Merge branch 'master' of

* 'master' of
  Added how flash messages work mini guide
  Added clusters support to features list
Sahat Yalkabov 2014-01-29 03:17:07 -05:00
commit cba5849c5f
1 changed files with 75 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ Features
- **Local Authentication** using Email and Password
- **OAuth 1.0a Authentication** via Twitter
- **OAuth 2.0 Authentication** via Facebook, Google or GitHub
- Awesome flash notifications with animations by *animate.css*
- Awesome flash notifications with animations by [animate.css](
- MVC Project Structure
- Node.js clusters support
- LESS stylesheets (auto-compiled via Express middleware)
- Bootstrap 3 + Flat UI + iOS7 Theme
- Contact Form (powered by Sendgrid)
@ -259,13 +260,82 @@ how a particular functionality works. Maybe you are just curious about
how it works, or maybe you are lost and confused while reading the code,
I hope it provides some guidance to you.
### How do flash messages work in this project?
### :bulb: How do flash messages work in this project?
This project uses *express-flash* module for flash messages. And that
module is built on top of *connect-flash*, which is what I used in
this project initially. With *express-flash* you don't have to
explicity send a flash message to every view inside `res.render`.
All flash messages are available in your views via `messages` object by default,
thanks to *express-flash*.
Flash messages have a two-step process. You use `req.flash('errors', { msg: 'Error messages goes here' }`
to create a flash message in your controllers, and then display them in your views:
if messages.errors
for error in messages.errors
div= error.msg
In the first step, `'errors'` is the name of a flash message, which should match the
name of the property on `messages` object in your views. You place alert messages
inside `if message.errors` because you don't want to show them flash messages are actually present.
The reason why you pass an error like `{ msg: 'Error messages goes here' }` instead
of just a string - `'Error messages goes here'`, is for the sake of consistency.
To clarify that, *express-validator* module which is used for validating and sanitizing user's input,
returns all errors as an array of objects, where each object has a `msg` property with a message
why an error has occured. To keep consistent with that style, you should pass all flash messages
as `{ msg: 'My flash message' }` instead of a string. Otherwise you will just see an alert box
without an error message. That is because, in **partials/flash.jade** template it will try to output
`error.msg` (i.e. `"My flash message".msg`), in other words it will try to call a `msg` method on a *String* object,
which will return *undefined*. Everything I just mentioned about errors, also applies
to "info" and "success" flash messages, and you could even create a new one yourself, such as:
**Data Usage Controller (Example)**
req.flash('warning', 'You have exceeded 90% of your data usage');
**User Account Page (Example)**
if messages.warning
for warning in messages.warning
div= warning.msg
`partials/flash.jade` is a partial template that contains how flash messages
are formatted. If you don't like the *fadeIn* animation, try something like
*flipInX* (refer to [animate.css](, or just
delete `.animated.fadeIn` from alerts if you don't want any animations. Or if you
want to customize your flash messages by displaying ✔ on success flash and ✗ on error
flash, this is the place where you would do all those customizations. Previously, flash
messages were scattered throughout each view that used flash messages
(contact, login, signup, profile), but now, thankfully it is uses a *DRY* approach.
The flash messages partial template is *included* in the `layout.jade`, along with footer and navigation.
include partials/navigation
include partials/flash
block content
include partials/footer
:question: If you have any further questions about flash messages,
please feel free to open an issue and I will update this mini-guide accordingly,
or send a pull request if you would like to include something that I missed.
### How "Forgot your password" works?
"Forgot your password" is only partially implemented at this time
(Views and GET controller to display a form). Once the feature is live,
I will update this section.