import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; import intro from '../client/i18n/locales/english/intro.json'; import translations from '../client/i18n/locales/english/translations.json'; const examUrl = '/learn/foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft/foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft-certification-exam/foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft-certification-exam'; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(examUrl); }); test.describe('Exam Show E2E Test Suite for non-qualified user', () => { test('The page renders with correct title', async ({ page }) => { await expect(page).toHaveTitle( 'Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification Exam: Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification Exam |' ); }); test('The page has correct header', async ({ page }) => { const header = page.getByTestId('challenge-title'); await expect(header).toBeVisible(); await expect(header).toContainText( intro['foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft'].blocks[ 'foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft-certification-exam' ].title ); }); test('The page has an alert informing the user of their eligibility', async ({ page }) => { await expect( page.getByText(translations.learn.exam.qualified) ).not.toBeVisible(); await expect( page.getByText(translations.learn.exam['not-qualified']) ).toBeVisible(); }); test('Verifies the Correct Rendering of the Exam show non-qualified', async ({ page }) => { const startExam = page.getByRole('button', { name: translations.buttons['click-start-exam'] }); await startExam.isVisible(); await startExam.isDisabled(); await expect( page.getByText( 'Pass this exam to earn your Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification. Before starting the exam, please review the following guidelines:' ) ).toBeVisible(); }); });