--- title: If-else Statement --- ## Introduction If/Else is a conditional statement where depending on the truthiness of a condition, different actions will be performed. > **Note:** The `{}` brackets are only needed if the condition has more than one action statement; however, it is best practice to include them regardless. ## If Statement ``` **Note:** You can nest as many statements in an "if" block as you'd like; you are not limited to the amount in the examples. ## If/Else Statement ``` **Note:** The `else` statement is optional. ## If/Elseif/Else Statement ``` **Note:** `elseif` should always be written as one word. ## Nested If/Else Statement ``` **Note:** It's a good practice to wrap individual conditions in parens when you have more than one (it can improve readability). ## Ternary Operators Another important option to consider when using short If/Else statements is the ternary operator. ```php $statement=(condition1 ? "condition1 is true" : "condition1 is false"); ``` ## Alternative If/Else Syntax There is also an alternative syntax for control structures ```php if (condition1): statement1; else: statement5; endif; ``` #### More Information: * PHP Alternative syntax for control structures * php.net control structures If Manual * php.net control structures Else If Manual