From c12f7ad623841c38e68ed85a99f0c01afa0a4a94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: camperbot Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2023 02:47:31 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] chore(i18n,client): processed translations (#49325) --- client/i18n/locales/arabic/translations.json | 6 +++--- .../chinese-traditional/translations.json | 6 +++--- client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json | 6 +++--- client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json | 6 +++--- client/i18n/locales/german/translations.json | 6 +++--- client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json | 6 +++--- client/i18n/locales/japanese/translations.json | 6 +++--- client/i18n/locales/portuguese/intro.json | 14 +++++++------- client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json | 6 +++--- client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/intro.json | 16 ++++++++-------- client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/translations.json | 6 +++--- 11 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/arabic/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/arabic/translations.json index c8e03f6e144..05161c547e8 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/arabic/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/arabic/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "عرض الشهادة", "claim-cert": "المطالبة بالشهادة", "save-progress": "حفظ التقدم", - "accepted-honesty": "لقد قبلت سياسة الصدق الأكاديمي الخاصة بنا.", - "agree": "موافق", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "حفظ عنصر الحافظة هذا", "remove-portfolio": "إزالة عنصر الحافظة هذا", "add-portfolio": "إضافة عنصر حافظة جديد", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "فتح في نافذة جديدة" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "للمطالبة بشهادة ، يجب عليك أولاً قبول سياسة الصدق الأكاديمي الخاصة بنا", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "حدث شيء غريب حقاً، إذا حدث مرة أخرى، يرجى النظر في الإبلاغ عنها على", "not-right": "يبدو ان هناك خطأ ما. لقد تم إنشاء تقرير وتم إخطار فريق", "went-wrong": "حدث خطأ ما، الرجاء التحقق والمحاولة مرة أخرى", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json index cc2d192fe41..4489ee6239e 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/chinese-traditional/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "顯示認證", "claim-cert": "申請認證", "save-progress": "保存進度", - "accepted-honesty": "你已接受我們的《學術誠信條例》", - "agree": "同意", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "保存這個作品集項目", "remove-portfolio": "移除這個作品集項目", "add-portfolio": "增加一個新的作品集項目", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "Opens in new window" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "申請認證之前,你必須先接受我們的《學術誠信條例》", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "出現了一些奇怪的情況。如果再出現這種情況,請考慮在 提交 issue。", "not-right": "有些不對勁。已生成報告,通知 團隊。", "went-wrong": "出了點問題,請檢查並重試。", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json index 363620e436c..8d7625d6a4c 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/chinese/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "显示认证", "claim-cert": "申请认证", "save-progress": "保存进度", - "accepted-honesty": "你已接受我们的《学术诚信条例》", - "agree": "同意", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "保存这个作品集项目", "remove-portfolio": "移除这个作品集项目", "add-portfolio": "增加一个新的作品集项目", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "Opens in new window" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "申请认证之前,你必须先接受我们的《学术诚信条例》", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "出现了一些奇怪的情况。如果再出现这种情况,请考虑在 提交 issue。", "not-right": "有些不对劲。已生成报告,通知 团队。", "went-wrong": "出了点问题,请检查并重试。", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json index 73a90666766..6565ee368f9 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/espanol/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "Mostrar certificación", "claim-cert": "Solicitar certificación", "save-progress": "Guardar progreso", - "accepted-honesty": "Has aceptado nuestra Política de Honestidad Académica.", - "agree": "Aceptar", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "Guardar este elemento de portafolio", "remove-portfolio": "Eliminar este elemento de portafolio", "add-portfolio": "Agregar un nuevo elemento de portafolio", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "Opens in new window" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "Para reclamar una certificación, primero debes aceptar nuestra política de honestidad académica.", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "Sucedió algo realmente extraño. Si vuelve a ocurrir, considera hacer un reporte del problema en", "not-right": "Algo no está bien. Se ha generado un informe y se ha notificado al equipo de", "went-wrong": "Algo salió mal, verifica e intenta nuevamente", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/german/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/german/translations.json index 2d78036c031..452779783dd 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/german/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/german/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "Zertifikat anzeigen", "claim-cert": "Zertifizierung anfordern", "save-progress": "Fortschritt speichern", - "accepted-honesty": "Du hast unsere Akademische Ehrlichkeitsrichtlinie akzeptiert.", - "agree": "Zustimmen", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "Dieses Portfolioelement speichern", "remove-portfolio": "Dieses Portfolioelement entfernen", "add-portfolio": "Neues Portfolioelement hinzufügen", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "Opens in new window" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "Um eine Zertifizierung zu erlangen, musst du zunächst unsere Richtlinie zur akademischen Ehrlichkeit akzeptieren", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "Etwas wirklich Seltsames ist passiert. Wenn es wieder passiert, erwäge bitte, einen Fehler auf zu melden.", "not-right": "Irgendetwas ist nicht in Ordnung. Es wurde ein Bericht erstellt und das Team wurde benachrichtigt", "went-wrong": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen, bitte überprüfe und versuche es erneut", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json index 18007266443..bb22c1ac79f 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/italian/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "Mostra la Certificazione", "claim-cert": "Richiedi la Certificazione", "save-progress": "Salva l'avanzamento", - "accepted-honesty": "Hai accettato la nostra Politica di Onestà Accademica.", - "agree": "Accetta", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "Salva questo elemento del portfolio", "remove-portfolio": "Rimuovi questo elemento del portfolio", "add-portfolio": "Aggiungi un nuovo elemento nel portfolio", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "Apri in una nuova finestra" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "Per richiedere una certificazione, è necessario prima accettare la nostra politica di onestà accademica", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "È successo qualcosa di veramente strano, se succede di nuovo, ti preghiamo di considerare di sollevare un problema su", "not-right": "Qualcosa non è del tutto giusto. Un rapporto è stato generato e il team è stato avvisato", "went-wrong": "Qualcosa è andato storto, controlla e riprova", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/japanese/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/japanese/translations.json index a0aa273780a..fa2cb2b43c2 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/japanese/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/japanese/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "認定証を表示", "claim-cert": "認定証を取得", "save-progress": "進行状況を保存", - "accepted-honesty": "学問的誠実性ポリシーに同意しました。", - "agree": "同意する", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "このポートフォリオアイテムを保存", "remove-portfolio": "このポートフォリオアイテムを削除", "add-portfolio": "新規ポートフォリオアイテムを追加", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "新しいウィンドウで開く" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "認定証を請求するには、まず学問的誠実性ポリシーに同意する必要があります。", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "予期しない問題が発生しました。この問題が何度も発生するようであれば、 への Issue 登録をご検討ください。", "not-right": "問題が発生しました。レポートが生成され、 チームへ通知されました。", "went-wrong": "問題が発生しました。ご確認の上もう一度お試しください。", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/intro.json b/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/intro.json index ea6ec4d33e3..a0262686a7b 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/intro.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/intro.json @@ -790,18 +790,18 @@ "the-odin-project": { "title": "The Odin Project", "intro": [ - "The Odin Project is one of those \"What I wish I had when I was learning\" resources. ", - "Not everyone has access to a computer science education or the funds to attend an intensive coding school and neither of those is right for everyone anyway.", - "This project is designed to fill in the gap for people who are trying to hack it on their own but still want a high quality education." + "The Odin Project é um daqueles recursos do tipo \"O que eu gostaria de ter visto quando estava aprendendo\". ", + "Nem todas as pessoas têm acesso à educação em ciência da computação ou aos fundos necessários para frequentar uma escola de programação intensiva. De qualquer modo, não necessariamente, essas duas sejam a solução final para todos que queiram aprender.", + "Este projeto destina-se a preencher a lacuna para aquelas pessoas que tentam buscar suas próprias soluções, mas que continuam procurando uma educação de alta qualidade." ], "blocks": { "top-learn-html-foundations": { - "title": "Learn HTML Foundations", - "intro": ["A description is to be determined"] + "title": "Aprenda o básico de HTML", + "intro": ["Uma descrição deve ser determinada"] }, "top-build-a-recipe-project": { - "title": "Learn HTML Foundations by Building a Recipe Page", - "intro": ["A description is to be determined"] + "title": "Aprenda o básico de HTML criando uma página de receitas", + "intro": ["Uma descrição deve ser determinada"] } } }, diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json index 1471ae2b7ad..1d6f945a5e5 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/portuguese/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "Exibir certificado", "claim-cert": "Solicitar certificação", "save-progress": "Salvar progresso", - "accepted-honesty": "Você aceitou nossa política de honestidade acadêmica.", - "agree": "Aceitar", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "Salvar esse item de portfólio", "remove-portfolio": "Remover este item de portfólio", "add-portfolio": "Adicionar um novo item de portfólio", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "Abre em uma nova janela" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "Para solicitar uma certificação, você precisa primeiro aceitar nossa política de honestidade acadêmica", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "Algo realmente estranho aconteceu. Se acontecer novamente, considere apresentar um problema pelo endereço", "not-right": "Algo não está certo. Um relatório foi gerado e a equipe do foi notificada", "went-wrong": "Algo deu errado. Verifique e tente novamente", diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/intro.json b/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/intro.json index d6f04eaa4e3..ec06abf9f61 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/intro.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/intro.json @@ -788,20 +788,20 @@ } }, "the-odin-project": { - "title": "The Odin Project", + "title": "Проєкт «Odin»", "intro": [ - "The Odin Project is one of those \"What I wish I had when I was learning\" resources. ", - "Not everyone has access to a computer science education or the funds to attend an intensive coding school and neither of those is right for everyone anyway.", - "This project is designed to fill in the gap for people who are trying to hack it on their own but still want a high quality education." + "Проєкт «Odin» є одним з тих ресурсів, про які хотіли б дізнатися ще коли навчались. ", + "Не кожен має доступ до технологічної освіти або коштів, необхідних для відвідування інтенсивної школи. Однак це не остаточне рішення для тих, хто хоче вчитися.", + "Цей проєкт розроблений, щоб заповнити прогалину для людей, які намагаються вчитись самостійно, але все ж таки хочуть високоякісну освіту." ], "blocks": { "top-learn-html-foundations": { - "title": "Learn HTML Foundations", - "intro": ["A description is to be determined"] + "title": "Вивчіть основи HTML", + "intro": ["Опис буде надано пізніше"] }, "top-build-a-recipe-project": { - "title": "Learn HTML Foundations by Building a Recipe Page", - "intro": ["A description is to be determined"] + "title": "Вивчіть основи HTML, побудувавши сторінку з рецептами", + "intro": ["Опис буде надано пізніше"] } } }, diff --git a/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/translations.json b/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/translations.json index 4bb4a7e7e92..16aab52cdae 100644 --- a/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/translations.json +++ b/client/i18n/locales/ukrainian/translations.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "show-cert": "Показати сертифікацію", "claim-cert": "Отримати сертифікацію", "save-progress": "Зберегти прогрес", - "accepted-honesty": "Ви прийняли нашу Політику академічної доброчесності.", - "agree": "Прийняти", + "accepted-honesty": "You have agreed to our Academic Honesty Policy.", + "agree-honesty": "I agree to freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Policy.", "save-portfolio": "Зберегти цей елемент портфоліо", "remove-portfolio": "Видалити цей елемент портфоліо", "add-portfolio": "Додати новий елемент портфоліо", @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ "opens-new-window": "Відкривається у новому вікні" }, "flash": { - "honest-first": "Щоб отримати сертифікацію, ви повинні спочатку прийняти нашу політику академічної доброчесності", + "honest-first": "To claim a certification, you must first agree to our academic honesty policy", "really-weird": "Щось пішло не так. Якщо це повториться, будь ласка, повідомте про це за посиланням:", "not-right": "Щось пішло не так. Звіт було сформовано і команду вже сповістили.", "went-wrong": "Щось пішло не так. Будь ласка, перевірте та повторіть спробу.",