var printCallback; // sends the input to the plugin for evaluation var submit = function(code,callback) { printCallback = callback; // postpone the evaluation until the plugin is initialized plugin.whenConnected( function() { if (requests == 0) { startLoading(); } requests++;; } ); }; // puts the message on the terminal var print = function(cls, msg) { printCallback(cls,msg); }; // will restart the plugin if it does not respond var disconnectTimeout = null; var startLoading = function() { disconnectTimeout = setTimeout(disconnect, 3000); }; var endLoading = function() { clearTimeout(disconnectTimeout); }; var disconnect = function() { plugin.disconnect(); }; // interface provided to the plugin var api = { output: function(data) { endLoading(); //print('input', data.input); if (data.error) { print('Error', data); reset(); } else { print(null, data); reset(); } } }; // obtaining absolute path of this script var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var path = scripts[scripts.length-1].src .split('?')[0] .split('/') .slice(0, -1) .join('/')+'/'; var requests; // (re)initializes the plugin var reset = function() { requests = 0; plugin = new jailed.Plugin(path+'plugin_v0.1.5.js', api); plugin.whenDisconnected( function() { // give some time to handle the last responce setTimeout( function() { endLoading(); console.log("resetting on fatal plugin error"); codeOutput.setValue("Sorry, your code is either too slow, has a fatal error, or contains an infinite loop."); reset(); }, 10); }); }; // initialize everything var plugin = null; reset();