Update README.md

Added missing code blocks in README and replaced the HTML image at the top to use the Markdown equivalent.
Timothy Cyrus 2015-09-06 15:14:28 -04:00
parent 909f6725f7
commit c28ddf5875
1 changed files with 4 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/wide-social-banner.png">
[![Throughput Graph](https://graphs.waffle.io/freecodecamp/freecodecamp/throughput.svg)](https://waffle.io/freecodecamp/freecodecamp/metrics)
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ We welcome pull requests from Free Code Camp campers (our students) and seasoned
2. Pick an issue that nobody has claimed and start working on it. If your issue isn't on the board, open an issue. If you think you can fix it yourself, start working on it. Feel free to ask for help in our [Gitter](https://gitter.im/FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp).
3. Fork the project ([Need help with forking a project?](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/)). You'll do all of your work on your forked copy.
4. Create a branch specific to the issue or feature you are working on. Push your work to that branch. ([Need help with branching?](https://github.com/Kunena/Kunena-Forum/wiki/Create-a-new-branch-with-git-and-manage-branches))
5. Name the branch something like `user-xxx` where user is your username and xxx is the issue number you are addressing.
6. You should have [ESLint running in your editor](http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/integrations.html), and it will highlight anything doesn't conform to [AirBnB's JavaScript Style Guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript). Please do not ignore any linting errors, as they are meant to **help** you. Make sure none of your JavaScript is longer than 80 characters per line.
5. Name the branch something like `user-xxx` where `user` is your username and `xxx` is the issue number you are addressing.
6. You should have [ESLint running in your editor](http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/integrations.html), and it will highlight anything doesn't conform to [AirBnB's JavaScript Style Guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript). Please do not ignore any linting errors, as they are meant to **help** you. Make sure none of your JavaScript is longer than 80 characters per line.
7. Once your code is ready, submit a pull request from your branch to Free Code Camp's `staging` branch. We'll do a quick code review and give you feedback, then iterate from there.
8. Once we accept one of your pull requests, one of the project owners (currently @quincylarson, @terakilobyte, and @berkeleytrue) will add you to our camper contributor group.
@ -70,10 +70,9 @@ touch .env
npm install -g gulp
Edit your .env file with the following API keys accordingly (if you only use email login, only the MONGOHQ_URL, SESSION_SECRET, MANDRILL_USER and MANDRILL_PASSWORD fields are necessary. Keep in mind if you want to use more services you'll have to get your own API keys for those services.
Edit your `.env` file with the following API keys accordingly (if you only use email login, only the `MONGOHQ_URL`, `SESSION_SECRET`, `MANDRILL_USER` and `MANDRILL_PASSWORD` fields are necessary. Keep in mind if you want to use more services you'll have to get your own API keys for those services.
@ -106,11 +105,9 @@ COOKIE_SECRET='this is a secret'
# Start the mongo server
@ -124,7 +121,6 @@ node seed/
# start the application