonfires. You can begin them by advancing to the next challenge.",
"Once you you finish pair programming, end the session in Screen Hero session.",
"Once you you finish pair programming, end the session in Screenhero session.",
"Congratulations! You have completed your first pair programming session.",
"Pair program as much as possible with different campers until you've completed all the Bonfire challenges. This is a big time investment, but the JavaScript practice you get will be well worth it!",
"Mark this Waypoint complete and move on."

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@ -622,7 +622,7 @@
"Bootstrap uses a responsive grid system, which makes it easy to put elements into rows and specify each element's relative width. Most of Bootstrap's classes can be applied to a <code>div</code> element.",
"Here's a diagram of how Bootstrap's 12-column grid layout works:",
"<a href='http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid-example-basic' target='_blank'><img class='img-responsive' src='https://www.evernote.com/l/AHTwlE2XCLhGFYJzoye_QfsF3ho6y87via4B/image.png'></a>",
"Note that in this illustration, we use the <code>col-md-*</code> class. Here, \"md\" means \"medium\", and \"*\" is a number specifying how many columns wide the element should be. In this case, we're specifying how many columns wide an element should be on a medium-sized screen, such as a laptop.",
"Note that in this illustration, the <code>col-md-*</code> class is being used. Here, \"md\" means \"medium\", and \"*\" is a number specifying how many columns wide the element should be. In this case, the column width of an element on a medium-sized screen, such as a laptop, is being specified.",
"In the Cat Photo App that we're building, we'll use <code>col-xs-*</code>, where \"*\" is the number of columns wide the element should be, and \"xs\" means \"extra small\", like an extra-small mobile phone screen.",
"The \"row\" class is applied to a <code>div</code>, and the buttons themselves can be wrapped within it."

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@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
" <h3>Pair programming is where two people code together on one computer.</h3>",
" <img class='img-responsive img-center' src='http://cs10.org/sp15/resources/images/pairprogramming.jpg'>",
" <p class='large-p'>You discuss different approaches to solving problems, and keep each other motivated. The result is better code than either of you could have written by yourselves. Because of its benefits, many engineers pair program full time. And it's the best way to learn coding. Thanks to tools that allow two people to share mouse and keyboard inputs, you can pair program with a friend without needing to be in the same room.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>By pair programming with other Free Code Camp students on our coding challenges. Eventually, you'll work with people at nonprofits to build real-life software solutions.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>By pair programming with other campers on our coding challenges you'll develop the necessary skills to work with people at nonprofits to build real-life software solutions.</p>",
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
" <ol>",
" <li class='large-li'>Follow <a href='http://www.hdpvrcapture.com/wordpress/?p=5951' target='_blank'>this tutorial</a> to set up your computer for streaming.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Contact Jason Ruekert - he's @jsonify in Gitter. He's in charge of our Twitch.tv channel. Tell him what you'd like to stream, and when you're available to stream.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Jason will pair with you using Screen Hero to verify your computer is configured properly to stream.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Jason will pair with you using Screenhero to verify your computer is configured properly to stream.</li>",
" </ol>",
" </p>",
" <p class='large-p'>Be respectful of your audience. Everything you stream should be related to coding JavaScript, and should be acceptable for children. (Yes, children do sometimes watch our Twitch stream to learn to code).</p>",
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
" <ul>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Gitter has robust private messaging functionality. It's the main way our team communicates, and we recommend it over email.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Trello is great for managing projects. Work with your stakeholder to create Trello cards, and update these cards regularly as you make progress on them.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Screen Hero or Team Viewer - These are the ideal way to pair program. Tools like TMUX are good, but difficult to use. We discourage you from using screen sharing tools where only one person has control of the keyboard and mouse - that isn't real pair programming.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Screenhero or Team Viewer - These are the ideal way to pair program. Tools like TMUX are good, but difficult to use. We discourage you from using screen sharing tools where only one person has control of the keyboard and mouse - that isn't real pair programming.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Write clear and readable code, commit messages, branch names, and pull request messages.</li>",
" </ul>",
" </p>",
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
"<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1'>",
" <h3><a href=\"http://links.screenhero.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1qQTNNem9XQkNJQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVZrVEdnRkxNamtfX0JWZEdGVEpSZkVCWlRwbFpXRTBNamM0WVMxaE56SmlMVEV4WlRRdE9HUXpZUzFpWXpVNE1HRTJNalkxTldNNk1UUTJNVEEyQUE9PSIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjowLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL2RsLnNjcmVlbmhlcm8uY29tL3NtYXJ0ZG93bmxvYWQvZklYQU1UUUJBTEtQQkhQTC9TY3JlZW5oZXJvLnppcD9zb3VyY2U9d2ViIn0=\">Download for Mac</a></h3>",
" <h3><a href=\"http://links.screenhero.com/e/c/eyJlbWFpbF9pZCI6Ik1qQTNNem9XQkNJQ1pBQUNjd0FYQVZrVEdnRkxNamtfX0JWZEdGVEpSZkVCWlRwbFpXRTBNamM0WVMxaE56SmlMVEV4WlRRdE9HUXpZUzFpWXpVNE1HRTJNalkxTldNNk1UUTJNVEEyQUE9PSIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjoxLCJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL2RsLnNjcmVlbmhlcm8uY29tL3NtYXJ0ZG93bmxvYWQvZklYQU1UUUJBTEtQQkhQTC9TY3JlZW5oZXJvLXNldHVwLmV4ZSJ9\"> Download for Windows</a></h3>",
" <p class='large-p'>You'll use Screen Hero to pair program starting with <a href='/challenges/pair-program-on-bonfires'>http://freecodecamp.com/challenges/pair-program-on-bonfires</a></p>",
" <p class='large-p'>You'll use Screenhero to pair program starting with <a href='/challenges/pair-program-on-bonfires'>http://freecodecamp.com/challenges/pair-program-on-bonfires</a></p>",
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
"dashedName": "what-is-the-free-code-camp-privacy-policy",
"description": [
"<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1'>",
" <p class='large-p'>Free Code Camp is committed to respecting the privacy of visitors to our web sites and web applications. The guidelines below explain how we protect the privacy of visitors to FreeCodeCamp.com and its features.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>Free Code Camp is committed to respecting the privacy of visitors to our websites and web applications. The guidelines below explain how we protect the privacy of visitors to FreeCodeCamp.com and its features.</p>",
" <h3>Personally Identifiable Information</h3>",
" <p class='large-p'>Free Code Camp protects the identity of visitors to FreeCodeCamp.com by limiting the collection of personally identifiable information.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>Free Code Camp does not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from or about children under 13, except as permitted by law. If we discover we have received any information from a child under 13 in violation of this policy, we will delete that information immediately. If you believe Free Code Camp has any information from or about anyone under 13, please email us at <a href=\"mailto:team@freecodecamp.com\" target=\"_blank\">team@freecodecamp.com</a>.</p>",
@ -795,8 +795,8 @@
" <p class='large-p'>All of the content on FreeCodeCamp.com is copyrighted by Free Code Camp. If you'd like to redistribute it beyond simply sharing it through social media, please contact us at <a href=\"mailto:team@freecodecamp.com\" target=\"_blank\">team@freecodecamp.com</a>.</p>",
" <h3>Contacting Us</h3>",
" <p class='large-p'>If you have questions about Free Code Camp, or to correct, update, or remove personally identifiable information, please email us at <a href=\"mailto:team@freecodecamp.com\" target=\"_blank\">team@freecodecamp.com</a>.</p>",
" <h3>Links to Other Web sites</h3>",
" <p class='large-p'>Free Code Camp's sites each contain links to other Web sites. Free Code Camp is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party Web sites. We urge all FreeCodeCamp.com visitors to follow safe Internet practices: Do not supply Personally Identifiable Information to these Web sites unless you have verified their security and privacy policies.</p>",
" <h3>Links to Other Websites</h3>",
" <p class='large-p'>Free Code Camp's sites each contain links to other Websites. Free Code Camp is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party Websites. We urge all FreeCodeCamp.com visitors to follow safe Internet practices: Do not supply Personally Identifiable Information to these Websites unless you have verified their security and privacy policies.</p>",
" <h3>Data Retention</h3>",
" <p class='large-p'>We retain your information for as long as necessary to permit us to use it for the purposes that we have communicated to you and comply with applicable law or regulations.</p>",
" <h3>Business Transfers</h3>",
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@
" <li class='large-li'>Zipline: Stylize Stories on Camper News</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Zipline: Wikipedia Viewer</li>",
" </ol>",
" <p class='large-p'>This won't be a new curriculum - it will just the first 200 hours of our full stack JavaScript curriculum.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>This won't be a new curriculum - it will just be the first 200 hours of our full stack JavaScript curriculum.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>All campers who have already completed these challenges are retroactively eligible for the certificate!</p>",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"announcements": [
["Some of Code School's courses are no longer free. We're switching to NodeSchool.io for our Node.js and Express.js challenges.", "http://freecodecamp.com/nodeschool-challenges"],
["Screen Hero is now free on Windows and Mac! Follow these special instructions to install it.", "http://freecodecamp.com/install-screenhero"]
["Screenhero is now free on Windows and Mac! Follow these special instructions to install it.", "http://freecodecamp.com/install-screenhero"]
"questions": [{
"question": "Time Complexity of Accessing Array Index (int a = ARR[5];)",
@ -220,4 +220,4 @@
"With coding power comes sharing responsibility",
"Have you told your friends of your coding powers?"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
h3 This will take you to our pair programming room where you can request a pair.
h3 You'll need &thinsp;
a(href='/field-guide/how-do-i-install-screenhero' target='_blank') Screen Hero
a(href='/field-guide/how-do-i-install-screenhero' target='_blank') Screenhero
| .
h3 Other campers may then message you about pair programming.
a.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.btn-block(href='https://gitter.im/FreeCodeCamp/LetsPair', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true' target='_blank') Take me to the pair programming room
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
a.close.closing-x(href='#', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true') ×
h3 This will open our GitHub Issues page.
h3 Please tell us how to reproduce the bug and link us to screen shots if possible.
h3 Please tell us how to reproduce the bug and link us to screenshots if possible.
a.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.btn-block#report-issue(name='_csrf', value=_csrf) Create my GitHub issue
a.btn.btn-lg.btn-info.btn-block(href='#', data-dismiss='modal', aria-hidden='true') Cancel