Merge branch 'staging' of into staging

Quincy Larson 2015-06-26 01:08:40 -07:00
commit b287c14ddd
5 changed files with 51 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -1468,7 +1468,7 @@
"You can create one like this: <code>&#60;input type='text'&#62;</code>. Note that <code>input</code> elements are self-closing."
"tests": [
"assert($('input').length > 0, 'Your app should have an text field input element.')"
"assert($('input').length > 0, 'Your app should have a text field input element.')"
"challengeSeed": [
"<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>",

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"dashedName": "waypoint-mobile-responsive-images",
"difficulty": 0.047,
"description": [
"Now let's go back to our Cat Photo App. This time, we'll style it using the popular Twitter Bootstrap responsive CSS framework. First, add a new image with the <code>src</code> attribute of \"\", and add the \"img-responsive\" Bootstrap class to that image.",
"Now let's go back to our Cat Photo App. This time, we'll style it using the popular Bootstrap responsive CSS framework. First, add a new image with the <code>src</code> attribute of \"\", and add the \"img-responsive\" Bootstrap class to that image.",
"It would be great if the image could be exactly the width of our phone's screen.",
"Fortunately, we have access to a Responsive CSS Framework called Bootstrap. You can add Bootstrap to any app just by including it with <code>&#60;link rel='stylesheet' href='//'/&#62;</code> at the top of your HTML. But we've gone ahead and automatically added it to your Cat Photo App for you.",
"Bootstrap will figure out how wide your screen is and respond by resizing your HTML elements - hence the name <code>Responsive Design</code>.",

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
"challengeSeed": ["127358841"],
"description": [
"One of the best ways to stay motivated when learning to code is to hang out with other campers.",
"Our chat room and Camper News are great ways to communicate with other campers, but there's no substitute for meeting people in-person.",
"Gitter and Camper News are great ways to communicate with other campers, but there's no substitute for meeting people in-person.",
"The easiest way to meet other campers in your city is to join your city's Facebook Group. Click <a href='/field-guide/how-can-i-find-other-free-code-camp-campers-in-my-city' target='_blank'>here</a> to view our growing list of local groups.",
"Click the link to your city, then, once Facebook loads, click \"Join group\".",
"Our local groups are new, so if you don't see your city on this list, you should follow the directions to create a Facebook group for your city.",
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
"nameEs": "Waypoint: Encuentrate con otros Campers en tu Ciudad",
"descriptionEs": [
"Una de las mejores maneras de mantenerte motivado cuando estás aprendiendo a programar es pasar el rato con otros campers.",
"Slack y Noticias de Campers son una muy buena forma de comunicarte con otros campers, pero no hay ningún substituto para conocerlos en persona.",
"Gitter y Noticias de Campers son una muy buena forma de comunicarte con otros campers, pero no hay ningún substituto para conocerlos en persona.",
"La forma más fácil de encontrarte con otros campers en tu ciudad es unirte al grupo de Facebook de tu ciudad o país. Dale click a <a href='/field-guide/how-can-i-find-other-free-code-camp-campers-in-my-city' target='_blank'>here</a> para ver la lista de grupos locales.",
"Dale click al link de tu ciudad o país y una vez que Facebook cargue, dale click a \"Join group\".",
"Nuestros grupos locales son pocos, asi que en caso no veas tu ciudad o país en la lista, solamente sigue las instrucciones para crear un grupo de Facebook para ello.",
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
"Cualquier momento en el que te atasques o no sepas que hacer, sigue este simple algoritmo (procedimiento): RSAP (Read, Search, Ask, Post). Que en español vendría a ser Lee, Busca, Pregunta, Publica.",
"Primero, Lee - Lee la documentación o el mensaje de error. El punto fuerte de un buen programador es la habilidad de interpretar y seguir instrucciones.",
"Luego, Busca - Busca en Google. Buenas búsquedas o queries requieren bastante práctica. Cuando búsques en Google, idealmente tienes que incluir el lenguaje o framework que estés usando. También tendrás que limitar los resultados de búsqueda a un periodo reciente.",
"Ahora, en caso no hayas encontrado la respuesta a tu pregunta, Pregunta - Pregunta a tus amigos. En caso estes en problemas, puedes preguntar a otros campers. Tenemos una sala de chat especificamente para obtener ayuda sobre las herramientas que utilizamos en los desafíos de Free Code Camp. Ingresa a <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Mantén este chat abierto mientras trabajas en los desafíos subsiguientes.",
"Ahora, en caso no hayas encontrado la respuesta a tu pregunta, Pregunta - Pregunta a tus amigos. En caso estes en problemas, puedes preguntar a otros campers. Tenemos una sala de chat especificamente para obtener ayuda sobre las herramientas que utilizamos en los desafíos de Free Code Camp. Ingresa a <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Mantén este chat abierto mientras trabajas en los desafíos subsiguientes.",
"Finalmente, Publica - Publica tu pregunta en Stack Overflow. Antes de hacer esto lee la guía de Stack Overflow para publicar buenas preguntas: <a href=''></a>. Tendrás que hacerlo en inglés, en caso no sepas como, pide que te ayuden a traducir tu pregunta en el canal #espanol de Slack.",
"Aquí está nuestra guia detallada en como obtener ayuda: <a href='/field-guide/how-do-i-get-help-when-i-get-stuck' target='_blank'></a>.",
"Ahora que tienes en claro el procedimiento a seguir cuando necesites ayuda. ¡Empecémos a programar! Continua con el siguiente desafío."

View File

@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
" <p class='large-p'>",
" <ol>",
" <li class='large-li'>Follow <a href='' target='_blank'>this tutorial</a> to set up your computer for streaming.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Contact Jason Ruekert - he's @jsonify in Slack. He's in charge of our channel. Tell him what you'd like to stream, and when you're available to stream.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Contact Jason Ruekert - he's @jsonify in Gitter. He's in charge of our channel. Tell him what you'd like to stream, and when you're available to stream.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Jason will pair with you using Screen Hero to verify your computer is configured properly to stream.</li>",
" </ol>",
" </p>",
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
" <img class='img-responsive img-center' src='' alt='A screen shot showing you the group description box on the Facebook page.'>",
" <li class='large-li'>Click the \"Upload a photo button. To start out, you'll probably just want to use Free Code Camp's banner (download it <a href=''>here</a>), or a scenic shot of your city. Later you can update this with a picture from one of your city's Free Code Camp events.</li>",
" <img class='img-responsive img-center' src='' alt='A screenshot showing the \"Upload a photo\" button.'>",
" <li class='large-li'>Message @quincylarson in Slack with a link to your city's group page and he'll include it here.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Message @quincylarson on Gitter with a link to your city's group page and he'll include it here.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Join our <a href=''>Local Leaders Facebook group</a>, where we share ideas about involving campers in your city.</li>",
" </ol>",
" </p>",
@ -625,8 +625,8 @@
" </ul>",
" </p>",
" <p class='large-p'>It's notoriously difficult to estimate how long building software projects will take, so feel free to ask our volunteer team for help.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>You'll continue to meet with your stakeholder at least twice a month in your project's Slack channel.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>You should also ask questions in your project's Slack channel as they come up throughout the week, and your stakeholder can answer them asynchronously.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>You'll continue to meet with your stakeholder at least twice a month in your project's Gitter or Slack channel.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>You should also ask questions in your project's Gitter or Slack channel as they come up throughout the week, and your stakeholder can answer them asynchronously.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>Getting \"blocked\" on a task can take away your sense of forward momentum, so be sure to proactively seek answers to any ambiguities you encounter.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>Ultimately, the project will be considered complete once both the stakeholder's needs have been met, and you and your pair are happy with the project. Then you can add it to your portfolio!</p>",
" <h3>Working with your Pair</h3>",
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
" <p class='large-p'>Here are our recommended ways of collaborating:</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>",
" <ul>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Slack has robust private messaging functionality. It's the main way our team communicates, and we recommend it over email.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Gitter has robust private messaging functionality. It's the main way our team communicates, and we recommend it over email.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Trello is great for managing projects. Work with your stakeholder to create Trello cards, and update these cards regularly as you make progress on them.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Screen Hero or Team Viewer - These are the ideal way to pair program. Tools like TMUX are good, but difficult to use. We discourage you from using screen sharing tools where only one person has control of the keyboard and mouse - that isn't real pair programming.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>&#8226; Write clear and readable code, commit messages, branch names, and pull request messages.</li>",
@ -719,9 +719,9 @@
" </ol>",
" </p>",
" <p class='large-p'>Free Code Camp should be a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, national origin, or religion (or lack thereof).</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>We do not tolerate harassment of campers in any form, anywhere on Free Code Camp's online media (Slack, Twitch, etc.) or during pair programming. Harassment includes sexual language and imagery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, unwelcome sexual attention, libel, and any malicious hacking or social engineering.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>We do not tolerate harassment of campers in any form, anywhere on Free Code Camp's online media (Gitter, Twitch, etc.) or during pair programming. Harassment includes sexual language and imagery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, unwelcome sexual attention, libel, and any malicious hacking or social engineering.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>If a camper engages in harassing behavior, our team will take any action we deem appropriate, up to and including banning them from Free Code Camp.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>We want everyone to feel safe and respected. If you are being harassed or notice that someone else is being harassed, say something! Message @quincylarson, @terakilobyte and @codenonprofit in Slack (preferably with a screen shot of the offending language) so we can take fast action.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>We want everyone to feel safe and respected. If you are being harassed or notice that someone else is being harassed, say something! Message @quincylarson, @terakilobyte and @codenonprofit on Gitter (preferably with a screen shot of the offending language) so we can take fast action.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>If you have questions about this code of conduct, email us at <a href=''></a>.</p>",
@ -777,10 +777,10 @@
" <h3>We're happy to do a quick interview for your publication or show. Here's whom you should contact about what, and how to best reach them:</h3>",
" <p class='large-p'>",
" <ol>",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to talk to about Free Code Camp's curriculum or long-term vision? Reach out to Quincy Larson. He's <a href='' target='_blank'>@ossia</a> on Twitter and @quincylarson on Slack.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to talk about Free Code Camp's open source codebase, infrastructure, or JavaScript in general? Talk to Nathan Leniz. He's <a href='' target='_blank'>@terakilobyte</a> on Twitter and @terakilobyte on Slack.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to explore our efforts to empower nonprofits with code? Michael D. Johnson eats, sleeps and breathes that. He's <a href='' target='_blank'>@figitalboy</a> on Twitter and @codenonprofit on Slack.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to get a camper's perspective on our community? Talk with Bianca Mihai (@biancamihai on Slack and <a href='' target='_blank'>@bubuslubu</a> on Twitter) or Suzanne Atkinson (@adventurebear on Slack and <a href='' target='_blank'>@steelcitycoach</a> on Twitter).",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to talk to about Free Code Camp's curriculum or long-term vision? Reach out to Quincy Larson. He's <a href='' target='_blank'>@ossia</a> on Twitter and @quincylarson on Gitter.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to talk about Free Code Camp's open source codebase, infrastructure, or JavaScript in general? Talk to Nathan Leniz. He's <a href='' target='_blank'>@terakilobyte</a> on Twitter and @terakilobyte on Gitter.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to explore our efforts to empower nonprofits with code? Michael D. Johnson eats, sleeps and breathes that. He's <a href='' target='_blank'>@figitalboy</a> on Twitter and @codenonprofit on Gitter.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>Want to get a camper's perspective on our community? Talk with Bianca Mihai (@biancamihai on Gitter and <a href='' target='_blank'>@bubuslubu</a> on Twitter) or Suzanne Atkinson (@adventurebear on Gitter and <a href='' target='_blank'>@steelcitycoach</a> on Twitter).",
" </ol>",
" </p>",
" <p class='large-p'>We strive to be helpful and transparent in everything we do. We'll do what we can to help you share our community with your audience.</p>",
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@
" <p class='large-p'>Contributing to our field guide is a great way to establish your history on GitHub, add to your portfolio, and help other campers. If you have a question about JavaScript or programming in general that you'd like us to add to the field guide, here are two ways to get it into the guide:</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>",
" <ol>",
" <li class='large-li'>You can message @danraley in Slack with your question.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>You can message @danraley on Gitter with your question.</li>",
" <li class='large-li'>You can also contribute to this field guide directly via GitHub pull request, by cloning Free Code Camp's <a href=''>main repository</a> and modifying <a href=''>field-guides.json</a>.</li>",
" </ol>",
" </p>",
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@
"description": [
"<div class=\"col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1\">",
" <p class='h2'>Our translation effort is driven by bilingual campers like you.</h2>",
" <p class='large-p'>If you're able to help us, you can join our <a href='' target='_blank'>Trello board</a> by sending @quincylarson your email address in Slack.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>If you're able to help us, you can join our <a href='' target='_blank'>Trello board</a> by sending @quincylarson your email address on Gitter.</p>",
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@
" <p class='h2'>Translation is an all-or-nothing proposal.</h2>",
" <p class='large-p'>We won't be able to add new languages to Free Code Camp until all of our challenges are translated into that language.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>In addition to translating these initially, we'll also need to maintain the translation as the challenges are gradually updated.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>If you're able to help us, you can join our <a href='' target='_blank'>Trello board</a> by sending @quincylarson your email address in Slack.</p>",
" <p class='large-p'>If you're able to help us, you can join our <a href='' target='_blank'>Trello board</a> by sending @quincylarson your email address on Gitter.</p>",

View File

@ -160,28 +160,46 @@ var storyCount = dbObservable
var commentCount = dbObservable
.flatMap(function(db) {
return createQuery(db, 'comments', {});
.withLatestFrom(dbObservable, function(comments, db) {
return {
comments: comments,
db: db
.flatMap(function(dats) {
return insertMany(dats.db, 'comment', dats.comments, { w: 1 });
function(userIdentCount, userCount, storyCount) {
function(userIdentCount, userCount, storyCount, commentCount) {
return {
userIdentCount: userIdentCount * 20,
userCount: userCount * 20,
storyCount: storyCount * 20
storyCount: storyCount * 20,
commentCount: commentCount * 20
function(countObj) {
count = countObj;
function(err) {
console.error('an error occured', err, err.stack);
function() {
function(countObj) {
count = countObj;
function(err) {
console.error('an error occured', err, err.stack);
function() {
console.log('finished with ', count);
console.log('finished with ', count);