add ziplines, basejumps and node school challenges to coursewares.json

Michael Q Larson 2015-04-17 17:38:30 -07:00
parent 820fbb99c7
commit fe31271ee5
1 changed files with 320 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,8 @@
"Free Code Camp has an up-to-date field guide that will answer your many questions.",
"Click the \"Field Guide\" button in the upper right hand corner.",
"You can browse the field guide at your convenience. Most of its articles take less than 1 minute to read.",
"When you click the Field Guide button, it will always take you back to whichever article you were last reading"
"When you click the Field Guide button, it will always take you back to whichever article you were last reading.",
"Read a few field guide articles, then move on to your next challenge."
"challengeType": 2,
"tests": []
@ -81,7 +82,8 @@
"Your portfolio page will automatically show off your progress through Free Code Camp.",
"Click the \"Update my portfolio page or manage my account\" button",
"You can link to your Github, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. If you've already built some websites, you can link to them here as well.",
"Be sure to click the \"Update my Bio\" or \"Update my Social Links\" button to save this new information to your portfolio page."
"Be sure to click the \"Update my Bio\" or \"Update my Social Links\" button to save this new information to your portfolio page.",
"Once you're happy with your portfolio page, you can move on to your next challenge."
"challengeType": 2,
"tests": []
@ -99,7 +101,8 @@
"You an also comment on a link. If someone responds to your comment, you'll get an email notification so you can come back and respond to them.",
"You can also submit links. You can modify the link's headline and also leave an initial comment about the link.",
"You can view the portfolio pages of any camper who has posted links or comments on Camper News. Just click on their photo.",
"When you submit a link, you'll get a point. You will also get a point each time someone upvotes your link."
"When you submit a link, you'll get a point. You will also get a point each time someone upvotes your link.",
"Now that you've learned how to use Camper News, let's move on to your next challenge."
"challengeType": 2,
"tests": []
@ -116,7 +119,7 @@
"Next, S - Search Google. Good Google queries take a lot of practice. When you search Google, you usually want to include the language or framework you're using. You also want to limit the results to a recent period.",
"Then, if you still haven't found an answer to your question, A - Ask your friends. If you have trouble, you can ask your fellow campers. We have a special chat room specifically for getting help with tools you learn through these Free Code Camp Challenges. Go to <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Keep this chat open while you work on the remaining challenges.",
"Finally, P - Post on Stack Overflow. Before you attempt to do this, re-read Stack Overflow's guide to asking a good question: <a href=''></a>.",
"Now you have a clear algorithm to follow when you need help!"
"Now you have a clear algorithm to follow when you need help! Let's start coding! Move on to your next challenge."
"challengeType": 2,
"tests": []
@ -520,8 +523,21 @@
"difficulty": 0.38,
"challengeSeed": "114685061",
"description": [
"MongoDB is a popular NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database used by many JavaScript apps.",
"Go to <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and work through their interactive MongoDB tutorial."
"We'll build this Waypoint on Cloud 9, a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu Linux workspace, all running in the cloud.",
"If you don't already have Cloud 9 account, create one now at <a href=''></a>.",
"Now let's get your development environment ready for a new Angular-Fullstack application provided by Yeoman.",
"Open up <a href=''></a> and sign in to your account.",
"Click on Create New Workspace at the top right of the page, then click on the \"Create a new workspace\" popup that appears below it the button after you click on it.",
"Name your workspace to match your project name that you are working on.",
"Choose Node.js in the selection area below the name field",
"Click the Create button",
"Wait for the workspace to finish processing and select it on the left sidebar, below the Create New Workspace button",
"Click the \"Start Editing\" button.",
"In the lower right hand corner you should see a terminal window. In this window use the following commands. You don't need to know what these mean at this point.",
"Run this command: <code>sudo npm install learnyounode -g</code>",
"Now start this tutorial by running <code>learnyounode</code>",
"Note that you can resize the's windows by dragging their borders.",
"Follow the directions and work through all of the the tutorial's steps before moving on."
"challengeType": 2,
"tests": []
@ -532,8 +548,21 @@
"difficulty": 0.39,
"challengeSeed": "114685061",
"description": [
"MongoDB is a popular NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database used by many JavaScript apps.",
"Go to <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and work through their interactive MongoDB tutorial."
"We'll build this Waypoint on Cloud 9, a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu Linux workspace, all running in the cloud.",
"If you don't already have Cloud 9 account, create one now at <a href=''></a>.",
"Now let's get your development environment ready for a new Angular-Fullstack application provided by Yeoman.",
"Open up <a href=''></a> and sign in to your account.",
"Click on Create New Workspace at the top right of the page, then click on the \"Create a new workspace\" popup that appears below it the button after you click on it.",
"Name your workspace to match your project name that you are working on.",
"Choose Node.js in the selection area below the name field",
"Click the Create button",
"Wait for the workspace to finish processing and select it on the left sidebar, below the Create New Workspace button",
"Click the \"Start Editing\" button.",
"In the lower right hand corner you should see a terminal window. In this window use the following commands. You don't need to know what these mean at this point.",
"Run this command: <code>sudo npm install how-to-npm -g</code>",
"Now start this tutorial by running <code>how-to-npm</code>",
"Note that you can resize the's windows by dragging their borders.",
"Follow the directions and work through all of the the tutorial's steps before moving on."
"challengeType": 2,
"tests": []
@ -544,6 +573,21 @@
"difficulty": 0.40,
"challengeSeed": "114685061",
"description": [
"We'll build this Waypoint on Cloud 9, a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu Linux workspace, all running in the cloud.",
"If you don't already have Cloud 9 account, create one now at <a href=''></a>.",
"Now let's get your development environment ready for a new Angular-Fullstack application provided by Yeoman.",
"Open up <a href=''></a> and sign in to your account.",
"Click on Create New Workspace at the top right of the page, then click on the \"Create a new workspace\" popup that appears below it the button after you click on it.",
"Name your workspace to match your project name that you are working on.",
"Choose Node.js in the selection area below the name field",
"Click the Create button",
"Wait for the workspace to finish processing and select it on the left sidebar, below the Create New Workspace button",
"Click the \"Start Editing\" button.",
"In the lower right hand corner you should see a terminal window. In this window use the following commands. You don't need to know what these mean at this point.",
"Run this command: <code>git clone && chmod 744 fcc_express/ && fcc_express/ && source ~/.profile</code>",
"Now start this tutorial by running <code>expressworks</code>",
"Note that you can resize the's windows by dragging their borders.",
"Follow the directions and work through all of the the tutorial's steps before moving on."
"challengeType": 2,
"tests": []
@ -622,86 +666,132 @@
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> The relevant documentation about this API call is here: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's an array of the usernames of people who regularly stream coding: <code>[\"freecodecamp\", \"storbeck\", \"terakilobyte\", \"habathcx\",\"notmichaelmcdonald\",\"RobotCaleb\",\"comster404\",\"brunofin\",\"thomasballinger\",\"joe_at_underflow\",\"noobs2ninjas\",\"mdwasp\",\"beohoff\",\"xenocomagain\"]</code>",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here and your link to the tweet's text</a>."
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd13",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Random Quote Machine",
"difficulty": 1.02,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click a button to show me a new random quote.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can press a button to tweet out a quote.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd10",
"name": "Zipline: Customize a Twitter Stream",
"difficulty": 1.06,
"name": "Zipline: Show the Local Weather",
"difficulty": 1.03,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"Start by forking this: <a href=''></a>"
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can see the weather in my current zipcode.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can see an icon depending on the temperature..",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I see a different background image depending on the temperature (e.g. snowy mountain, hot desert).",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can push a button to toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Get a zipcode's weather (in Kelvin) at <code></code>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Get your current user's zipcode (based on their IP address) with this line of jQuery: <code>$.get(\"\", function(response) {}, \"jsonp\");</code>",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd18",
"name": "Zipline: Integrate with a Weather API",
"difficulty": 1.02,
"name": "Zipline: Stylize Stories on Camper News",
"difficulty": 1.04,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can see browse recent posts on Camper News.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click on a link on that post to be taken to the story's original URL.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can click on a link on that post and be taken to the post's discussion page.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can see how many upvotes each story has.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's the Camper News Hot Stories API endpoint: <code></code>.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd0f",
"name": "Zipline: Integrate with Trello's API",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Pomodoro Clock",
"difficulty": 1.05,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"Go to CodePen <a href=''></a> and click the \"fork\" button. This will create a \"fork\", or copy of the file, which you can then edit yourself.",
"In the JavaScript box, scroll down to the comment that reads \"//Changeable code be made here\". This CodePen is already pulling in the relevant JSON from our API. This JSON is from one of our Trello boards. You can view the actual Trello board here: <a href=''></a>.",
"You can view the JSON output here: <a href=''></a>.",
"In addition to each Trello card's description,(which is currently shown), you will also want to show it's name.",
"You'll also want to render each card's labels. Render each label with the card's <code>name</code> as the label's text and each label's <code>color</code> as the label's color.",
"Hint: you will need to write a jQuery loop that which dynamically inserts <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> elements. You will do this using jQuery's each function, described here: <a href=''></a>.",
"Style the output to make it look visually appealing. Give it a custom font, color scheme, and a clear visual separation between data elements.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair. We will take a look at your code and eventually give you feedback. In the meantime, please move on to your next challenge."
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can start a 25 minute pomodoro, and the timer will go off once 25 minutes have elapsed.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can reset the clock for my next pomodoro.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can customize the length of each pomodoro.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd17",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Random Quote Generator",
"name": "Zipline: Build a JavaScript Calculator",
"difficulty": 1.06,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> I can clear the input field with a clear button.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> I can keep chaining mathematical operations together until I hit the clear button and it will tell me the correct output.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd1c",
"name": "Zipline: Build a Camper News Viewer",
"difficulty": 1.06,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd1d",
"name": "Zipline: Build a JavaScript Calculator",
"difficulty": 1.06,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c442eddfaeb5bd1e",
"name": "Zipline: Create a Tic Tac Toe Game",
"difficulty": 1.06,
"name": "Zipline: ",
"difficulty": 1.07,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a <a href='' target='_blank'></a> that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #1:</span> Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #2:</span> You may use whichever libraries or APIs you need.",
"<span class='text-info'>Rule #3:</span> Reverse engineer the example project's functionality, and also feel free to personalize it.",
"Here are the <a href='' target='_blank'>user stories</a> you must enable, and optional bonus user stories:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can play a game of Tic Tac Toe with the computer.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, my game will reset as soon as it's over so I can play again.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can choose whether I want to play as X or O.",
"<span class='text-info'>Hint:</span> Here's an example call to's JSON API: <code></code>.",
"When you are finished, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and include a link to your Codepen. If you pair programmed, you should also include the Free Code Camp username of your pair.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your CodePen project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 3,
"tests": []
@ -712,7 +802,7 @@
"difficulty": 2.01,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"For this Basejump challenge, you'll build a fully functional voting app. By the time you've finished, your app will function similarly to this: <a href=''></a>. This Basejump is a great opportunity to pair program with a friend.",
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"We'll build this Basejump on Cloud 9, a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu Linux workspace, all running in the cloud.",
"If you don't already have Cloud 9 account, create one now at <a href=''></a>.",
"Now let's get your development environment ready for a new Angular-Fullstack application provided by Yeoman.",
@ -758,39 +848,206 @@
"Set the config flag for your Heroku environment and add MongoLab for your MongoDB instance by running the following command: <code>cd ~/workspace/dist && heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production && heroku addons:add mongolab</code>.",
"As you build your app, you should frequently commit changes to your codebase. You can do this by running <code>git commit -am \"your commit message\"</code>. Note that you should replace \"your commit message\" with a brief summary of the changes you made to your code.",
"You can push these new commits to Github by running <code>git push origin master</code>, and to Heroku by running <code>grunt --force && grunt buildcontrol:heroku</code>.",
"Now that you've configured your environment, here are the specific User Stories you should implement for this Basejump:,",
"As an authenticated user, I should be able to keep my polls and come back later to access them.",
"As an authenticated user, I should be able to share my polls with my friends.",
"As an authenticated user, I should be able to see the aggregate results of my polls.",
"As an authenticated user, I should be able to delete polls that I decide I don't want anymore.",
"As an authenticated user, I should be able to create a poll with any number of possible items.",
"Here are some bonus User Stories you can try to implement once you've finished the above User Stories:",
"As an unauthenticated user, I should be able to see everyone's polls, but not be able to vote.",
"As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I should be able to see the in chart form. (This could be implemented using Chart.js or Google Charts.)",
"As an authenticated user, if I don't like the options on a poll I can create a new option.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your Github repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it."
"Now that you've configured your environment, here are the specific User Stories you should implement for this Basejump:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can keep my polls and come back later to access them.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, can share my polls with my friends.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can see the aggregate results of my polls.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can delete polls that I decide I don't want anymore.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can create a poll with any number of possible items.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated user, I can see everyone's polls, but not be able to vote.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see the in chart form. (This could be implemented using Chart.js or Google Charts.)",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, if I don't like the options on a poll I can create a new option.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your Github repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 4,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bdff",
"name": "Basejump: Build a Yelp App",
"name": "Basejump: Build a Nightlife Coordination App",
"difficulty": 2.02,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"We'll build this Basejump on Cloud 9, a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu Linux workspace, all running in the cloud.",
"If you don't already have Cloud 9 account, create one now at <a href=''></a>.",
"Now let's get your development environment ready for a new Angular-Fullstack application provided by Yeoman.",
"Open up <a href=''></a> and sign in to your account.",
"Click on Create New Workspace at the top right of the page, then click on the \"Create a new workspace\" popup that appears below it the button after you click on it.",
"Name your workspace to match your project name that you are working on.",
"Choose Node.js in the selection area below the name field",
"Click the Create button",
"Wait for the workspace to finish processing and select it on the left sidebar, below the Create New Workspace button",
"Click the \"Start Editing\" button.",
"In the lower right hand corner you should see a terminal window. In this window use the following commands. You don't need to know what these mean at this point.",
"<code>rm -rf * && npm install -g yo grunt grunt-cli generator-angular-fullstack && yo angular-fullstack</code>",
"Yeoman will prompt you to answer some questions. Answer them like this:",
"What would you like to write scripts with? JavaScript",
"What would you like to write markup with? HTML",
"What would you like to write stylesheets with? CSS",
"What Angular router would you like to use? ngRoute",
"Would you like to include Bootstrap? Yes",
"Would you like to include UI Bootstrap? Yes",
"Would you like to use MongoDB with Mongoose for data modeling? Yes",
"Would you scaffold out an authentication boilerplate? Yes",
"Would you like to include additional oAuth strategies? Twitter",
"Would you like to use No",
"May bower anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time? (Y/n) Y",
"You may get an error similar to <code> ERR! EEXIST, open /home/ubuntu/.npm</code>. This is caused when Cloud9 runs out of memory and kills an install. If you get this, simply re-run this process with the command <code>yo angular-fullstack</code>. You will then be asked a few questions regarding the re-install. Answer them as follows:",
"Existing .yo-rc configuration found, would you like to use it? (Y/n) Y",
"Overwrite client/favicon.ico? (Ynaxdh) Y",
"To finish the installation run the commands: <code>bower install && npm install</code>",
"To start MongoDB, run the following commands in your terminal: <code>mkdir data && echo 'mongod --bind_ip=$IP --dbpath=data --nojournal --rest \"$@\"' > mongod && chmod a+x mongod && ./mongod</code>",
"You will want to open up a new terminal to work from by clicking on the + icon and select New Terminal",
"Start the application by running the following command in your new terminal window: <code>grunt serve</code>",
"Wait for the following message to appear: <code>xdg-open: no method available for opening 'http://localhost:8080' </code>. Now you can open the internal Cloud9 browser. To launch the browser select Preview in the toolbar then select the dropdown option Preview Running Application.",
"Turn the folder in which your application is running into a Git repository by running the following commands: <code>git init && git add . && git commit -am 'initial commit'</code>.",
"Create a new Github repository by signing in to <a href=''></a> and clicking on the + button next to your username in the upper-right hand side of your screen, then selecting \"New Repository\"",
"Enter a project name, then click the \"Create Repository\" button.",
"Find the \"...or push an existing repository from the command line\" section and click the Copy to Clipboard button beside it.",
"Paste the commands from your clipboard into the Cloud9 terminal prompt. This will push your changes to your repository on Cloud 9 up to Github.",
"Check back on your Github profile to verify the changes were successfully pushed up to Github.",
"Now let's push your code to Heroku. If you don't already have a Heroku account, create one at <a href=></a>. You shouldn't be charged for anything, but you will need to add your credit card information to your Heroku before you will be able to use Heroku's free MongoLab add on.",
"Before you publish to Heroku, you should free up as much memory as possible on Cloud9. In each of the Cloud9 terminal prompt tabs where MongoDB and Grunt are running, press the <code>control + c</code> hotkey to shut down these processes.",
"Run the following command in a Cloud9 terminal prompt tab: <code>npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin --save-dev && npm install --save-dev && heroku login</code>. At this point, the terminal will prompt you to log in to Heroku from the command line.",
"Now run <code>yo angular-fullstack:heroku</code>. You can choose a name for your Heroku project, or Heroku will create a random one for you. You can choose whether you want to deploy to servers the US or the EU.",
"Set the config flag for your Heroku environment and add MongoLab for your MongoDB instance by running the following command: <code>cd ~/workspace/dist && heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production && heroku addons:add mongolab</code>.",
"As you build your app, you should frequently commit changes to your codebase. You can do this by running <code>git commit -am \"your commit message\"</code>. Note that you should replace \"your commit message\" with a brief summary of the changes you made to your code.",
"You can push these new commits to Github by running <code>git push origin master</code>, and to Heroku by running <code>grunt --force && grunt buildcontrol:heroku</code>.",
"Now that you've configured your environment, here are the specific User Stories you should implement for this Basejump:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated user, I can view all bars in my area.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can add myself to a bar to indicate I am going there tonight.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can remove myself from a bar if I no longer want to go there.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an unauthenticated user, when I login I should not have to search again.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your Github repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 4,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bd0f",
"name": "Basejump: Build a Pintrest Clone",
"difficulty": 2.03,
"name": "Basejump: Chart the Stock Market",
"difficulty": 2.04,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"We'll build this Basejump on Cloud 9, a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu Linux workspace, all running in the cloud.",
"If you don't already have Cloud 9 account, create one now at <a href=''></a>.",
"Now let's get your development environment ready for a new Angular-Fullstack application provided by Yeoman.",
"Open up <a href=''></a> and sign in to your account.",
"Click on Create New Workspace at the top right of the page, then click on the \"Create a new workspace\" popup that appears below it the button after you click on it.",
"Name your workspace to match your project name that you are working on.",
"Choose Node.js in the selection area below the name field",
"Click the Create button",
"Wait for the workspace to finish processing and select it on the left sidebar, below the Create New Workspace button",
"Click the \"Start Editing\" button.",
"In the lower right hand corner you should see a terminal window. In this window use the following commands. You don't need to know what these mean at this point.",
"<code>rm -rf * && npm install -g yo grunt grunt-cli generator-angular-fullstack && yo angular-fullstack</code>",
"Yeoman will prompt you to answer some questions. Answer them like this:",
"What would you like to write scripts with? JavaScript",
"What would you like to write markup with? HTML",
"What would you like to write stylesheets with? CSS",
"What Angular router would you like to use? ngRoute",
"Would you like to include Bootstrap? Yes",
"Would you like to include UI Bootstrap? Yes",
"Would you like to use MongoDB with Mongoose for data modeling? Yes",
"Would you scaffold out an authentication boilerplate? Yes",
"Would you like to include additional oAuth strategies? Twitter",
"Would you like to use No",
"May bower anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time? (Y/n) Y",
"You may get an error similar to <code> ERR! EEXIST, open /home/ubuntu/.npm</code>. This is caused when Cloud9 runs out of memory and kills an install. If you get this, simply re-run this process with the command <code>yo angular-fullstack</code>. You will then be asked a few questions regarding the re-install. Answer them as follows:",
"Existing .yo-rc configuration found, would you like to use it? (Y/n) Y",
"Overwrite client/favicon.ico? (Ynaxdh) Y",
"To finish the installation run the commands: <code>bower install && npm install</code>",
"To start MongoDB, run the following commands in your terminal: <code>mkdir data && echo 'mongod --bind_ip=$IP --dbpath=data --nojournal --rest \"$@\"' > mongod && chmod a+x mongod && ./mongod</code>",
"You will want to open up a new terminal to work from by clicking on the + icon and select New Terminal",
"Start the application by running the following command in your new terminal window: <code>grunt serve</code>",
"Wait for the following message to appear: <code>xdg-open: no method available for opening 'http://localhost:8080' </code>. Now you can open the internal Cloud9 browser. To launch the browser select Preview in the toolbar then select the dropdown option Preview Running Application.",
"Turn the folder in which your application is running into a Git repository by running the following commands: <code>git init && git add . && git commit -am 'initial commit'</code>.",
"Create a new Github repository by signing in to <a href=''></a> and clicking on the + button next to your username in the upper-right hand side of your screen, then selecting \"New Repository\"",
"Enter a project name, then click the \"Create Repository\" button.",
"Find the \"...or push an existing repository from the command line\" section and click the Copy to Clipboard button beside it.",
"Paste the commands from your clipboard into the Cloud9 terminal prompt. This will push your changes to your repository on Cloud 9 up to Github.",
"Check back on your Github profile to verify the changes were successfully pushed up to Github.",
"Now let's push your code to Heroku. If you don't already have a Heroku account, create one at <a href=></a>. You shouldn't be charged for anything, but you will need to add your credit card information to your Heroku before you will be able to use Heroku's free MongoLab add on.",
"Before you publish to Heroku, you should free up as much memory as possible on Cloud9. In each of the Cloud9 terminal prompt tabs where MongoDB and Grunt are running, press the <code>control + c</code> hotkey to shut down these processes.",
"Run the following command in a Cloud9 terminal prompt tab: <code>npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin --save-dev && npm install --save-dev && heroku login</code>. At this point, the terminal will prompt you to log in to Heroku from the command line.",
"Now run <code>yo angular-fullstack:heroku</code>. You can choose a name for your Heroku project, or Heroku will create a random one for you. You can choose whether you want to deploy to servers the US or the EU.",
"Set the config flag for your Heroku environment and add MongoLab for your MongoDB instance by running the following command: <code>cd ~/workspace/dist && heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production && heroku addons:add mongolab</code>.",
"As you build your app, you should frequently commit changes to your codebase. You can do this by running <code>git commit -am \"your commit message\"</code>. Note that you should replace \"your commit message\" with a brief summary of the changes you made to your code.",
"You can push these new commits to Github by running <code>git push origin master</code>, and to Heroku by running <code>grunt --force && grunt buildcontrol:heroku</code>.",
"Now that you've configured your environment, here are the specific User Stories you should implement for this Basejump:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can view a graph displaying the recent trend line for all added stocks.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can add new stocks by their symbol name.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As a user, I can remove stocks.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As a user, I can see changes in real-time when any other user adds or removes a stock.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your Github repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 4,
"tests": []
"_id": "bd7158d8c443eddfaeb5bd0f",
"name": "Basejump: Manage a Book Trading Club",
"difficulty": 2.05,
"challengeSeed": "123488494",
"description": [
"<span class='text-info'>Objective:</span> Build a full stack JavaScript app that successfully reverse-engineers this: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and deploy it to Heroku.",
"We'll build this Basejump on Cloud 9, a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu Linux workspace, all running in the cloud.",
"If you don't already have Cloud 9 account, create one now at <a href=''></a>.",
"Now let's get your development environment ready for a new Angular-Fullstack application provided by Yeoman.",
"Open up <a href=''></a> and sign in to your account.",
"Click on Create New Workspace at the top right of the page, then click on the \"Create a new workspace\" popup that appears below it the button after you click on it.",
"Name your workspace to match your project name that you are working on.",
"Choose Node.js in the selection area below the name field",
"Click the Create button",
"Wait for the workspace to finish processing and select it on the left sidebar, below the Create New Workspace button",
"Click the \"Start Editing\" button.",
"In the lower right hand corner you should see a terminal window. In this window use the following commands. You don't need to know what these mean at this point.",
"<code>rm -rf * && npm install -g yo grunt grunt-cli generator-angular-fullstack && yo angular-fullstack</code>",
"Yeoman will prompt you to answer some questions. Answer them like this:",
"What would you like to write scripts with? JavaScript",
"What would you like to write markup with? HTML",
"What would you like to write stylesheets with? CSS",
"What Angular router would you like to use? ngRoute",
"Would you like to include Bootstrap? Yes",
"Would you like to include UI Bootstrap? Yes",
"Would you like to use MongoDB with Mongoose for data modeling? Yes",
"Would you scaffold out an authentication boilerplate? Yes",
"Would you like to include additional oAuth strategies? Twitter",
"Would you like to use No",
"May bower anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time? (Y/n) Y",
"You may get an error similar to <code> ERR! EEXIST, open /home/ubuntu/.npm</code>. This is caused when Cloud9 runs out of memory and kills an install. If you get this, simply re-run this process with the command <code>yo angular-fullstack</code>. You will then be asked a few questions regarding the re-install. Answer them as follows:",
"Existing .yo-rc configuration found, would you like to use it? (Y/n) Y",
"Overwrite client/favicon.ico? (Ynaxdh) Y",
"To finish the installation run the commands: <code>bower install && npm install</code>",
"To start MongoDB, run the following commands in your terminal: <code>mkdir data && echo 'mongod --bind_ip=$IP --dbpath=data --nojournal --rest \"$@\"' > mongod && chmod a+x mongod && ./mongod</code>",
"You will want to open up a new terminal to work from by clicking on the + icon and select New Terminal",
"Start the application by running the following command in your new terminal window: <code>grunt serve</code>",
"Wait for the following message to appear: <code>xdg-open: no method available for opening 'http://localhost:8080' </code>. Now you can open the internal Cloud9 browser. To launch the browser select Preview in the toolbar then select the dropdown option Preview Running Application.",
"Turn the folder in which your application is running into a Git repository by running the following commands: <code>git init && git add . && git commit -am 'initial commit'</code>.",
"Create a new Github repository by signing in to <a href=''></a> and clicking on the + button next to your username in the upper-right hand side of your screen, then selecting \"New Repository\"",
"Enter a project name, then click the \"Create Repository\" button.",
"Find the \"...or push an existing repository from the command line\" section and click the Copy to Clipboard button beside it.",
"Paste the commands from your clipboard into the Cloud9 terminal prompt. This will push your changes to your repository on Cloud 9 up to Github.",
"Check back on your Github profile to verify the changes were successfully pushed up to Github.",
"Now let's push your code to Heroku. If you don't already have a Heroku account, create one at <a href=></a>. You shouldn't be charged for anything, but you will need to add your credit card information to your Heroku before you will be able to use Heroku's free MongoLab add on.",
"Before you publish to Heroku, you should free up as much memory as possible on Cloud9. In each of the Cloud9 terminal prompt tabs where MongoDB and Grunt are running, press the <code>control + c</code> hotkey to shut down these processes.",
"Run the following command in a Cloud9 terminal prompt tab: <code>npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin --save-dev && npm install --save-dev && heroku login</code>. At this point, the terminal will prompt you to log in to Heroku from the command line.",
"Now run <code>yo angular-fullstack:heroku</code>. You can choose a name for your Heroku project, or Heroku will create a random one for you. You can choose whether you want to deploy to servers the US or the EU.",
"Set the config flag for your Heroku environment and add MongoLab for your MongoDB instance by running the following command: <code>cd ~/workspace/dist && heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production && heroku addons:add mongolab</code>.",
"As you build your app, you should frequently commit changes to your codebase. You can do this by running <code>git commit -am \"your commit message\"</code>. Note that you should replace \"your commit message\" with a brief summary of the changes you made to your code.",
"You can push these new commits to Github by running <code>git push origin master</code>, and to Heroku by running <code>grunt --force && grunt buildcontrol:heroku</code>.",
"Now that you've configured your environment, here are the specific User Stories you should implement for this Basejump:",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can view all books posted by every user.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can add a new book.",
"<span class='text-info'>User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I can update my settings to store my full name, city, and state.",
"<span class='text-info'>Bonus User Story:</span> As an authenticated user, I should be able to propose a trade and wait for the other user to accept the trade.",
"Once you've finished implementing these user stories, click the \"I've completed this challenge\" button and enter the URLs for both your Github repository and your live app running on Heroku. If you pair programmed with a friend, enter his or her Free Code Camp username as well so that you both get credit for completing it.",
"If you'd like immediate feedback on your project, click this button and paste in a link to your Heroku project. Otherwise, we'll review it before you start your nonprofit projects.<a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='' target='_blank'>Click here then add your link to your tweet's text</a>."
"challengeType": 4,
"tests": []