Fix(react): use className not class

Berkeley Martinez 2016-09-27 20:00:57 -07:00
parent d3f8757e92
commit b3268c497a
2 changed files with 8 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -236,18 +236,19 @@
"jsx-quotes": [2, "prefer-single"],
"react/display-name": 2,
"react/jsx-boolean-value": [2, "always"],
"react/jsx-no-undef": 2,
"react/jsx-sort-props": [2, { "ignoreCase": true }],
"react/jsx-uses-react": 2,
"react/jsx-uses-vars": 2,
"react/no-did-mount-set-state": 2,
"react/no-did-update-set-state": 2,
"react/no-multi-comp": [2, { "ignoreStateless": true } ],
"react/prop-types": 2,
"react/react-in-jsx-scope": 2,
"react/self-closing-comp": 2,
"react/wrap-multilines": 2,
"react/no-unknown-property": 2,
"react/jsx-boolean-value": [2, "always"],
"react/jsx-no-undef": 2,
"react/jsx-sort-props": [2, { "ignoreCase": true }],
"react/jsx-uses-react": 2,
"react/jsx-uses-vars": 2,
"react/jsx-wrap-multilines": 2,
"react/jsx-closing-bracket-location": [ 2, { "selfClosing": "line-aligned", "nonEmpty": "props-aligned" } ],
"import/no-unresolved": 2,

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export default function AvatarPointsNavItem({ picture, points, username }) {
<Link to='/settings'>
<span className='brownie-points-nav'>
<span className='hidden-md hidden-lg'> { username } </span>
<span class='brownie-points'> [ { points || 1 } ] </span>
<span className='brownie-points'> [ { points || 1 } ] </span>
<span className='hidden-xs hidden-sm avatar'>