Added some testing and debugging challenges

benmcmahon100 2015-08-13 17:33:23 +01:00
parent 5905e19e1b
commit c0140a9510
1 changed files with 44 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2,5 +2,49 @@
"name": "Automated Testing and Debugging - Coming Soon",
"order": 0.012,
"challenges": [
"title":"Using the Javascript console",
"The browser console is the best and easiest tool for debugging your scripts",
"It can normally be access by pressing f12 in most browsers or right click > inspect element > console",
"Let's print to this console using the console.log method",
"<code>console.log('Hello world!')</code>"
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/console\\.log\\(/gi), 'You should use the console.log method to ');"
"title":"Using typeof",
"typeof is a useful method that we can use to check the type of a variable",
"One thing to be careful of is that an array has the type objects",
"Try using each of these to see the types they have",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/console\\.log\\(typeof\\(\"\"\\)\\);/gi), 'You should console.log the typeof a string');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/console\\.log\\(typeof\\(0\\)\\);/gi), 'You should console.log the typeof a number');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/console\\.log\\(typeof\\(\\[\\]\\)\\);/gi), 'You should console.log the typeof a array');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/console\\.log\\(typeof\\(\\{\\}\\)\\);/gi), 'You should console.log the typeof a object');"