--- title: Key Value Databases --- ## Key Value Databases A key-value database, or key-value store, is a type of [NoSQL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NoSQL) database that uses a key/value storage. This means that the data stored in the database is a collection of key-value pairs. This type of data structure is used on many programming languages. Key-value pairs are commonly known as associative arrays, dictionaries or hash. For example, consider a dictionary of phone numbers: | key | value | |------------|-------------| | Rick | 1234555 | | Morty | 7754321 | | Summer | 5512377 | ### The Key The `key` in a key-value pair must be unique. Having a unique identifier will allow you to access the value associated with a given key. In theory, the key can be anything you want. A key can be a string, a binary sequence, an image, among others. However, some databases may impose limitations on the type of keys that can be used. Here are some recommendations: - Keys should follow a convention in order to have consistency. Keys in a phone numbers dictionary should always be names, and not a combination of names, e-mail addresses and numbers. - Keys should not be too long, or you might have performance issues. - Keys should not be too short, or you might have readability issues. ### The Value The `value` in a key-value store can be anything you want. This includes strings, numbers, code, an image, a list, or even another key-value pair. Some databases allow you to restrict the data type that can be stored. ### Use Cases Key-value databases can be used on multiple scenarios. Here is a list of the most common applications: - Telecom directories. - User profiles and session information. - Shopping cart contents. - Product details or reviews. - Internet Protocol (IP) forwarding tables. - Services health status or configuration. ### Examples Here are some examples of databases that use the key-value approach: - [Redis](https://redis.io) - [Oracle NoSQL Database](https://www.oracle.com/database/nosql/index.html) - [Cassandra](http://cassandra.apache.org) (hybrid between key-value and column-oriented databases) - [Voldemort](http://www.project-voldemort.com/voldemort/) - [Consul KV store](https://www.consul.io/intro/getting-started/kv.html) (a tool with it's own key-value store) #### More Information: * Key-value databases on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key-value_database) Key-Value database is a simple database that uses a map or a dictionary as the fundamental data model where each key is associated with one and only one value in a collection and is the most flexible type of NoSQL database.