fix: SASS challenge and code indentation (#17036)

Varun 2018-04-17 23:38:35 +05:30 committed by mstellaluna
parent c220887e14
commit 857c9955d5
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -191,9 +191,9 @@
"description": [
"The <code>@if</code> directive in Sass is useful to test for a specific case - it works just like the <code>if</code> statement in JavaScript</code>.",
"<blockquote>@mixin make-bold($bool) {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@if $bool == bold { font-weight: bold; }<br>}</blockquote>",
"<blockquote>@mixin make-bold($bool) {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@if $bool == true {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;font-weight: bold;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br>}</blockquote>",
"And just like in JavaScript, <code>@else if</code> and <code>@else</code> test for more conditions:",
"<blockquote>@mixin text-effect($val) {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@if $val == danger {color: red;}<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@else if $val == alert {color: yellow;}<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@else if $val == success {color: green;}<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@else {color: black;}<br>}</blockquote>",
"<blockquote>@mixin text-effect($val) {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@if $val == danger {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color: red;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@else if $val == alert {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color: yellow;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@else if $val == success {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color: green;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;@else {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;color: black;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;}<br>}</blockquote>",
"Create a <code>mixin</code> called <code>border-stroke</code> that takes a parameter <code>$val</code>. The <code>mixin</code> should check for the following conditions using <code>@if</code>, <code>@else if</code>, and <code>@else</code>:",
"<blockquote>light - 1px solid black<br>medium - 3px solid black<br>heavy - 6px solid black<br>none - no border</blockquote>"