import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import { test as setup } from '@playwright/test'; setup.describe('certifieduser', () => { setup('can sign in', async ({ request }) => { await request.get(process.env.API_LOCATION + '/signin'); await request.storageState({ path: 'playwright/.auth/certified-user.json' }); }); }); setup.describe('developmentuser', () => { // We can only sign in as a single user (one with email: ''), so // changing users means changing the record with that email in the database. setup.beforeAll(() => { execSync('node ./tools/scripts/seed/seed-demo-user'); }); setup.afterAll(() => { execSync('node ./tools/scripts/seed/seed-demo-user --certified-user'); }); setup('can sign in', async ({ request }) => { await request.get(process.env.API_LOCATION + '/signin'); await request.storageState({ path: 'playwright/.auth/development-user.json' }); }); });