--- id: 5a24c314108439a4d4036169 title: Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component challengeType: 6 isRequired: false videoUrl: '' localeTitle: 将道具传递给无状态功能组件 --- ## Description
之前的挑战涉及在React中创建和组合JSX元素,功能组件和ES6样式类组件的很多内容。有了这个基础,现在是时候看看React中常见的另一个特性: 道具 。在React中,您可以将props或属性传递给子组件。假设您有一个App组件,它呈现一个名为Welcome的子组件,它是一个无状态功能组件。您可以通过编写以下方式传递Welcome user属性:
<Welcome user ='Mark'/>
您使用React提供支持的自定义HTML属性 ,以将属性user传递给组件Welcome 。由于Welcome是一个无状态功能组件,因此它可以访问此值,如下所示:
const Welcome =(props)=> <h1> Hello,{props.user}!</ h1>
## Instructions
代码编辑器中有CalendarCurrentDate组件。当渲染CurrentDateCalendar组件,通过在属性date分配给从JavaScript的当前日期Date对象。然后在CurrentDate组件中访问此prop ,在p标签中显示其值。请注意,对于要作为JavaScript计算的prop值,它们必须用大括号括起来,例如date={Date()}
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: Calendar组件应返回单个div元素。 testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Calendar)); return mockedComponent.children().type() === "div"; })(), "The Calendar component should return a single div element.");' - text: Calendar组件的第二个子CurrentDate应该是CurrentDate组件。 testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Calendar)); return mockedComponent.children().childAt(1).name() === "CurrentDate"; })(), "The second child of the Calendar component should be the CurrentDate component.");' - text: CurrentDate组件应该有一个名为date的prop。 testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Calendar)); return mockedComponent.children().childAt(1).props().date })(), "The CurrentDate component should have a prop called date.");' - text: CurrentDatedate道具应包含一串文本。 testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Calendar)); const prop = mockedComponent.children().childAt(1).props().date; return( typeof prop === "string" && prop.length > 0 ); })(), "The date prop of the CurrentDate should contain a string of text.");' - text: CurrentDate组件应该从p标记中的date道具中呈现值。 testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Calendar)); return mockedComponent.find("p").html().includes(Date().substr(3)); })(), "The CurrentDate component should render the value from the date prop in the p tag.");' ```
## Challenge Seed
```jsx const CurrentDate = (props) => { return (
{ /* change code below this line */ }

The current date is:

{ /* change code above this line */ }
); }; class Calendar extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } render() { return (

What date is it?

{ /* change code below this line */ } { /* change code above this line */ }
); } }; ```
### After Test
```js console.info('after the test'); ```
## Solution
```js // solution required ```