image: gitpod/workspace-mongodb ports: - port: 27017 # mongodb onOpen: ignore - port: 8000 # client onOpen: notify visibility: public - port: 9228 # node debug onOpen: ignore - port: 3000 # api onOpen: ignore visibility: public - port: 9229 # node debug onOpen: ignore - port: 9230 # client node debug onOpen: ignore - port: 3200 # challenge editor api visibility: public - port: 3300 # challenge editor client visibility: public tasks: - before: | echo ' export export HOME_LOCATION=$(gp url 8000) export API_LOCATION=$(gp url 3000) export CYPRESS_BASE_URL=$(gp url 8000) export REACT_APP_CHALLENGE_EDITOR_API_LOCATION=$(gp url 3200) export CHALLENGE_EDITOR_CLIENT_LOCATION=$(gp url 3300) ' >> ~/.bashrc; exit; - name: db # starting mongo in background, so it doesn't block prebuilds before: > mkdir -p /workspace/data && (mongod --dbpath /workspace/data &) - name: server before: export && export HOME_LOCATION=$(gp url 8000) && export API_LOCATION=$(gp url 3000) && export CYPRESS_BASE_URL=$(gp url 8000) # init is not executed for prebuilt workspaces and restarts, # so we should put all the heavy initialization here init: > cp sample.env .env && npm ci && gp sync-done npm-ci && gp ports await 27017 && npm run seed && mongo --eval "db.fsyncLock(); db.fsyncUnlock()" command: > npm run create:config && npm run build:curriculum && gp ports await 27017 && npm run develop:server - name: client before: export HOME_LOCATION=$(gp url 8000) && export API_LOCATION=$(gp url 3000) && export CYPRESS_BASE_URL=$(gp url 8000) init: > cd ./client && gp sync-await npm-ci && npm run predevelop && cd .. command: > gp ports await 3000 && cd ./client && npm run develop -- -H '' openMode: split-right github: prebuilds: # enable for the master/default branch (defaults to true) master: true # enable for all branches in this repo (defaults to false) branches: true # enable for pull requests coming from this repo (defaults to true) pullRequests: true # enable for pull requests coming from forks (defaults to false) pullRequestsFromForks: true # add a check to pull requests (defaults to true) addCheck: false # add a "Review in Gitpod" button as a comment to pull requests (defaults to false) addComment: true # add a "Review in Gitpod" button to the pull request's description (defaults to false) addBadge: false # add a label once the prebuild is ready to pull requests (defaults to false) addLabel: false vscode: extensions: - dbaeumer.vscode-eslint@2.2.6 - esbenp.prettier-vscode@9.9.0