fix(challenge): Add solutions for OOP-challenges.

* Also fix tests that break when run outside of the browser environment.
Samuel Plumppu 2017-02-04 18:17:44 +01:00
parent 682cef18df
commit fff3c8d227
1 changed files with 79 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -57,7 +57,9 @@
"assert(typeof( === 'string', 'message: <code>dog</code> should have a <code>name</code> property set to a <code>string</code>.');",
"assert(typeof(dog.numLegs) === 'number', 'message: <code>dog</code> should have a <code>numLegs</code> property set to a <code>number</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"let dog = {\n name: '',\n numLegs: 4\n};"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -86,7 +88,9 @@
"assert(code.match(/console\\.log\\(dog\\.name\\)/g), 'message: Your code should use a <code>console.log</code> statement to print the value for the <code>name</code> property of the <code>dog</code> object.');",
"assert(code.match(/console\\.log\\(dog\\.numLegs\\)/g), 'message: Your code should use a <code>console.log</code> statement to print the value for the <code>numLegs</code> property of the <code>dog</code> object.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"let dog = {\n name: \"Spot\",\n numLegs: 4\n};\nconsole.log(;\nconsole.log(dog.numLegs);"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -117,7 +121,9 @@
"assert(typeof(dog.sayLegs) === 'function', 'message: <code>dog.sayLegs()</code> should be a function.');",
"assert(dog.sayLegs() === 'This dog has 4 legs.', 'message: <code>dog.sayLegs()</code> should return the given string - note that punctuation and spacing matter.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"let dog = {\n name: \"Spot\",\n numLegs: 4,\n sayLegs () {\n return 'This dog has ' + this.numLegs + ' legs.';\n }\n};\n\ndog.sayLegs();"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -151,7 +157,9 @@
"assert(dog.sayLegs() === 'This dog has 4 legs.', 'message: <code>dog.sayLegs()</code> should return the given string.');",
"assert(code.match(/this\\.numLegs/g), 'message: Your code should use the <code>this</code> keyword to access the <code>numLegs</code> property of <code>dog</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"let dog = {\n name: \"Spot\",\n numLegs: 4,\n sayLegs () {\n return 'This dog has ' + this.numLegs + ' legs.';\n }\n};\n\ndog.sayLegs();"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -184,7 +192,9 @@
"assert(typeof (new Dog()).color === 'string', 'message: <code>Dog</code> should have a <code>color</code> property set to a string.');",
"assert(typeof (new Dog()).numLegs === 'number', 'message: <code>Dog</code> should have a <code>numLegs</code> property set to a number.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog (name, color, numLegs) {\n = 'name';\n this.color = 'color';\n this.numLegs = 4;\n}"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -218,7 +228,9 @@
"assert(hound instanceof Dog, 'message: <code>hound</code> should be created using the <code>Dog</code> constructor.');",
"assert(code.match(/new/g), 'message: Your code should use the <code>new</code> operator to create an <code>instance</code> of <code>Dog</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog() {\n = \"Rupert\";\n this.color = \"brown\";\n this.numLegs = 4;\n}\nconst hound = new Dog();"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -255,7 +267,9 @@
"assert((new Dog('Clifford')).numLegs === 4, 'message: <code>Dog</code> should have property <code>numLegs</code> set to 4.');",
"assert(terrier instanceof Dog, 'message: <code>terrier</code> should be created using the <code>Dog</code> constructor.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog (name, color) {\n this.numLegs = 4;\n = name;\n this.color = color;\n}\n\nconst terrier = new Dog();"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -283,9 +297,11 @@
"tests": [
"assert(typeof myHouse.numBedrooms === 'number', 'message: <code>myHouse</code> should have a <code>numBedrooms</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/(myHouse instanceof House)/), 'message: Be sure to verify that <code>myHouse</code> is an instance of <code>House</code> using the <code>instanceof</code> operator.');"
"assert(/myHouse\\s*instanceof\\s*House/.test(code), 'message: Be sure to verify that <code>myHouse</code> is an instance of <code>House</code> using the <code>instanceof</code> operator.');"
"solutions": [
"function House(numBedrooms) {\n this.numBedrooms = numBedrooms;\n}\nconst myHouse = new House(4);\nconsole.log(myHouse instanceof House);"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -320,7 +336,9 @@
"tests": [
"assert(ownProps.includes('name') && ownProps.includes('numLegs'), 'message: <code>ownProps</code> should include the values <code>\"numLegs\"</code> and <code>\"name\"</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Bird(name) {\n = name;\n this.numLegs = 2;\n}\n\nlet canary = new Bird(\"Tweety\");\nfunction getOwnProps (obj) {\n const props = [];\n \n for (let prop in obj) {\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n props.push(prop);\n }\n }\n \n return props;\n}\n\nconst ownProps = getOwnProps(canary);"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -357,7 +375,9 @@
"assert(typeof(beagle.numLegs) === 'number' , 'message: <code>beagle.numLegs</code> should be a number.');",
"assert(beagle.hasOwnProperty('numLegs') === false, 'message: <code>numLegs</code> should be a <code>prototype</code> property not an <code>own</code> property.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog (name) {\n = name;\n}\nDog.prototype.numLegs = 4;\nlet beagle = new Dog(\"Snoopy\");"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -395,7 +415,9 @@
"assert(ownProps.includes('name'), 'message: The <code>ownProps</code> array should include <code>\"name\"</code>.');",
"assert(prototypeProps.includes('numLegs'), 'message: The <code>prototypeProps</code> array should include <code>\"numLegs\"</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog(name) {\n = name;\n}\n\nDog.prototype.numLegs = 4;\n\nlet beagle = new Dog(\"Snoopy\");\n\nlet ownProps = [];\nlet prototypeProps = [];\nfor (let prop in beagle) {\n if (beagle.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n ownProps.push(prop);\n } else {\n prototypeProps.push(prop);\n }\n}"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -429,7 +451,9 @@
"assert(typeof(joinDogFraternity) === 'function', 'message: <code>joinDogFraternity</code> should be defined as a function.');",
"assert(joinDogFraternity(new Dog(\"\")) === true, 'message: <code>joinDogFraternity</code> should return true if<code>candidate</code> is an instance of <code>Dog</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog(name) {\n = name;\n}\nfunction joinDogFraternity(candidate) {\n return candidate.constructor === Dog;\n}"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -464,7 +488,9 @@
"assert( !== undefined, 'message: <code>Dog.prototype</code> should have the property <code>eat</code>.'); ",
"assert(Dog.prototype.describe !== undefined, 'message: <code>Dog.prototype</code> should have the property <code>describe</code>.'); "
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog(name) {\n = name; \n}\nDog.prototype = {\nnumLegs: 4,\n eat () {\n console.log('nom nom nom');\n },\n describe () {\n console.log('My name is ' +;\n }\n};"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -501,7 +527,9 @@
"tests": [
"assert(Dog.prototype.constructor === Dog, 'message: <code>Dog.prototype</code> should set the <code>constructor</code> property.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog(name) {\n = name; \n}\nDog.prototype = {\n constructor: Dog,\n numLegs: 2, \n eat: function() {\n console.log(\"nom nom nom\"); \n }, \n describe: function() {\n console.log(\"My name is \" +; \n }\n};"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -532,7 +560,9 @@
"tests": [
"assert(/Dog\\.prototype\\.isPrototypeOf\\(beagle\\)/.test(code), 'message: Show that <code>Dog.prototype</code> is the <code>prototype</code> of <code>beagle</code>');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog(name) {\n = name;\n}\nlet beagle = new Dog(\"Snoopy\");\nDog.prototype.isPrototypeOf(beagle);"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -570,7 +600,9 @@
"tests": [
"assert(/Object\\.prototype\\.isPrototypeOf/.test(code), \"message: Your code should show that <code>Object.prototype</code> is the prototype of <code>Dog.prototype</code>\");"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Dog(name) {\n = name;\n}\nlet beagle = new Dog(\"Snoopy\");\nDog.prototype.isPrototypeOf(beagle);\nObject.prototype.isPrototypeOf(Dog.prototype);"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -625,7 +657,9 @@
"assert(!(Bear.prototype.hasOwnProperty('eat')), 'message: <code>Bear.prototype</code> should not have the <code>eat</code> property.');",
"assert(!(Cat.prototype.hasOwnProperty('eat')), 'message: <code>Cat.prototype</code> should not have the <code>eat</code> property.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Cat(name) {\n = name; \n}\n\nCat.prototype = {\n constructor: Cat\n};\n\nfunction Bear(name) {\n = name; \n}\n\nBear.prototype = {\n constructor: Bear\n};\n\nfunction Animal() { }\n\nAnimal.prototype = {\n constructor: Animal,\n eat: function() {\n console.log(\"nom nom nom\");\n }\n};"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -672,7 +706,9 @@
"assert(duck instanceof Animal, 'message: <code>duck</code> should have a <code>prototype</code> of <code>Animal</code>.');",
"assert(beagle instanceof Animal, 'message: <code>beagle</code> should have a <code>prototype</code> of <code>Animal</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Animal() { }\n\nAnimal.prototype = {\n constructor: Animal, \n eat: function() {\n console.log(\"nom nom nom\");\n }\n};\nlet duck = Object.create(Animal.prototype);\nlet beagle = Object.create(Animal.prototype);\n\;\;"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -712,7 +748,9 @@
"tests": [
"assert(Animal.prototype.isPrototypeOf(Dog.prototype), 'message: <code>Dog.prototype</code> should be an instance of <code>Animal</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Animal() { }\n\nAnimal.prototype = {\n constructor: Animal,\n eat: function() {\n console.log(\"nom nom nom\");\n }\n};\n\nfunction Dog() { }\nDog.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);\n\nlet beagle = new Dog();\;"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -751,7 +789,9 @@
"assert(Animal.prototype.isPrototypeOf(Dog.prototype), 'message: <code>Dog.prototype</code> should be an instance of <code>Animal</code>.');",
"assert(beagle.constructor === Dog, 'message: <code>beagle.constructor</code> should return <code>Dog</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Animal() { }\nfunction Bird() { }\nfunction Dog() { }\nBird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);\nDog.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);\nDog.prototype.constructor = Dog;\nBird.prototype.constructor = Bird;\nlet duck = new Bird();\nlet beagle = new Dog();"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -796,7 +836,9 @@
"assert(beagle instanceof Animal, 'message: <code>beagle</code> should be an <code>instanceof</code> <code>Animal</code>.');",
"assert(beagle.constructor === Dog, 'message: The constructor for <code>beagle</code> should be set to <code>Dog</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Animal() { }\ = function() { console.log(\"nom nom nom\"); };\n\nfunction Dog() { }\nDog.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);\nDog.prototype.constructor = Dog;\nDog.prototype.bark = function () {\n console.log('Woof!');\n};\nlet beagle = new Dog();\n\;\nbeagle.bark();"
"hints": [
"Objects inherit methods from other objects by cloning their prototype. The Object.create method will come in handy, and don't forget to reset the constructor property afterward!"
@ -845,7 +887,9 @@
"assert( === \"Alas, this is a flightless bird.\", 'message: <code></code> should return the string \"Alas, this is a flightless bird.\"');",
"assert((new Bird()).fly() === \"I am flying!\", 'message: The <code></code> method should return \"I am flying!\"');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Bird() { }\n\ = function() { return \"I am flying!\"; };\n\nfunction Penguin() { }\nPenguin.prototype = Object.create(Bird.prototype);\nPenguin.prototype.constructor = Penguin;\ = () => 'Alas, this is a flightless bird.';\nlet penguin = new Penguin();\nconsole.log(;"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -890,7 +934,9 @@
"assert(typeof bird.glide === \"function\", 'message: Your code should use the <code>glideMixin</code> on the <code>bird</code> object to give it the <code>glide</code> method.');",
"assert(typeof boat.glide === \"function\", 'message: Your code should use the <code>glideMixin</code> on the <code>boat</code> object to give it the <code>glide</code> method.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"let bird = {\n name: \"Donald\",\n numLegs: 2\n};\n\nlet boat = {\n name: \"Warrior\",\n type: \"race-boat\"\n};\nfunction glideMixin (obj) {\n obj.glide = () => 'Gliding!';\n}\n\nglideMixin(bird);\nglideMixin(boat);"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -921,7 +967,9 @@
"assert(!code.match(/this\\.weight/g), 'message: The <code>weight</code> property should be a private variable.');",
"assert((new Bird()).getWeight() === 15, 'message: Your code should create a method in <code>Bird</code> called <code>getWeight</code> that returns the <code>weight</code>.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"function Bird() {\n let weight = 15;\n \n this.getWeight = () => weight;\n}"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -948,7 +996,9 @@
"assert(/\\(\\s*?function\\s*?\\(\\s*?\\)\\s*?{/.test(code), 'message: The function should be anonymous.');",
"assert(/}\\s*?\\)\\s*?\\(\\s*?\\)/.test(code), 'message: Your function should have parentheses at the end of the expression to call it immediately.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"(function () {\n console.log(\"A cozy nest is ready\");\n})();"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,
@ -985,7 +1035,9 @@
"assert(typeof funModule.isCuteMixin === \"function\", 'message: <code>funModule.isCuteMixin</code> should access a function.');",
"assert(typeof funModule.singMixin === \"function\", 'message: <code>funModule.singMixin</code> should access a function.');"
"solutions": [],
"solutions": [
"const funModule = (function () {\n return {\n isCuteMixin: obj => {\n obj.isCute = () => true;\n },\n singMixin: obj => {\n obj.sing = () => console.log(\"Singing to an awesome tune\");\n }\n };\n})();"
"hints": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 1,