add a removeClass challenge

Quincy Larson 2015-07-30 18:05:02 -07:00
parent 1fa0c48257
commit d4d4124158
1 changed files with 73 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -104,7 +104,8 @@
"difficulty": 0.074,
"description": [
"You see how we made all of your <code>button</code> elements bounce? We selected them with <code>$('button')</code>, then we added some CSS classes to them with <code>.addClass('animated bounce');</code>.",
"First target your <code>div</code> elements with the class \"well\" by using the <code>$('.well')</code> selector.",
"You just used jQuery's <code>.addClass()</code> function, which allows you to add classes to elements.",
"First, let's target your <code>div</code> elements with the class \"well\" by using the <code>$('.well')</code> selector.",
"Note that, just like with CSS declarations, you type a <code>.</code> before the class's name.",
"Then use jQuery's <code>.addClass()</code> function to add the classes \"animated\" and \"shake\".",
"Here's the full code that you'll want to type into your \"document ready function\": <code>$('.well').addClass('animated shake');</code>"
@ -301,19 +302,72 @@
"challengeType": 0
"id": "bad87fee1348bd9aed918626",
"name": "Waypoint: Remove Classes from an element with jQuery",
"dashedName": "waypoint-remove-classes-from-an-element-with-jquery",
"difficulty": 0.076,
"description": [
"In the same way you can add classes to an element with jQuery's <code>addClass()</code> function, you can remove them with jQuery's <code>removeClass()</code> function.",
"Let's remove the \"btn-default\" class from all of our <code>button</code> elements.",
"Here's how you would do this for a specific button, add <code>$('#target2').removeClass('btn-default');</code>"
"tests": [
"assert($('.btn-default').length === 0, 'Remove the \"btn-default\" class from all of your <code>button</code> elements.')",
"assert(editor.match(/btn btn-default/g), 'Only use jQuery to add these classes to the element.')"
"challengeSeed": [
" $(document).ready(function() {",
" $('button').addClass('animated bounce');",
" $('.well').addClass('animated shake');",
" $('#target3').addClass('animated fadeOut');",
" });",
"<!-- You shouldn't need to modify code below this line -->",
"<div class='container-fluid'>",
" <h3 class='text-primary text-center'>jQuery Playground</h3>",
" <div class='row'>",
" <div class='col-xs-6'>",
" <h4>#left-well</h4>",
" <div class='well' id='left-well'>",
" <button class='btn btn-default target' id='target1'>#target1</button>",
" <button class='btn btn-default target' id='target2'>#target2</button>",
" <button class='btn btn-default target' id='target3'>#target3</button>",
" </div>",
" </div>",
" <div class='col-xs-6'>",
" <h4>#right-well</h4>",
" <div class='well' id='right-well'>",
" <button class='btn btn-default target' id='target4'>#target4</button>",
" <button class='btn btn-default target' id='target5'>#target5</button>",
" <button class='btn btn-default target' id='target6'>#target6</button>",
" </div>",
" </div>",
" </div>",
"challengeType": 0
"id": "bad87fee1348bd9aed908826",
"name": "Waypoint: Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery",
"dashedName": "waypoint-change-the-css-of-an-element-using-jquery",
"difficulty": 0.076,
"description": [
"We can also change the CSS of an HTML element with jQuery.",
"We can also change the CSS of an HTML element directly with jQuery.",
"Delete your jQuery selectors, leaving an empty \"document ready function\".",
"Select \"target1\" and change its color to red.",
"jQuery has a function called <code>.css()</code> that allows you to change the CSS of an element.",
"Here's how we would change its color to blue: <code>$('#target1').css('color', 'blue');</code>",
"This is slightly different from a normal CSS declaration, because the CSS attribute and its value are in quotes, and separated with a comma instead of a colon."
"tests": [
"assert(!editor.match(/nce\\'\\)\\;/g) && !editor.match(/ke\\'\\)\\;/g), 'Delete your <code>img</code> element selector statement and your \".btn\" selector statement.')",
"assert(editor.match(/css.*,.*background-color.*gray.\\);/g), 'Select the element with the <code>id</code> of \"cat-photo-form\" give it the background color of gray.')"
"assert($('#target1').css('color') === 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'Your \"target1\" element should have red text.')",
"assert(!editor.match(/class.*animated/g), 'Only use jQuery to add these classes to the element.')"
"challengeSeed": [
@ -358,15 +412,21 @@
"dashedName": "waypoint-disable-an-element-using-jquery",
"difficulty": 0.077,
"description": [
"You can also change the non-CSS properties of HTML elements with jQuery. For example, you can disable buttons.",
"When you disable a button, it will become grayed-out and can no longer be clicked.",
"jQuery has a function called <code>.prop()</code> that allows you to adjust the properties of elements.",
"Here's how you would disable all buttons: <code>$('#button').prop('disabled', true);</code>",
"Disable only the \"target1\" button."
"tests": [
"assert($('form button').attr('id') === 'submit-button', 'Add the ID of \"submit-button\" to your the <code>button</code> on your <code>form</code> element.')",
"assert($('#submit-button') && $('#submit-button').prop('disabled'), 'Disable your element with the id of \"submit-button\".')"
"assert($('#target1') && $('#target1').prop('disabled'), 'Disable your \"target1\" button.')",
"assert($('#target2') && !$('#target2').prop('disabled'), 'Do not disable any other buttons.')",
"assert(!editor.match(/disabled>/g), 'Only use jQuery to add these classes to the element.')"
"challengeSeed": [
" $(document).ready(function() {",
" $('#target1').css('color', 'red');",
" });",
@ -404,6 +464,8 @@
"dashedName": "waypoint-remove-an-element-using-jquery",
"difficulty": 0.078,
"description": [
"Now let's remove an HTML element entirely using jQuery.",
"jQuery has a "
"tests": [
@ -413,6 +475,8 @@
"challengeSeed": [
" $(document).ready(function() {",
" $('#target1').css('color', 'red');",
" $('#target1').prop('disabled', true);",
" });",