chore(i18n,docs): processed translations (#47060)

camperbot 2022-07-28 19:34:05 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 39b5842b79
commit c36ddf9c61
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 24 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Our core instructional content is located within the conveniently named `curricu
There are a few terms we use when discussing our curriculum content.
- `certification` : When referring to a certification in this instance, it is talking about the actual certificate that users claim. Which is separate from the name of the superBlock.
- `superBlock` : A superblock is the top level collection of challenges. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (i.e. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : A block is a section within a superblock. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (i.e. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (i.e. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
- `superBlock` : A superblock is the top level collection of challenges. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : A block is a section within a superblock. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## File Tree

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Our core instructional content is located within the conveniently named `curricu
There are a few terms we use when discussing our curriculum content.
- `certification` : When referring to a certification in this instance, it is talking about the actual certificate that users claim. Which is separate from the name of the superBlock.
- `superBlock` : A superblock is the top level collection of challenges. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (i.e. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : A block is a section within a superblock. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (i.e. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (i.e. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
- `superBlock` : A superblock is the top level collection of challenges. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : A block is a section within a superblock. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## File Tree

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Nuestro contenido instructivo principal se encuentra dentro del directorio conve
Hay algunos términos que utilizamos cuando hablamos del contenido de nuestro currículo.
- `certification` : Cuando se hace referencia a una certificación en este caso, se está hablando del certificado real que los usuarios reclaman. Que es independiente del nombre del súper bloque.
- `superBlock` : Un súper bloque es la colección de desafíos del nivel superior. Cada súper bloque corresponde a una certificación en el currículo (p. ej. Diseño Web Responsivo).
- `block` : Un bloque es una sección dentro de un súper bloque. Un bloque corresponde a un grupo de desafíos en una certificación determinada (p. ej. HTML básico y HTML5)
- `challenge` : Un desafío es una sola lección dentro del currículo (p. ej. Di hola a los elementos HTML)
- `superBlock` : Un súper bloque es la colección de desafíos del nivel superior. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : Un bloque es una sección dentro de un súper bloque. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## Árbol de archivos

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Unsere wichtigsten Lehrinhalte befinden sich in dem Verzeichnis mit dem aussagek
Es gibt ein paar Begriffe, die wir verwenden, wenn wir über unsere Studienplaninhalte sprechen.
- `certification` : Wenn in diesem Fall von einer Zertifizierung die Rede ist, geht es um das eigentliche Zertifikat, das die Nutzer/innen beantragen. Das ist unabhängig vom Namen des SuperBlocks.
- `superBlock` : Ein Superblock ist die oberste Ebene einer Sammlung von Aufgaben. Jeder Superblock entspricht einem Zertifikat im Studienplan (d.h. Responsives Webdesign).
- `block` : Ein Block ist ein Abschnitt innerhalb eines Superblocks. Ein Block entspricht einer Gruppe von Aufgaben in einer bestimmten Zertifizierung (d.h. Grundlagen HTML und HTML5)
- `challenge` : Eine Aufgabe ist eine einzelne Unterrichtsstunde innerhalb des Studienplans (d.h. Sag Hallo zu HTML-Elementen)
- `superBlock` : Ein Superblock ist die oberste Ebene einer Sammlung von Aufgaben. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : Ein Block ist ein Abschnitt innerhalb eines Superblocks. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## Dateibaum

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Il nostro contenuto educativo centrale è situato nella cartella chiamata conven
Questi sono alcuni termini che usiamo quando discutiamo il contenuto del nostro curriculum.
- `certification` : Quando riferito a una certificazione in questa istanza, sta parlando del certificato che gli utenti richiedono. Che è separato dal nome del superBlock.
- `superBlock` : Un superblock è il raggruppamento superiore di sfide. Ogni superblock corrisponde a una certificazione nel curriculum (per esempio Web Design Responsivo).
- `block` : Un block è una sezione in un superblock. Un blocco corrisponde a un gruppo di sfide in una certa certificazione (per esempio HTML Base e HTML5)
- `challenge` : Una sfida è una singola lezione nel curriculum (per esempio Fare conoscenza con gli elementi HTML)
- `superBlock` : Un superblock è il raggruppamento superiore di sfide. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : Un block è una sezione in un superblock. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## Albero dei file

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
- `certification`: この場合、ユーザーが求める実際の認定講座を意味します。 これは、スーパーブロック名とは別のものです。
- `superBlock`: スーパーブロックは、チャレンジの最上位レベルのコレクションです。 各スーパーブロックは、カリキュラム内の各認定講座に相当します (例: レスポンシブ Web デザイン)。
- `block`: ブロックは、スーパーブロック内のセクションです。 ブロックは、特定の認定講座のチャレンジグループに相当します (例: HTML と HTML5 の基礎)。
- `challenge`: チャレンジは、カリキュラム内の単一のレッスンです (例: はじめての HTML 要素)
- `superBlock`: スーパーブロックは、チャレンジの最上位レベルのコレクションです。 Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block`: ブロックは、スーパーブロック内のセクションです。 A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## ファイルツリー

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Nosso conteúdo principal de instrução está localizado dentro de um diretóri
Existem alguns termos que usamos quando discutimos o conteúdo do nosso currículo.
- `certification` : Quando nos referimos a uma certificação neste caso, estamos falando de um certificado factual que os usuários podem solicitar. Não estamos falando do nome do superBlock específico.
- `superBlock` : Um superbloco é a coleção de desafios em nível superior. Cada superbloco corresponde a uma certificação no currículo (por exemplo, Design responsivo para a web).
- `block` : Um bloco é uma seção dentro de um superbloco. Um bloco corresponde a um grupo de desafios em uma certificação determinada (por exemplo, HTML e HTML5 básicos)
- `challenge` : Um desafio é uma lição única dentro do currículo (por exemplo, Conhecer os elementos HTML)
- `superBlock` : Um superbloco é a coleção de desafios em nível superior. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : Um bloco é uma seção dentro de um superbloco. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## Árvore de arquivos

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
При обговоренні навчальної програми важливо знати декілька термінів.
- `certification` : Коли йдеться про сертифікацію, мається на увазі сертифікати, які отримують користувачі. Це не те саме, що й superBlock.
- `superBlock` : superBlock — це збірка найскладніших завдань. Кожен суперблок відповідає сертифікату в навчальній програмі (наприклад, Адаптивний вебдизайн).
- `block` : Блок — це розділ у межах superblock. Блок відповідає групі завдань у даній сертифікації (наприклад, Базовий HTML та HTML5)
- `challenge` : Завдання — це окремий урок у навчальній програмі (наприклад, Ознайомтесь з HTML елементами)
- `superBlock` : superBlock — це збірка найскладніших завдань. Each superblock corresponds to a certification in the curriculum (e.g. Responsive Web Design).
- `block` : Блок — це розділ у межах superblock. A block corresponds to a group of challenges in a given certification (e.g. Basic HTML and HTML5)
- `challenge` : A challenge is a single lesson within the curriculum (e.g. Say Hello to HTML Elements)
## Дерево файлів