fix(seed/challenges): Update test code for escaping quotes in literal strings (#16476)

Closes #16344 
Closes #16332
adityajoshi 2018-01-18 22:50:47 +05:30 committed by mrugesh mohapatra
parent b1b8074733
commit ad6b3b86c8
1 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@
"solutions": [],
"tests": [
"assert(code.match(/\\\\\"/g).length === 6 && code.match(/[^\\\\]\"/g).length === 10, 'message: You should use two double quotes (<code>&quot;</code>) and four escaped double quotes (<code>&#92;&quot;</code>).');",
"assert(code.match(/\\\\\"/g).length === 4 && code.match(/[^\\\\]\"/g).length === 2, 'message: You should use two double quotes (<code>&quot;</code>) and four escaped double quotes (<code>&#92;&quot;</code>).');",
"assert(myStr === \"I am a \\\"double quoted\\\" string inside \\\"double quotes\\\".\", 'message: Variable myStr should contain the string: <code>I am a \"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\".</code>');"
"type": "waypoint",
@ -1101,12 +1101,10 @@
"tail": [
"(function() { return \"myStr = \" + myStr; })();"
"solutions": [
"/* head */ 'use strict'; /* solution */ var myStr = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Link</a>'; /* tail */ (function() { return \"myStr = \" + myStr; })();"
"solutions": [],
"tests": [
"assert(!/\\\\/g.test(code) && myStr.match('\\\\s*<a href\\\\s*=\\\\s*\"\"\\\\s*target\\\\s*=\\\\s*\"_blank\">\\\\s*Link\\\\s*</a>\\\\s*'), 'message: Remove all the <code>backslashes</code> (<code>\\</code>)');",
"assert(code.match(/\"/g).length === 6 && code.match(/'/g).length === 4, 'message: You should have two single quotes <code>&#39;</code> and four double quotes <code>&quot;</code>');"
"assert(code.match(/\"/g).length === 4 && code.match(/'/g).length === 2, 'message: You should have two single quotes <code>&#39;</code> and four double quotes <code>&quot;</code>');"
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,