fixes a condition in assert

bugron 2015-09-05 19:20:41 +04:00
parent 0075bab84e
commit f417adc2d1
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"Replace the <code>0</code> with the correct number so you can get the result mentioned in the comment."
"tests": [
"assert((function(){if(quotient === 2 && editor.getValue().match(/\\//g)){return true;}else{return false;}})(), 'Make the variable <code>quotient</code> equal 2.');"
"assert((function(){if(quotient === 2 && editor.getValue().match(/var\\s*?quotient\\s*?\\=\\s*?\\d+\\s*?\\/\\s*?\\d+\\s*?;/g)){return true;}else{return false;}})(), 'Make the variable <code>quotient</code> equal 2.');"
"challengeSeed": [
"var quotient = 66 / 0; //make this equal to 2 by changing the 0 into the appropriate number.",