chore(i18n,docs): processed translations (#45805)

camperbot 2022-04-29 21:29:21 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent 71bb691056
commit e90bd64c98
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 50 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Please note that these GitHub issues are for codebase-related issues and discuss
### How can I report a security issue?
Please don't create GitHub issues for security issues. Instead, please send an email to `` and we'll look into it immediately.
Please don't create GitHub issues for security issues. Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### I am a student. Can I work on a feature for academic credits?

View File

@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
This single command will fire up all the services, including the API server and the client applications available for you to work on.
> [!NOTE] Once ready, open a web browser and **visit <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!NOTE] Once ready, open a web browser and **visit <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] The API Server serves APIs at `http://localhost:3000`. The Gatsby app serves the client application at `http://localhost:8000`
> If you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## Sign in with a local user

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Please note that these GitHub issues are for codebase-related issues and discuss
### How can I report a security issue?
Please don't create GitHub issues for security issues. Instead, please send an email to `` and we'll look into it immediately.
Please don't create GitHub issues for security issues. Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### I am a student. Can I work on a feature for academic credits?

View File

@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
This single command will fire up all the services, including the API server and the client applications available for you to work on.
> [!NOTE] Once ready, open a web browser and **visit <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!NOTE] Once ready, open a web browser and **visit <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] The API Server serves APIs at `http://localhost:3000`. The Gatsby app serves the client application at `http://localhost:8000`
> If you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## Sign in with a local user

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Ten en cuenta que estos temas de GitHub son para debates y problemas relacionado
### ¿Cómo puedo reportar un problema de seguridad?
Por favor, no crees Tema de GitHub para problemas de seguridad. En su lugar, por favor envía un correo electrónico a `` y lo estudiaremos inmediatamente.
Por favor, no crees Tema de GitHub para problemas de seguridad. Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### Soy estudiante. ¿Puedo trabajar en una característica para los créditos académicos?

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@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
Este único comando lanzará todos los servicios, incluyendo el servidor API y las aplicaciones cliente disponibles para que usted trabaje.
> [!NOTE] Una vez listo, abre tu navegador y ** visita <http://localhost:8000>**. Si la aplicación carga, ¡felicidades! Ahora posees una copia de la plataforma freeCodeCamp's en tu PC.
> [!NOTE] Una vez listo, abre tu navegador y ** visita <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] La URL de la API es `http://localhost:3000`. La aplicación Gatsby corre en `http://localhost:8000`
> Si visitas <http://localhost:3000/explorer> deberías poder ver las API disponibles.
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## Iniciar sesión con un usuario local
@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ Si estás en un sistema operativo diferente y/o todavía tienes problemas, consu
> Por favor, evite crear problemas de GitHub para problemas de prerrequisitos. Están fuera del ámbito de este proyecto.
> Please avoid creating GitHub issues for prerequisite issues. They are out of the scope of this project.
### Problemas con la interfaz de usuario, fuentes, errores de compilación, etc.
@ -566,7 +568,7 @@ Si obtiene errores durante la instalación de las dependencias, por favor asegú
La primera configuración puede tardar un rato dependiendo del ancho de banda de su red. Tenga paciencia, y si todavía está atascado le recomendamos usar GitPod en lugar de una configuración sin conexión.
> [!NOTE] Si está utilizando dispositivos Apple con chip M1 para ejecutar la aplicación localmente, se sugiere usar Node v14.7 o superior. De lo contrario, es posible que tenga problemas con dependencias como Sharp.
> [!NOTE] If you are using Apple Devices with M1 Chip to run the application locally, it is suggested to use Node v14.7 or above. You might run into issues with dependencies like Sharp otherwise.
## Obteniendo ayuda

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Bitte beachte, dass diese GitHub Issues für Codebasis-bezogene Probleme und Dis
### Wie kann ich ein Sicherheitsproblem melden?
Bitte erstelle keine GitHub Issues für Sicherheitsprobleme. Schicke stattdessen bitte eine E-Mail an `` und wir werden uns sofort darum kümmern.
Bitte erstelle keine GitHub Issues für Sicherheitsprobleme. Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### Ich bin ein Student. Kann ich für akademische Credits an einem Feature arbeiten?

View File

@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
Mit diesem einzigen Befehl werden alle Dienste gestartet, einschließlich des API-Servers und der Client-Anwendungen, an denen du arbeiten kannst.
> [!NOTE] Sobald du bereit bist, öffne einen Webbrowser und **besuche <http://localhost:8000>**. Wenn die App geladen wird, herzlichen Glückwunsch - du bist bereit! Du hast jetzt eine Kopie der gesamten Lernplattform von freeCodeCamp auf deinem lokalen Rechner laufen.
> [!NOTE] Sobald du bereit bist, öffne einen Webbrowser und **besuche <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] Der API-Server bedient APIs unter `http://localhost:3000`. Die Gatsby-App bedient die Client-Anwendung unter `http://localhost:8000`
> Wenn du <http://localhost:3000/explorer> besuchst, solltest du die verfügbaren APIs sehen.
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## Mit einem lokalen Benutzer anmelden
@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ Wenn du ein anderes Betriebssystem verwendest und/oder immer noch Probleme hast,
> Bitte vermeide es, GitHub Issues für Probleme mit den Voraussetzungen zu erstellen. Sie liegen außerhalb des Rahmens dieses Projekts.
> Please avoid creating GitHub issues for prerequisite issues. They are out of the scope of this project.
### Probleme mit der Benutzeroberfläche, Schriftarten, Build-Fehler usw.
@ -566,7 +568,7 @@ Wenn du bei der Installation der Abhängigkeiten Fehler erhältst, vergewissere
Die Ersteinrichtung kann je nach Netzwerkbandbreite eine Weile dauern. Sei geduldig, und wenn du immer noch nicht weiterkommst, empfehlen wir dir, GitPod statt eines Offline-Setups zu verwenden.
> [!NOTE] Wenn du Apple-Geräte mit M1-Chip verwendest, um die Anwendung lokal auszuführen, wird empfohlen, Node v14.7 oder höher zu verwenden. Du könntest sonst Probleme mit Abhängigkeiten wie Sharp bekommen.
> [!NOTE] If you are using Apple Devices with M1 Chip to run the application locally, it is suggested to use Node v14.7 or above. You might run into issues with dependencies like Sharp otherwise.
## Hilfe erhalten

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Per favore nota che queste issue in GitHub sono per problemi e discussioni sulla
### Come posso segnalare un problema di sicurezza?
Per favore non creare issue su GitHub per problemi di sicurezza. Invece invia una email a `` e controlleremo immediatamente.
Per favore non creare issue su GitHub per problemi di sicurezza. Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### Sono uno studente. Posso lavorare su una funzionalità ottenendo crediti accademici?

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@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
Questo singolo comando attiverà tutti i servizi, compreso il server API e le applicazioni client disponibili su cui lavorare.
> [!NOTE] Una volta pronto, apri un browser web e **visita <http://localhost:8000>**. Se l'app si carica, congratulazioni, sei a posto! Hai ora una copia dell'intera piattaforma di apprendimento di freeCodeCamp in esecuzione sul tuo computer.
> [!NOTE] Una volta pronto, apri un browser web e **visita <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] Il server API serve le API su `http://localhost:3000`. L'app Gatsby serve il client dell'applicazione su `http://localhost:8000`
> Se visiti <http://localhost:3000/explorer> dovresti vedere le API disponibili.
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## Accedi con un utente locale
@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ Se sei su un sistema operativo diverso e/o continui ad avere dei problemi, visit
> Per favore evita di creare issue su GitHub per problemi con i prerequisiti. Sono al di fuori dell'ambito di questo progetto.
> Please avoid creating GitHub issues for prerequisite issues. They are out of the scope of this project.
### Problemi con UI, Font, errori di build, ecc.
@ -566,7 +568,7 @@ Se incontri degli errori durante l'installazione delle dipendenze, assicurati di
La prima configurazione può richiedere un po' di tempo a seconda della larghezza di banda della rete. Sii paziente, e se continui a rimanere bloccato ti raccomandiamo di usare GitPod invece di un setup offline.
> [!NOTE] Se stai usando un device Apple con Chip M1 per eseguire l'applicazione in locale, suggeriamo di usare Node v14.7 o superiore. Altrimenti potresti avere problemi con dipendenze come Sharp.
> [!NOTE] If you are using Apple Devices with M1 Chip to run the application locally, it is suggested to use Node v14.7 or above. You might run into issues with dependencies like Sharp otherwise.
## Ottenere Aiuto

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ YouTube チャンネル用の動画講座を作成するには、[YouTube チャ
### セキュリティ問題はどのように報告すればいいですか?
セキュリティ問題のために GitHub Issue を作成しないでください。 `` までメールでご連絡いただければ、直ちに調査します。
セキュリティ問題のために GitHub Issue を作成しないでください。 Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### 私は学生です。 単位取得を目的として、機能に関して貢献することはできますか?

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@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
この単一コマンドは、API サーバーや利用可能なクライアントアプリケーションを含むすべてのサービスを起動します。
> [!TIP] 準備が整ったら、Web ブラウザを開いて **<http://localhost:8000>** をご覧ください。 アプリがロードされたとしたら、すべての準備ができているということです。おめでとうございます! これで、freeCodeCamp の学習プラットフォーム全体のコピーがローカルマシン上で実行されます。
> [!TIP] 準備が整ったら、Web ブラウザを開いて **<http://localhost:8000>** をご覧ください。 If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] API サーバーは、API を `http://localhost:3000` で提供します。 Gatsby アプリは、クライアントアプリケーションを `http://localhost:8000` で提供します
> <http://localhost:3000/explorer> にアクセスすると、利用可能な API が表示されます。
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## ローカルユーザーでサインインする
@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ Google、Stack Overflow、Stack Exchange などのリソースに関する特定
> 必要条件の問題のために GitHub issue を作成しないでください。 それらはこのプロジェクトの範囲外です。
> Please avoid creating GitHub issues for prerequisite issues. They are out of the scope of this project.
### UI、フォント、ビルドエラーなどに関する問題
@ -566,7 +568,7 @@ TCP DESKTOP LISTENING
最初の設定では、ネットワーク帯域幅に応じて時間がかかることがあります。 それでも設定できない場合は、オフライン設定ではなく GitPod を使用することを推奨します。
> [!NOTE] M1 チップのある Apple Devices を使用してアプリケーションをローカルで実行する場合は、Node v14.7 以上を使用することをお勧めします。 さもなければ、Sharp のような依存関係に関連する問題が発生する可能性があります
> [!NOTE] If you are using Apple Devices with M1 Chip to run the application locally, it is suggested to use Node v14.7 or above. You might run into issues with dependencies like Sharp otherwise.
## ヘルプ

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Observe que essas issues do GitHub são para discussões e questões relacionada
### Como posso relatar um problema de segurança?
Não crie issues no GitHub para problemas de segurança. Em vez disso, envie um e-mail para `` e nós vamos investigar isso imediatamente.
Não crie issues no GitHub para problemas de segurança. Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### Eu sou estudante. Posso trabalhar em um recurso para créditos acadêmicos?

View File

@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
Este único comando vai disparar todos os serviços, incluindo o servidor API e os aplicativos do cliente disponíveis para você trabalhar.
> [!NOTE] Uma vez pronto, abra um navegador e **acesse <http://localhost:8000>**. Se o aplicativo carregar, parabéns - você está com tudo configurado! Agora você tem uma cópia da plataforma do freeCodeCamp de aprendizagem inteira rodando em sua máquina local.
> [!NOTE] Uma vez pronto, abra um navegador e **acesse <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] O API Server serve APIs em `http://localhost:3000`. O aplicativo Gatsby atende o aplicativo cliente em `http://localhost:8000`
> Se você visitar <http://localhost:3000/explorer> poderá ver as APIs disponíveis.
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## Entre com um usuário local
@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ Se você está em um sistema operacional diferente e/ou ainda está com problema
> Por favor, evite criar issues no GitHub sobre pré-requisitos. Estão fora do escopo deste projeto.
> Please avoid creating GitHub issues for prerequisite issues. They are out of the scope of this project.
### Problemas com a Interface do Usuário, fontes, errors de build, etc.
@ -566,7 +568,7 @@ Se você receber erros durante a instalação das dependências, por favor, cert
A primeira configuração pode demorar um pouco, dependendo da largura de banda da sua rede. Tenha paciência. Se você ainda tiver problemas, recomendamos usar o GitPod invés de uma configuração off-line.
> [!NOTE] Se estiver usando dispositivos da Apple com o chip M1 para executar a aplicação localmente, sugerimos usar o Node v14.7 ou uma versão mais recente. Do contrário, você poderá ter problemas com dependências como o Sharp.
> [!NOTE] If you are using Apple Devices with M1 Chip to run the application locally, it is suggested to use Node v14.7 or above. You might run into issues with dependencies like Sharp otherwise.
## Obtendo ajuda

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Please note that these GitHub issues are for codebase-related issues and discuss
### How can I report a security issue?
Please don't create GitHub issues for security issues. Instead, please send an email to `` and we'll look into it immediately.
Please don't create GitHub issues for security issues. Instead, please [follow our security policy](
### I am a student. Can I work on a feature for academic credits?

View File

@ -244,11 +244,13 @@ npm run develop
This single command will fire up all the services, including the API server and the client applications available for you to work on.
> [!NOTE] Once ready, open a web browser and **visit <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!NOTE] Once ready, open a web browser and **visit <http://localhost:8000>**. If the app loads, sign in. Congratulations you're all set! You now have a copy of freeCodeCamp's entire learning platform running on your local machine.
> [!TIP] The API Server serves APIs at `http://localhost:3000`. The Gatsby app serves the client application at `http://localhost:8000`
> If you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> While you are logged in, if you visit <http://localhost:3000/explorer> you should see the available APIs.
> [!WARNING] Clearing your cookies or running `npm run seed:certified-user` will log you out, and you will have to sign in again.
## Sign in with a local user