Add hyperlinks for the curriculum (#34740)

- Add one missing class in JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification.
Ahmed Atito 2018-12-27 02:40:50 -06:00 committed by Quincy Larson
parent ee5aeab2e8
commit bd244f9958
1 changed files with 36 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -37,60 +37,67 @@ Here are our six core certifications:
#### 1. Responsive Web Design Certification
- Basic HTML and HTML5
- Basic CSS
- Applied Visual Design
- Applied Accessibility
- Responsive Web Design Principles
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Grid <br />
- [Basic HTML and HTML5](
- [Basic CSS](
- [Applied Visual Design](
- [Applied Accessibility](
- [Responsive Web Design Principles](
- [CSS Flexbox](
- [CSS Grid](
<br />
<br />
**Projects**: Tribute Page, Survey Form, Product Landing Page, Technical Documentation Page, Personal Portfolio Webpage
#### 2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification
- Basic JavaScript
- ES6
- Regular Expressions
- Debugging
- Basic Data Structures
- Algorithm Scripting
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming <br />
- [Basic JavaScript](
- [ES6](
- [Regular Expressions](
- [Debugging](
- [Basic Data Structures](
- [Algorithm Scripting](
- [Object Oriented Programming](
- [Functional Programming](
- [Intermediate Algorithm Scripting](
<br />
<br />
**Projects**: Palindrome Checker, Roman Numeral Converter, Caesar's Cipher, Telephone Number Validator, Cash Register
#### 3. Front End Libraries Certification
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Sass
- React
- Redux
- React and Redux <br />
- [Bootstrap](
- [jQuery](
- [Sass](
- [React](
- [Redux](
- [React and Redux](
<br />
<br />
**Projects**: Random Quote Machine, Markdown Previewer, Drum Machine, JavaScript Calculator, Pomodoro Clock
#### 4. Data Visualization Certification
- Data Visualization with D3
- JSON APIs and Ajax <br />
- [Data Visualization with D3](
- [JSON APIs and Ajax](
<br />
<br />
**Projects**: Bar Chart, Scatterplot Graph, Heat Map, Choropleth Map, Treemap Diagram
#### 5. APIs and Microservices Certification
- Managing Packages with Npm
- Basic Node and Express
- MongoDB and Mongoose <br />
- [Managing Packages with Npm](
- [Basic Node and Express](
- [MongoDB and Mongoose](
<br />
<br />
**Projects**: Timestamp Microservice, Request Header Parser, URL Shortener, Exercise Tracker, File Metadata Microservice
#### 6. Information Security and Quality Assurance Certification
- Information Security with HelmetJS
- Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai
- Advanced Node and Express <br />
- [Information Security with HelmetJS](
- [Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai](
- [Advanced Node and Express](
<br />
<br />
**Projects**: Metric-Imperial Converter, Issue Tracker, Personal Library, Stock Price Checker, Anonymous Message Board